梅雨の憂さ 飛んでけ飛んでけ ゼラニュウム

Geranium has long been a custom of planting in the garden as an apotropaic  talisman in Europe, and its lovely flowers and fragrance have healed people.  Most horticultural species are created by crossing several species native to South Africa, producing thousands of varieties from about 20 species.  Among them, geranium called herb geranium (sented geranium) is a group of varieties that have aroma on the leaf stem and are used as herbs.  In addition to typical rose geranium, geranium essential oil is also called rose geranium, scented geranium, etc., and has a gorgeous scent like rose, and is still used to imitate a large number of fragrances such as perfumes and soaps. ..  In particular, rose geranium, which blooms and gives off a fragrance during the rainy season, is the best flower to get rid of the annoyance of the rainy season.


蛍火が 夢路に誘う 旅の宿

I used to go to Shinshu Nozawa Onsen for training camps with my students.  There are outdoor hot springs managed and operated by local residents around the countryside outside the hot spring town, and anyone can take a bath whenever they want.  Just around this time during the rainy season, I visited Nozawa Onsen for a preview.  The hot springs at the inn are good, but the open-air baths that are full of wildness are also good.  I heard from the innkeeper that fireflies are flying along the river, so I headed to the river after I had a quick bath.  Fireflies were flying as the sun went down and the dusk approached.  A number of fireflies are flying around in the scent of hot springs and the steam swaying.  The lights are blinking even in the nearby Kumasa.  My body suddenly got cold while I was absorbed in taking pictures.  I trotted to the nearby outdoor hot spring and jumped into the hot spring.


大地から 炎(ほむら) のごとく カラーリリー

The calla is said to be derived from the Greek word “Kalos,” which means beautiful.  It is said that the calla was born from her spilled milk when the wife of Zeus, the Almighty God, “Hera, the goddess” was feeding her child Heracles her milk.  Ethiopia, a typical white flower of color, is the national flower of Ethiopia and is covered with the beautiful name Lily of the Nile.  It was introduced to Japan at the end of the Edo period and was called Holland Kaiu which means potato flowers from abroad.  Kai means the sea and U means potatoes.  It has a trumpet-like flower that is rolled up, but this flower part is a deformed leaf called “Butsuenhoh”, and the main body of the flower is the yellow rod-shaped part in the center.  Coupled with the early summer flowers, the white color is the perfect flower for June Bride.  On the other hand, it is often used for funeral flower offerings.  Nowadays, there are various flower colors, and the color in the photo is called pink calla lily.


サフィニアが 明るく咲いて 梅雨晴れ間

The origin of Surfinia is Pampa, Brazil.  Suntory’s expatriates brought back several petunia species, which was the beginning of breeding and made its debut in 1989.  It is a gorgeous blooming variety that was not found in conventional petunias, and it is supported by a wide range of people because of its ease of growing and the beauty of its colors, and it is also known as the “igniter of the gardening boom” in Japan.  It is a flower that has been loved for a long time not only in Japan but also in Europe and the United States, which is the home of gardening.  The name of Surfinia is a combination of the English words Surfing and Petunia.  Surfinia is even said to be the darling of the Japanese horticultural industry, which has changed the way it breeds and the flow of the distribution industry.  By the way, “Safinia” is also a registered trademark of Suntory Flowers.


蓮の葉に 天の恵みの 甘露かな

The Japan Meteorological Agency announced yesterday (14th) that “the Kanto Koshin region seems to have entered the rainy season.”  It is 7 days later than normal and 3 days later than last year, and it is the 10th latest rainy season since the start of statistics in 1951.  It is a month behind the Kinki Chugoku region.  In fine weather, when I went to a nearby park, many lotus flowers were in bloom in the lotus pond, and honeydew was full just in the center of the big leaf.  Honeydew is a translation of the Sanskrit word Amrita, which is considered to be an elixir of immortality in the tradition of Indian mythology.  This was transmitted to China, and when Tenshi administers benevolent rule, it changed to the meaning of honeydew that Heaven feels it and falls from there.  Immortality does not mean that you will not die, but that you realize the continuity of death from life.  There are many words with honeydew, but it is not surprisingly known that the maxim “If you wait, there is a sunny day on the sea route” is actually “If you wait, there is a sunny day for honeydy”.


レース窓 微かに揺れて ユウギリソウ

Yugiri-sou,  a summer flower with a fragile atmosphere like an evening mist, is swaying in the wind blowing from the lace window.  The flower cluster, which began to bloom at the time of the rainy season, swells like a cumulonimbus in the summer sky and is now in full bloom.  White stamens stick out from each of the countless purple florets with lengthened, and when viewed from the whole flower, this appearance is reminiscent of evening fog.  It seems to have originated from the Mediterranean coast, but the flowering season is relatively long from June to September, and it can not only play a leading role in flower arrangements, but can also play a supporting role to both Japanese and Western styles. It is called Trakerium in the place of origin, and it has the meaning of a medicine for the throat.


睡蓮の 葉の輝きに 花が添い

About 40 types of Suiren(water lilies) are distributed in the tropics, subtropics, and temperate zones around the world, and most of them are tropical Suiren that grow naturally in the tropics.  Only one type of Hitsujigusa grows naturally in Japan.  Both Suiren and Hitsujigusa are named because they close their flowers as soon as the sunlight weakens.  The scientific name of the Suiren “Nymphaea” is said to be derived from the water spirit “nymph” that appears in Greek mythology.  A nymph is a fairy who is said to have been abandoned by the hero Heracles and threw himself into the Nile to become Suiren.  It is regarded as a symbol of the sun in ancient Egypt, and Suiren often appear in decorative motifs and myths.  In this way, Suiren have been attracting attention all over the world for a long time.  Among them, the painting of Suiren by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet is famous.  At Giberny’s home, there is a Suiren pond, and he continues to draw the Suiren that bloom there until his death, and the number of his works exceeds 200.  By the way, the English names of Suiren are “water lily” and “pond lily”, and the flower language is “pure heart”, “trust”, and “faith”.

スイレン(睡蓮)は世界各地の熱帯、亜熱帯、温帯に約40種類が分布し、その多くは熱帯地域に自生する熱帯性スイレンです。日本にはヒツジグサ(未草)の1種類のみ自生します。スイレンもヒツジグサも陽射しが弱まると早々に花を閉じてしまう様子から名付けられました。スイレンの学名「Nymphaea」は、ギリシア神話に登場する水の精「nymph」に由来するとされています。ニンフは、英雄ヘラクレスに捨てられ、ナイル川に身を投じて睡蓮になったとされている妖精のことです。古代エジプトでは太陽のシンボルとされており、装飾のモチーフや神話などに睡蓮はよく登場します。このようにスイレンは世界各地で古くから注目されていました。中でも、フランスの印象派画家クロード・モネの睡蓮の絵が有名です。ジヴェルニ―の自宅には睡蓮の池があり、そこに咲く睡蓮を死ぬまで描き続け、その作品数は200点を超えています。因みにスイレンの英語名は、water lily 、pond lily で、花言葉は「清純な心」、「信頼」、「信仰」です。

背伸びして ヤマモモを摘む 散歩道

Yamamomo(Bayberry) is planted in places on the promenade of the park, and many fruits are falling at the base.  It has been picked and is no longer within reach.  I lowered the branch with a trekking pole and finally got fruit.  It is well ripe and has a sweet and sour taste that spreads in my mouth.  Speaking of Yamamomo, I think that I often saw it in supermarkets about 20 years ago, but in recent years it has not been seen much.  It’s because Yamamomo Fruits can be used for various purposes such as simmered foods, jams, and candied fruits, in addition to raw foods, but they are not widely distributed in the market due to their poor shelf life.  Izu-Kogen area is said to be the northernmost point of fruit, and each station on the Izukyuko Line sells “Yamamomo Drink”, a soft drink of bayberry, at vending machines.  Yamamomo is often used for tree planting for the purpose of greening, and is now often found in streets and parks as a roadside tree.


紫陽花と 青柳揺れる ペリーロード

Perry Road is a 400-meter road where, after Perry and his men came to Uraga by Kurofune, they landed also in Shimoda, and marched to Ryosenji with 300 subordinates.  This street, which still retains the remnants of the port town of Shimoda, has cobblestone roads along the smooth river.  The rows of houses with Izu stones and Namako walls and the rows of willow trees create an atmosphere.  Along Perry Road, an exotic retro atmosphere is created, and antique shops and cafes are lined up.  Anchokuro, a shop opened by that “Tohjin Okichi” who was said to be the best geisha in Shimoda and later followed a strange fate, also remains in the nearby Hanamachi, and you can get a glimpse of the traces of city from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji era.  By the way, the East India Squadron led by Perry departed Norfolk, Virginia, USA in November 1852, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, traveled around the Hope Peak at the southern tip of Africa, and entered Uraga in July 1853.  It really took eight months.


てっぺんまで もう花開く 立葵

When Tachiaoi(the hollyhocks) blooms , I feel the arrival of summer.  Tachiaoi blooms in order from the buds at the bottom of the stem.  It is said that the rainy season begins when it begins to bloom, and when the top flowers bloom, the rainy season ends.  This year’s rainy season is a record-breaking speed, and it’s been three weeks since then, but it hasn’t rained like the rainy season, and “summer day” and “midsummer day” continue every day.  Tachiaoi is already flowering to the top.  Speaking of Aoi, it refers to this Tachiaoi, but Fuyuaoi is also a member of Aoi.  Aoi is tough and its medicinal properties have been known for a long time regardless of east or west, and the English name Holioc also means that.  One of the three major festivals in Kyoto, “Aoi Matsuri,” will be held on May 15th.  They will put up a God Print on the Dashi (a kind of float with a variety of colorful decorations in festival parades) and decorate the Kikkei which twines Aoi and Katsura.  Aoi symbolizes a woman and Katsura symbolizes a man.  It is the oldest festival in Japan that has been passed down for 1,500 years.  This may have been born from the desire to appreciate the strength and medicinal properties of Aoi.  Aoi Matsuri also appears in the story of The Tale of Genji, and there are also scenes where “Aoi no Ue” princess sees it.  The family crest of the Tokugawa family, Mitsuba Aoi, is also famous.
