According to JTB’s survey on “Travel Trends Outlook for 2024 (January to December),” it is anticipated that the number of inbound tourists to Japan will continue to increase even further in 2024, following a rapid recovery in 2023. Regarding China, where recovery has been significantly delayed, it is assumed that individual travel will lead the recovery in 2024. For inbound tourists (foreign visitors to Japan), it is expected to reach a record high of 33.1 million people, a 131.3% increase compared to the previous year (103.8% compared to 2019).
Moreover, travelers’ awareness is undergoing significant changes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, with a growing emphasis on Sustainable Tourism. Sustainable Tourism aims to seek and practice tourism that respects the natural environment, local communities, social and cultural aspects, and the economy. It seeks to avoid the environmental and cultural degradation and excessive commercialization often associated with mass tourism. The focus is on experiencing the true essence of tourist destinations.
Rather than hurried travel, Sustainable Tourism encourages staying for several days, immersing oneself in the natural and cultural aspects of the region, and taking the time to reflect. Such travelers are actively featured in the media. Recently, The New York Times highlighted “Yamaguchi Prefecture” as the most inquired-about destination in Japan, and there have been overseas magazines featuring “Morioka City.” Japan boasts a traditional and profound culture that aligns with Sustainable Tourism.
An American scholar predicts that the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan will soon exceed 100 million.
JTBの調査「2024年(1月~12月)の旅行動向見通し」によると、訪日外国人客数は、2023年の急回復から2024年も一層の増加が見込まれるそうです。また、回復が大幅に遅れている中国については、2024 年は個人旅行を中心に回復が進むと想定したうえで、インバウンド(訪日外国人)は前年比131.3%の3310万人(2019年比103.8%)で過去最高になると見込んでいます。