稲穂超え 囃子太鼓の 朝稽古

You can hear the flute and drum hayashi from the other side of the rice ears, which they tilt their heads in the morning calm.  This is a lesson for the autumn festival, which will be held for the first time in two years.  The event was held while the state of emergency due to the coronavirus was being extended, and it is reported that the governor of the prefecture has announced a discourse requesting the cancellation of the event while the state of emergency due to the coronavirus is being extended. It’s a difficult problem.  In order to prevent infection, it is better to cancel the festival, which is difficult to avoid crowding.  However, it is natural that it is not good for such a depressed situation to continue forever, both psychologically and economically. Even if you are infected with corona, things will get worse if you do not concentrate your wisdom so that you can have festivals and economic activities.


行く夏を 茗荷を添えて 叩き鯵

Aji(horse mackerel) is a fish that can be caught all year round and can be obtained at any time in Japan.  However, the season of Aji is from spring to summer.  Aji caught during this season is small to medium in size and not very length.  However, it has a very good greasy paste and is characterized by its full umami taste.  Especially Aji from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn is the best.  It’s not too big, not too small, and the fat paste is exquisite.  There are various cooking methods, but I recommend a chopped Aji.  Generally, it is eaten by sprinkling it on green onions, but it is also the best if it is sprinkled on Myouga(Japanese ginger) in the same season at this time.  The fishy smell of Aji disappears with the scent of Myouga, and the taste blends well.


一夏を 咲いて名残りの 百日紅

Sarusuberi(crape myrtle) that has bloomed all summer is gently swaying in the breeze with the signs of autumn.  As I see the blue fruits that appear and disappear between the flowers, I feel a little nostalgia in this summer, which is passing by without any exciting memories.  It’s still far from autumn, and it’s more appropriate to say late summer, but when you see the bulges of Sarusuberi buds, autumn is definitely approaching.  Encountering a pandemic once in 100 years is also a mischief of fate. At the same time as knowing the fragility of human beings that cannot be helped against the irresistible nature, the courage to live in the toughness of the same human being who dares to confront it will spring up.


身を寄せて 竜胆(りんどう)四つ 薮に咲き

When I was little, I sometimes saw Rindoh(getian flower) on the banks of nearby rice fields and ponds, but these days I can’t see them unless I go deep into the mountains.  When the refreshing autumn breeze blows, the bell-shaped Rindoh that blooms a lovely purple flower left a strong impression on my childhood.  Perhaps I felt the love in the figure that bloomed in a lump without flocking. It seems that there is a flower language in the West that says “I love you best when you are sad” to Rindoh, but it is a perfect flower for the reminiscent autumn.

小さい頃は近くの田んぼや溜池の土手で時々竜胆の花を見かけたものですが、最近は山深く入らなければ見かけなくなりました。爽やかな秋風の吹く頃になると釣鐘型をしたなんとも可愛らしい紫色の花を咲かせる竜胆は子供心に強く残りました。群れることなくポツンとひと塊に咲く姿に愛おしさを感じたのかもしれません。西洋には竜胆の花言に「I love you best when you are sad(悲しんでいるあなたを愛する)」と言うのがあるそうですが、物思わせる秋にはぴったりの花です。

行き秋に 音楽野郎の 熱高し

Today is exactly 20 years since the terrorist attacks in 2001.  I was really surprised at that time.  This is because the scene where two planes collided with each other in the north and south buildings of the World Trade Center was vividly aired.  The two buildings collapsed, and people trying to escape from the eruption were projected, and I even felt the illusion of watching a movie.  These were the crimes of the international terrorist organization Al Qaeda, which was under the protection of the Taliban, which then ruled Afghanistan. The battle between the United States and the Taliban continued for the next 20 years, and the United States just recently withdrew from Afghanistan, and the former Taliban came to dominate Afghanistan without a break.  In the 20 years of the “War on Terror” without any plans, 801,000 people have died worldwide (of which 335,000 are civilians), 38 million refugees have been born, and The United States has wasted more than $ 6.4 trillion in money and lives. Without learning from the past experience, and human stupid barbarism was unfolded.


一夏を 真っ赤に込めた 鬼灯(ほおずき)や

This Hohzuki is what was dyed most red at best. It’s red as if the whole summer sun was gathered together. At the time of Obon, all Hohzuki were light green with a slight reddish tinge, but by the end of summer, most of them are dyed orange.  Among them, only this demon lantern is so bright red and by far the largest.  Maybe it’s the queen of Hohzuki.


足早に 季節は巡り 彼岸花

The first snowfall on Mt. Fuji is 25 days earlier than normal, and it is September 7, so it seems that the seasons will change much earlier this year.  I was curious and went to a nearby the colonies of Higanbana. Usually at this time, most Higanbana are just beginning to swell, but there are quite a few that are in bloom. There are still two weeks to go to the Ohigan, so if it keeps going like this, it will be in full bloom by the Ohigan. Depending on the year, the heat may come back again, so I don’t know if this autumn will deepen, but this year it looks like it will continue.


じっと見る 初冠雪の 今日の富士

A friend sent me a picture of Mt. Fuji with the first snowfall.  According to an online survey, the temperature near the summit of Mt. Fuji fell below freezing on the afternoon of the 6th, and the snow that fell at that time remained unmelted, so it was the first snowfall on the morning of the 7th.  The first snowfall of this year is 25 days earlier than normal, and it is said that it will be observed by the beginning of September for the first time in 13 seasons since 2008.  Autumn is finally here.  It is repeated every year, but this year I feel a different feeling.  First and foremost, it is the first snowfall under the coronavirus infection as usual, and personally, it was the first snowfall under a mixed situation of sadness and happiness.


大地から 炎(ほむら)吹き出す 鶏頭花

In the nearby field, Keitoh(cockscombs) for equinoctial week are planted side by side with buds inflated.  Recently, the flowers for equinoctial week have diversified, and Keitoh is rarely seen on the net.  In the olden days, Keitoh bloomed in the gardens of every house in the fall, and they were cut and offered to the Buddha.  There are many types of Keito now, and it seems that small types are popular for home use.  The Keitoh in the photo is the old Kurume Keitoh, and speaking of Keitoh, it generally refers to this Keitoh. It is tall and has large flowers, so it is not suitable for the offering and is suitable for viewing exclusively in the garden.


秋口の 小処(こどころ)の湯は 静かなり

At the western foot of Odaigahara, there is Kodokoro Onsen, one of the most secret hot springs in the Kansai region, which was once used only by mountaineers.  If you change buses, it’s a 2-hour walk from the last bus stop.  If you go by car, take a side road from National Highway 169 and follow the road along the Kotochi River for 10km.  It’s now such a place, so when I first went there, it was a hot spring where I had to be prepared to die. It was reopened in August 2001, and the building is made with plenty of wood, taking advantage of the taste of mountain villages.  There are “rock baths (valley hot springs)” that use natural stones of various sizes and “wooden baths (Taiki no Yu)” that have the scent of Maki, and each has an open-air bath facing the mountain stream, and the sound of a clear stream. You can enjoy the seasonal atmosphere (summer fireflies, autumn leaves, etc.) while listening to.

大台ヶ原の西麓に、かっては登山家達のみが利用する関西地方でも有数の秘湯、小処温泉があります。バスを乗り継いで来たら、最後のバス停で降りてから徒歩で2時間。車で行く場合は、国道169号線から脇道に入って小橡川(ことちがわ)沿いの道を行くこと10km、2台の車がすれ違うのもやっとと言うような道を行きます。今でもこんな所ですから、初めて行った時には正に決死の覚悟で行くような温泉でした。平成13年8月にリニューアルオープンし、建物も山村の味を活かし、木材をふんだんに使った造りとなっています。温泉は、自然の大小様々な石を使った「岩風呂(渓谷の湯)」槙の香り漂う「木風呂(大樹の湯)」があり、それぞれ渓流に面した露天風呂があり、清流の音を聞きながら、四季折々の風情(夏の蛍・秋の紅葉 etc.)を満喫できます。