Today is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, known for the ‘Harvest Moon.’ The term ‘Harvest Moon’ refers to the moon visible on the night of the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. This year coincides with a full moon, but it’s important to note that the Harvest Moon may not always align with a full moon. The Harvest Moon is a calendrical concept, while a full moon is an astronomical one.
The tradition of celebrating the Harvest Moon is said to have been transmitted from China during the Heian period. In Japan, the Harvest Moon is associated with agricultural rituals and prayers for a bountiful harvest, often offering sweet potatoes (Satsumaimo), hence the nickname ‘Imo-meigetsu’ (Sweet Potato Harvest Moon).
Recently, when it comes to decorations for the Harvest Moon, the image of ‘tsukimi dangos’ (moon-viewing dumplings) and susuki (pampas grass) is quite prevalent, symbolizing susuki as rice ears. However, due to this year’s extreme heat, susuki hasn’t grown well, and instead, the suirens (lotus flowers), which are in full bloom during the summer, seem to take center stage as decorations for this year’s Harvest Moon celebration. So, this year’s Harvest Moon might be adorned with tsukimi dangos and suirens.
今日は中秋の名月の日です。「中秋の名月」とは、太陰太陽暦の8月15日の夜に見える月のことを指します。今年は満月と重なりますが、中秋の名月が満月とは限りません。中秋の名月はあくまでも暦の上での月で、満月は天文学上の月だからです。中秋の名月をめでる習慣は、平安時代に中国から伝わったと言われています。日本では中秋の名月は農業の行事と結びつき、豊作祈願として芋(里芋)をお供えしたことから、中秋の名月のことを「芋名月」とも呼びました。 最近では、中秋の名月の飾り物としては、月見団子とススキのイメージが非常に強いですが、これも実はススキを稲穂に見立てている訳です。ところが、このススキも今年の猛暑で育ちが悪く、代わって夏が見頃の睡蓮が今勢いづいているというから、今年の中秋の名月は、月見団子と睡蓮で飾る事になりそうです。