When this season arrives, there is always a particular flower that captures my attention – the fragrant wintersweet, or ‘Robai’ in Japanese. Near the pond in the park, there is a vibrant red-blossomed Kan-hi-zakura (cold scarlet cherry tree), and a little further away, the Robai (wintersweet) can be found. Initially, I went to the park drawn by the beauty of the Kan-hi-zakura blossoms. However, at that moment, a delightful fragrance emanated seemingly from nowhere. Even though I tried to smell the Kan-hi-zakura blossoms, they had no discernible scent. The enticing aroma seemed to waft from beyond the bushes, so I ventured into the thicket to discover a splendid display of Robai flowers in full bloom. The enchanting fragrance became even more pronounced in the surroundings. The flowers truly resembled wax, appearing yellow and translucent, as if revealing the blue sky beyond. Since then, every year, I make it a point to visit the park to admire both the Kan-hi-zakura blossoms and the Robai. Interestingly, these two flowers bloom simultaneously during the same season. Despite being flowers with entirely different atmospheres, they resemble a married couple – like a husband in a vivid red gown and a wife exuding the lingering scent of soap after a bath.