風薫る 葵祭に 酔いしれて The fragrant wind / Intoxicated by the Aoi Festival / A dream or an illusion?

With a pleasant breeze blowing today, May 15th, the Aoi Matsuri, an annual festival of the Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, was held. The Aoi Matsuri, along with the Gion Matsuri and the Jidai Matsuri, is one of the three major festivals of Kyoto. Officially known as the “Kamo Matsuri,” the Aoi Matsuri is characterized by a procession featuring Heian-era court nobles adorned with hollyhock leaves. The procession moves from the Kyoto Imperial Palace through Shimogamo Shrine to Kamigamo Shrine. The procession, including the palanquin of the Saio-dai (a woman chosen to represent the ancient imperial princesses who served at the shrine), consists of over 500 people and stretches over a kilometer. Approximately 35,000 people, as reported by the police, gathered along the route to catch a glimpse of the elegant Heian scroll-like parade and to take photos.
The origins of the Aoi Matsuri date back more than 1,500 years. During the reign of Emperor Kinmei, a poor harvest and ensuing famine and epidemics prompted the emperor to send imperial envoys to conduct rituals to honor the “Kami of Kamo.” This marked the beginning of the festival, which, being a court event, was carried out primarily by the nobility, thereby preserving a strong aristocratic tradition. In the Heian period, the Aoi Matsuri was synonymous with festivals, being a highly prestigious ceremony referred to as the “Kamo Matsuri.” However, during the Edo period, the ox carts and imperial envoys’ garments were entirely decorated with hollyhock leaves, leading to the festival being commonly known as the “Aoi Matsuri.”
The Aoi Matsuri includes preliminary rituals, starting with the Yabusame (horseback archery) ceremony at Shimogamo Shrine (located in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto) on May 3rd. This is followed by the Saio-dai Misogi (purification ceremony) on May 4th, the Busha (archery) ceremony on May 5th, the Mikage Matsuri on May 12th to welcome the deities, culminating in the Aoi Matsuri on May 15th.



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