思い出の アルバムだけを めくる夏

The summers of last year and this year, which should be fun, many people were forced to stay in a homestay due to refraining from going out due to corona infection.  Last summer was the second wave of corona infections, and this summer we are facing the fifth wave.  Moreover, the number of infected people is 10 times that of the second wave, exceeding 25,000 and approaching 30,000.  At the time of the 3rd and 4th waves, the number of people did not exceed 10,000, so this 5th wave is exactly the situation where an infection explosion is occurring.  Fortunately, the number of deaths per day is about 25 so far, which is about the same as the second wave, which is about one-fifth that of the third and fourth waves. is.  It seems that the effect of the corona vaccine is appearing.  However, it is still unpredictable.  Since many infected people are forced to take care of themselves at home, I think the number of deaths will increase rapidly.  This summer is about to end.  It is a series of patience and patience.


序破急と 闇夜を裂いて 散る花火

Sparklers are no longer seen in urban areas.  In the olden days, as the night goes on, neighbors who have finished the dinner come out little by little with a fan in their hands to enjoy the cool evening breeze.  From children to adults, those who play shogi under the street lights, those who sit on the floor and have a good time, are quite lively.  Among them, fireworks were especially popular with children.  The set fireworks and the mouse fireworks are popping here and there.  Sparklers are one of them, and unlike other fireworks, many girls and elderly people gather.  The sparklers that change with buds, peonies, pine needles, willows, and scattered chrysanthemums are gentle and varied, and are a way of scattering that reminds us of human life.  Finally, when the fireworks core solidified and fell to the ground, sighs could leak from the people around me.


潮風に ハイビスカスと 夏惜しみ

Hibiscus is the summer flower.  It is a flower reminiscent of Hawaii and Okinawa.  Since ancient times, it has been popular in Japan under the names of Bussoge and Fuyobana.  Since becoming the state flower of Hawaii, it has come to be called hibiscus in Japan.  It is said to be native to southern China and is named “China rose” in English.  Hibiscus is a one-day flower that begins to open early in the morning and withers in the evening.  However, since new flowers bloom one after another, the flowering period is long, and it continues to bloom from June to October.  When a woman puts it on her hair, the unmarried woman puts it on the right and the married woman puts it on the left.  Besides appreciating, hibiscus is also used as a raw material for food and textiles.  Since it contains vitamin C and potassium, it is drunk as an herbal tea that has a fatigue-relieving effect and as a natural sports drink.  In addition, hibiscus fibers are transparent, easier to dye than cotton and linen, and have excellent hygroscopicity, so they are also used as raw materials for woven yarns in Okinawa.

夏の花といえばハイビスカス。ハワイや沖縄を連想させる花です。古くから日本では仏桑華とか扶桑花という名前で親しまれてきました。ハワイの州花になって以降、日本でもハイビスカスと呼ばれるようになりました。中国南部が原産ともいわれ、英語では「China rose(中国のバラ)」と名づけられています。ハイビスカスは朝早くから開き始め夕方には枯れてしまう一日花です。しかし、次から次へと新しい花が咲きますので花期は長く、6月から10月頃まで咲き続けます。女性が髪にさすときには、未婚者は右に、既婚者は左につけます。また鑑賞以外に、ハイビスカスは食用や繊維の原料とされています。ビタミンCやカリウムなどを含むので、疲労回復効果のあるハーブティーとして、また天然のスポーツドリンクとして飲まれます。またハイビスカスの繊維は透明感があり、綿・麻よりも染まりやすく吸湿性に優れているので沖縄では織物糸の原料にもなっています。

へのへのと スイカにコロナの おまじない

I wrote “Henohenomoheno” on the watermelon and did the charm of exterminating the corona.  In Osaka, the birthplace of “Henohenomoheno”, it is said like this, but according to Wikipedia, “Henohenomoheji” seems to be the standard.  There are ideas all over the world to draw pictures with letters, but in the first place, the ideographic kanji and the kana and hiragana created from them are easy to get used to and express.  Perhaps “Henohenomoheno” seems to have begun to look like the face of Scarecrow in a rice field.  I hope that “Henohenomoheno” will get rid of the corona after getting rid of the sparrows in the rice fields.


この夏も 思い出強く 五山の火

“Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi” will be held today.  It’s been a hot and humid season with heavy rain these days, but the temperature in the morning and evening has dropped, and the wind that blows has begun to show signs of autumn.  This okuribi, which is ignited in the order of Capital letter, Myoho, Boat shape, Left capital letter, and Torii shape every 5 minutes from 8 o’clock in the evening, means that the spirits of the ancestors who returned in Obon will be sent back to the Netherworld. This year, when the end of the corona disaster cannot be foreseen, it is said that the number of ignition points will be significantly reduced in each mountain so that spectators will not be crowded.  It is said that this event became widespread after the Middle Ages and the Muromachi period, when Buddhism was deeply ingrained among the common people.  The capital letters are located so that you can see them from anywhere in the city center, but for the Ashikaga family to have the best view-they are designed to reflect to the pond of the Kyoto Imperial Palace with Ichijo-dori in front.  Last night, also in Nara, “Capital Sending Fire” was held at Takamadoyama in Tobihino, the precincts of Kasuga Taisha Shrine, and could be seen from various places in Nara City, such as the Heijo Palace site and the Ukimido in Nara Park.  I feel a little bit lonely through in the being gone away summer.

「京都五山送り火」が今日開催されます。このところの大雨とまだまだ蒸し暑い季節ですが、朝夕の気温もめっきり下がり、吹く風にも秋の気配が感じらるようになりました。夜の8時から5分間隔で大文字・妙法・船形・左大文字・鳥居形の順に点火されるこの送り火には、盆に戻ってきた先祖の精霊が再び冥府に帰るのを送るという意味があります。コロナ禍の収束が見通せない今年は、見物客が密集しないよう各山とも点火箇所を大幅に減らして実施されるそうです。この行事が一般に広く行われるようになったのは、仏教が庶民の間に深く浸透した中世から室町時代以降であるといわれています。大文字は市内中心部のどこからでも眺望できる位置ですが、足利家が最も眺めのよいように―条通を正面にし、京都御所の池泉にうつるように工夫されています。昨夜は、奈良でも「大文字送り火」が春日大社境内 飛火野の高円山で執り行われ、平城宮跡や奈良公園の浮見堂など、奈良市内の様々な場所からも見ることができました。去り行く夏に一抹の寂しさがよぎります。

雨の中 何を告げるや ラッパユリ

I don’t know if it’s correct to say Rappa-yuri(trumpet lily), but it’s officially Teppo-yuri(gun lily).  It seems that the name comes from the fact that the shape of the flower is tubular and resembles the shape of a gun, but it does not look like a gun by any means.  Teppo-yuri is a bulbous plant native to the Nansei Islands of Japan and southern Kyushu, and it is said that it is a flower that represents Tanegashima island, so I think that is probably the origin of the correct name.  Tanegashima island was the first place where guns were introduced to Japan, and Tanegashima was another name for guns.  The word Rappa is now an old-fashioned name, and is a general term for brass brass instruments.  Anyway, today is the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.  I feel like I can hear an air raid warning from Rappa-yuri that is in full bloom in the rain.  At the same time, it seems that they are working hard to warn of corona infection.


大雨と コロナでお盆は ホームステイ

Heavy rain after the heat wave.  It’s good if the temperature drops, but it’s unbearable to be hot and humid.  Looking at the hygrometer, it exceeds 90% every day.  The number of people infected with corona is also updated every day, exceeding 5,000 people a day in Tokyo and 20,000 people a day nationwide.  As experts warned before the Tokyo Olympics, the number of the infected people were in an explosive state, and there was nothing we could do about it.  Evidence that directly links the causal link between the hosting of the Olympics and the increase in the number of people infected with corona is hard to come by, but the psychological impact must have had a significant effect.  There is an opinion that it was good to hold the Olympics because many people were impressed by the success of the Olympic athletes, but this is a different dimension.  When comparing the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Olympics, the disadvantages are far greater.  The responsibility of the government to disregard that prediction and forcibly host the Olympics is significant.  Must be denounced.


風鈴に カジカガエルや うましお湯

On a hot summer day, I went to a hot spring to soak in hot water.  That’s exactly the correct answer.  It is very cool to expose myself to the open air after soaking in hot water.  The sound of the wind chimes lined up in front doubles the coolness.  When I listen carefully to the continuous chorus of cicadas, I can hear the Kajika frogs crying.  Although the number of kajika frogs has decreased compared to the past, they still inhabit the mountainous areas of Osaka.  Here, Inunaki Onsen in the southern part of Osaka is advertised as “Sculpin squealing hot spring”.  There are many hot springs where you can hear the cry of Kajika frogs in such as nearby Sobura, Ushitaki, and Amami in Kawachinagano.  While soaking in the hot springs, I heard the first squealing of Tsukutsukuboushi.  Summer is already at its peak.


盆前夜 日航機事故と 箱根山

I will never forget it.  36 years ago, around 6 pm on August 12, 1985, our family was driving right around Hakone on the Tomei Expressway to go to my relatives in Tokyo.  Just then, the son of an elementary school student who was in the back seat said to me that the plane went through, shaking.  He seemed to look pretty big.  I just had to get to Tokyo early, and so I didn’t even notice at that time.  I was playing a car stereo so I didn’t listen to the news.  Just before arriving in Tokyo, another relative called me to ask about our safety, and for the first time I learned about the disaster of Japan Airlines.  I told my relative that we were going to Tokyo around Obon, so he was worried that we might have boarded the Japan Airlines flight bound for Itami, and asked me about our safety.  When I arrived at my relative’s house in Tokyo, there was a lot of fuss on TV.  The JAL Jumbo from Haneda to Itami became uncontrollable shortly after leaving Haneda Airport and was in the process of pursuing its whereabouts.  Thirty-six years have passed since then, and the situations of my family have changed completely, but I still feel that I was involved in that tragic accident, and it makes my heart ache.


お供えに 備えて味見の 水蜜桃

Looking at the smartphone calendar, today is “Mountain Day”, which is a national holiday.  When I looked it up, I found that this year’s “Mountain Day” was August 8th.  The Tokyo Olympics scheduled to be held in 2020 have been postponed to this year, and it was assumed that “Mountain Day” will move to August 9, the day after the Olympic closing ceremony, but this day is “Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Day”. Therefore, it was decided to move it to August 8th (Sunday), the day of the Olympic closing ceremony, and make the 9th a transfer holiday.  By the way, July 22nd and 23rd were also transfer holidays.  At any rate, this year, everything is swayed by the Tokyo Olympics, and the whole of Japan is in turmoil, just like the turmoil caused by the spread of coronavirus infection.  Furthermore, the Para-Olympic Games to be held in September are just around the corner, so what will happen in the future?  There is no end to worry.
