It is said that cold air will flow into the vicinity of Japan from today, just like the name of Daika(the cold weather). And from Tuesday 24th to Thursday 26th next week, it seems that there is a possibility of heavy snow on the Sea of Japan side, which is dangerous, and in Hokuriku, an “emergency announcement about heavy snow” was made. This winter has finally reached its peak, and if we surpass it, spring will rapidly approach. Hukinoto(Butterbur sprouts) from the gaps in the snow and blooms. On a day like this, soaking in a hot spring is the best. Fortunately, there are hot springs everywhere in Japan. Japan has the largest number of hot spring areas and hot spring sources in the world. There are 3,133 hot spring resorts with lodging facilities in Japan, with a total of about 28,000 sources. Japan has the largest number of hot springs in the world, with. China in second place with about 3,000, Turkey in third place with 474, and the United States in fourth place with about 400.
大寒の名に違わず、今日から日本付近には次々と寒気が流れ込むそうです。そして来週火曜日24日から木曜日26日ごろは日本海側で、身に危険が迫るほどの大雪となる可能性があるそうで、北陸では「大雪に関する緊急発表」が行われました。いよいよこの冬もピークを迎え、これを凌げば急速に春が近づきます。雪の合間から蕗が芽を出し花を咲かせます。こんな日は温泉に浸かることが一番です。幸いなことに日本には至る所に温泉地があります。日本は、温泉地数・源泉総数が世界一 。日本には宿泊施設を伴う温泉地が3,133ヵ所、源泉総数が約2万8,000あります。 温泉地の数は世界一で、二位の中国は約3,000、3位のトルコは474、4位アメリカは約400となっており、日本は世界の温泉大国といえます。