隠れん坊 忘れて吸った 忍冬

The Japanese name Suikazura means “sucking kudzu”, and there is nectar in the back of the elongated flower tube, which grows widely in the fields and mountains of Japan.  The name comes from the fact that children loved to hold flowers in their mouths and suckled sweet nectar.  The bush with honeysuckle flowers was a convenient hiding place for hide-and-seek and sometimes I completely forgot about hide-and-seek while I was suckling many times.  In Chinese characters, it is written as “忍冬”, which is a Chinese name and has been used for a long time as a folk medicine that is effective for antibacterial, antipyretic, diuretic and pain.  Another name is Kinginka(Golden and Silver honeysuckle), which is derived from the change in flower color from white to yellow.  The English name is “Japanese Honeysuckle”, and “suckle” means to suckle, so it is semantically the same as the Japanese name.  However, it does not seem to be welcomed as the same harmful alien species as Kudzu in the United States.

和名スイカズラは「吸い葛」の意で、細長い花筒の奥に蜜があり、広く日本の野山に自生しています。子どもが好んで花を口に咥えて甘い蜜を吸うことが行なわれたことから生まれた名前です。スイカズラの花が咲く薮は隠れん坊の格好の隠れ場でした。いくつもいくつも吸っている内に隠れん坊のことはすっかり忘れていることもありました。漢字では「忍冬」と書きますが、これは中国名で、古くから抗菌や解熱、利尿作用、痛みに効く民間薬として活用されてきました。別名は、キンギンカ(金銀花)とも呼ばれますが、これは花色が白から黄色に変化することに由来することに由来します。英語名はJapanese Honeysuckleで、sucklは吸うと言う意味ですから和名と意味的には同じです。ただアメリカではクズと同じ有害外来種として歓迎されていないようです。

四季の花 咲いて難儀の 季語探し

When I was walking down the road, Hagi flowers were blooming in the shrubberies.  Even though the rainy season is yet to come into production, autumn flowers are already in bloom.  Hagi also has a flowering season from July to October, but it is common sense that it is an autumn flower.  Since Kigo(seasonal word) is indispensable for traditional haiku, I am tempted to stick to seasonal words, but when it is natural for flowers to bloom out of season, and there are flowers that continue to bloom across seasons like Lantana, I have a hard time choosing Kigo.  In that respect, if there is no Kigo and no limitations of 575, I am easy to create Haiku, but although “even if you cough” (Ozaki Hosai) or “straight road is lonely” (Taneda Santoka) is still allowed, like Shikunro Aoki, if he says that a short phrase with only two sounds, such as “kaho” or “iro,” is a haiku, I can’t help but resist.  I’m thinking about the meaning of Basho’s words, “Haiku is fluid and transitory while also being eternal and immutable”, again.


陽光に 真っ赤な羽広げ クジャク咲く

Kujakusaboten(Epiphyllum) is spreading bright red flowers in the sunlight of the rainy season.  Kujakusaboten is a forest succulent plant native to Mexico.  The same fellow Gekkabijin(Queen of the Night) blooms only overnight, but Kujakusaboten blooms for a few days during the day.  It grows with a flat stem with jagged edges straight up and does not have the sharp thorns of a typical cactus.  It has thin, shiny, transparent petals, with delicate stamens like silk threads, beautiful flowers on long fleshy leaves, and beautiful flowers like peacock feathers.  It came to be called the peacock cactus in time. The flower language of Kujakusaboten , which has both fragility and luster, is “transient beauty” and “lustrous beauty.”


ルピナスが グラスジェムコーンの ごとく咲き

Lupines under cloudy weather stand and the ground is a blue sky.  Lupine is a leguminous plant that originates in the Americas and the Mediterranean coast and has more than 200 species distributed in South Africa.  It was cultivated in the country of origin for more than 3000 to 6000 years and was used for food and fertilizer, but it seems that it will be cultivated for ornamental use by the development of an improved variety by British gardener George Russell in 1911.  It is a tall flower that grows straight, and its spikes look like wisteria flowers turned upside down.  For this reason, Japanese names such as Nobori Fuji, Tachi Fuji, and Hauchiwamame, which are likened to wisteria flowers, are given. On the other hand, GlassGemCorn is a colorful corn created by breeding by Native American farmer Carl Burns, and its popularity has expanded at a stretch since it was posted on Facebook in 2012.


山路来て 心も透ける サンカヨウ

I still remember the shock of finding Sankayo flowers in Daisen, which I visit in spring, summer, autumn and winter.  After the opening of the mountain in June, small translucent flowers are blooming between large butterbur-like leaves at a distance from the mountain road where the rainy season is frequent.  As I get absorbed in taking pictures, it becomes more and more transparent.  It’s mysterious.  When I got home and checked it immediately, it was Sankayo.  Sankayo is a wild grass with a plant height of 50 to 70 cm, which blooms from May to July and is distributed from north of central Honshu to Hokkaido and Sakhalin.  It is a small flower of about 2 cm and is usually pure white, but it gradually becomes transparent when it is hit by rain for a long time.  The life of the flower is about one week, it is vulnerable to impact, and it will not become transparent unless it is hit by rain for a long time, so it seems that it is quite difficult to see transparent flowers in good condition.  It’s a quiet boom on SNS now.  The principle of becoming transparent is the same as when frosted glass gets wet, it becomes transparent, and when white underwear gets wet, the skin can be seen through.  By the way, it is called a skeleton flower in English.


バラありて 言葉にできぬ もどかしさ

The most roses in the rose garden are past the peak and are pruned one after another.  This is to make the second roses bloom about at the end of the rainy season.  Roses are no exception to the changing seasons when everything goes one to two weeks earlier.  The beauty of roses, which were too many to be seen at the time of their peak, but which became few as pruning progressed, is even more striking.  Words alone cannot convey the beauty of this rose with a pale cream gradation.  It is even more impossible with the 5, 7, 5 haiku.  How would Basho express it?  It is Photo haiku that was created from such circumstances.  Take a photo with your smartphone and add a haiku.  It is a means of expression that is in line with the new era.


ササユリと トキワツユクサで 心晴れ

The last few days have been a series of blue sky that makes us forget the rainy season.  The mountain stream, which was muddy stream about a week ago, is now like a lie.  Yamaajisai(the mountain hydrangea), which has begun to bloom, and the leaves of Fuki(butterbur) that stick out on the road are swaying in the cool breeze in response to the sunlight through the forest.  The green of the moss clinging to the rock is even more vivid.  Occasionally, Iwatsubame(the house martin) flys through out at a tremendous speed with a sharp voice “chi chi”.  Along the path, I came across Tokiwatsuyukusa( Wandering jew) with white-leaf spiderwort, which is many times larger than a normal Tsuyukusa.  Tokiwatsuyukusa is an exotic species that was introduced as a horticultural species, but it has a strong vitality and is now widely found in the maountains and the fields.  I finally arrived at the Sasayuri colony I was looking for.  Sasayuri, like Otomeyuri, is a representative lily native to Japan, and its beauty is now widely known not only in Japan but also in the world.


梅雨に濡れ 釣りに勤しむ 河童くん

After all there was Kappa-kun.  If you follow the nearby mountain path in search of the Himeyuri that blooms during the rainy season, you will come across a small pond.  There is a kappa dropping his fishing line on the pond all day.  Whether he is catching or not, the appearance of looking into the pond is a quite angler.  According to Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kappa is a “special protection resident” and “he is laughing at what we humans are seriously thinking, and at the same time he is seriously thinking about what we humans are laughing at”.  The kappa loses energy when the plate on his head dries.  Perhaps because of that, the “special protection resident” in this pond wears a straw hat all year round.  While doing so, it began to rain.  I wanted to make sure that  Kappa takes off his straw hat, but it was getting colder, so I hurried down the mountain.


火の粉舞い 乾いた鼓や 薪能

Kyoto Takigi Noh, which is held on June 1st every year at Heian Jingu, Kyoto, which is a feature of early summer, has been canceled this year as well.  The Noh stage with the Daigokuden(Council Hall in the Imperial Palace) of Heian Jingu in the background emerges in the dark night, and the fantastic atmosphere surrounds the area.  They invite us to such a mysterious world that transcends time and space.  Speaking of June 1st, the rainy season is a concern.  Normally, this day was still before the rainy season, and I prayed that it wouldn’t rain, but even if it did, the venue was moved and the event has been held continuously since 1950 (Showa 25).  Today is a perfect day for the event, but it was canceled following last year. What is the significance of the forced holding of only the problematic Olympics?

初夏の風物詩、京都平安神宮で毎年6月1日に開催される京都薪能が今年も中止になりました。平安神宮の大極殿を背景にした能舞台が闇夜に浮 かび上がり、幻想的な雰囲気が辺りを包む中、観世・金剛・大蔵の各流派による能や狂言は、時空を越えた幽玄の世界に私達をいざないます。6月1日と言えば気になるのは梅雨。例年ならこの日はまだ梅雨入り前で、雨が降らないことを祈りましたが、降っても会場を移しての開催と、1950年(昭和25年)以来連綿と開催され続けてきました。今日は絶好の開催日和なのに昨年に続き中止。何かと問題多いオリンピックだけが強行開催される意義は一体どこにあるのでしょうか。

梅雨雨が 清めた夕日の 美しき

The weather is like a lie in the rainy season.  May is over today, and it’s June from tomorrow.  The rainy season is yet to come every year, and it should be the best early summer season of the year like today, so it is natural.  They say that autumn is the best sunset, or midsummer is the best, but the setting sun in the rainy season, when the dust and dirt in the atmosphere are washed away by the rainy season, is also exceptional.  Everyone recognizes the beauty of the setting sun,  from east to west, from ancient times to today.  The “three major sunsets in the world” are the sunsets in Kushiro, Bali, and Manila Bay, but no, some say that the sunset seen from Santorini in the Aegean Sea is the most beautiful in the world, while others say that the setting sun in the bright red Gobi Desert robbed their souls.  If you travel the world, the sunset in each land is the best for that person. The sunset in the photo is the sunset over Nishi Izu, which is also the best in the world.
