テッポウユリ スマホでキャッチの 曲流し

Teppoh-yuri(Easter lilies) are in full bloom on the bank near the rice fields.  It’s clearly a loudspeaker, not a teppoh(gun).  The “Umbrella of Cheribourg” heard from the receiver of the smartphone that I heard must be flowing from this Teppoh-yuri.  Teppoh-yuri are swinging all at once, hit by the rain of the rainy season.  I was swinging my umbrella in time with Teppoh-yuri.  The origin of Teppoh-yuri is from the Nansei Islands including Okinawa to southern Kyushu. Teppoh-yuri, which is now loved by people all over the world as an indispensable flower for Easter, was originally called Ryukyu lily.  And before I knew it, it came to be called Teppoh-yuri.  When I was investigating why Ryukyu changed to Teppo, I came across such an essay by Hideo Ishikawa, an ophthalmologist in Okinawa.


滝しぶき 浴びて涼しや クリンソウ

Kurinso (Japanese primrose) sways in the shade of a roaring rock every time it is dashed to a waterfall splash.  Kurinso grows in relatively moist areas in the mountainous areas of Hokkaido, Honshu, and Shikoku, and sometimes grows in murmuring and valley wetlands.  The flower has a circular shape centered on the flower stalk, and its name comes from the fact that it resembles the “Kurin(nine wheels)” at the tip of Goju-no-Toh(the five-storied pagoda).  Flower colors are red, pink, and white.  Scottish botanical collector Robert Fortune introduced Kurinso as “the most beautiful flower in Japan”, which has attracted attention. The Senju-ga-hama in Oku-Nikko Lake Chuzenji is famous for its colony, and many people visit during this period.  In addition, the Chigusa Marsh on Mt. Hyono in Hyogo Prefecture is full of natural Kurinso, which is the largest in Japan and has 400,000 stocks, extending 15ha.


花菖蒲 鯉もゆるゆる 津和野かな

On the way back around Hagi, I passed through the gentle mountains and took the road in early summer where the idyllic rural scenery spreads, and I reached Tsuwano, which is called Little Kyoto in the Sanin region.  It is a beautiful hidden town in the calm mountains of western Shimane prefecture.  Tonomachi-dori, in the center of the town, is a very attractive place that retains the old appearance of the castle town era.  White walls and green trees are reflected in the canal that flows along the street, and countless carps of various sizes swim in groups, and white and purple iris flowers are in full bloom.  The old castle town that produced the literary master Ogai Mori, the philosopher Amane Nishi, and the painter Mitsumasa Anno can be seen as having a calm life like a time slip.


アルプスの 残雪映える 田んぼかな

The Shinshu season is one month late in spring and one month early in autumn.  If you go down Shinshu from Itoigawa in Niigata prefecture to the south on Route 48, you can enjoy the scenery from early spring to late spring, from the place where spring has just opened to the place where spring is in full swing.  If you go down Azumino while looking nostalgic at Mt. Shirouma, the cherry blossoms in the surrounding area are already out of blooming, and Fukujuso and Zazenso are blooming here and there.  The mountains of the Alps with a lot of snow are clearly reflected in the rice fields that have just been filled with water and are waiting for rice planting.  When I go around Shinshu, which has many memories, I feel that blood surge oozes from the corners of my body.


紅姫の 竜胆と言う名に 魅せられて

In one corner of the flower shop, flowers with blue-purple florets studded all over the plant are lined up.  The center of the flower is yellow, and the contrast between bluish purple and yellow is attractive.  It is a cute flower that is compact and round.  Looking at the name tag, it says Exacam Affine, and in parentheses it says Benihime Rindoh.  I was curious about the name Benihime Ridoh.  I can understand the Rindoh.  I don’t know the meaning of Benihime, but it probably means “cute”.  I went home and looked it up.  The origin of Exacam is Socotra Island called “Galapagos in the Indian Ocean”, and since it was separated from the continent millions of years ago, the flora and fauna have undergone unique evolution, and the Affine species is said to be one of them.  After that, due to breeding, there are dwarf varieties with short plant height, double-flowered varieties, variegated leaf varieties, etc., which are distributed as pots.  The original species is a relatively short-lived annual, but if heated, it will continue to bloom in winter.  It has a strong fragrance and a good scent, and if you leave it in the room, the room will be filled with the scent.

花屋さんの一角に青紫色の小花を株一面にちりばめた花が並んでいます。花の中心部は黄色で、青紫色と黄色のコントラストが魅力的です。コンパクトに丸くまとまり可愛い花です。名札を見るとエキザカム・アフィネとあり、かっこして紅姫竜胆 とあります。紅姫竜胆と言う名前が気になりました。竜胆は分かります。紅姫の意味は分かりませんが、多分「可愛い」と言う意味合いでしょう。家に帰って調べました。エキザカムの原産地は「インド洋のガラパゴス」と呼ばれるソコトラ島で、数百万年前に大陸から分離したため動植物が独自の進化を遂げており、アフィネ種もその一つだそうです。その後品種改良により、草丈の低い矮性種や、八重咲き品種、斑入り葉品種などがあり、鉢物として流通しています。原種は比較的短命な一年草ですが、暖房すれば冬も咲き続けます。芳香が強くよい香りがし、部屋に置いておくと部屋中が香りで一杯になります。

潮騒と 出で湯の音だけ 入梅 晴れ(ついりばれ)

The hot springs during the hot and humid rainy season are exceptional.  The hot springs, which have been popular since the mythical era, not only cleanse the body, but also nurture a unique hot spring culture, bathing culture, and hot spring culture along with the rich sensibility of the Japanese people.  Japan is said to be one of the world’s leading hot spring nations, with more than 27,000 hot springs, and the amount of hot springs is about 2.6 million liters per minute, with 47% of the hot springs having a temperature of 42 degrees or higher.  The number of hot spring facilities, including accommodation facilities and public baths, exceeds 20,000, and there are hot springs and accommodation facilities in all 47 prefectures of Japan.  “Onsen” has become the standard language in the world and has become a popular spot not only for Japanese but also for foreign tourists.  In hot spring areas in Japan, you almost always meet foreigners wearing yukata after bathing.


色合いも 香りも涼し バンマツリ

As I am walking through the narrow alleys of the town, Nioibanmatsuri(Brunfelsia latifolia) is blooming like it sticks out of the road.  If you write Nioibanmtsuri in Kanji, it will be “匂蕃末莉”.  Nioibanmatsuri has a nice scent, so you can understand the “匂(nioi)” first.  The next kanji “蕃(ban)” is rarely seen, but it means “foreign”.  Nioibanmatsuri is native to Brazil.  The last “末莉” comes from Sanskrit and means jasmine.  As a whole, Nioibanmatsuri is a “flower with a nice scented foreign jasmine-like scent.”  It’s a flower with a really argumentative name.  Nioibanmatsuri has a purple color immediately after it blooms, but the color gradually fades and eventually becomes white.  You can also enjoy purple and white flowers with one plant, and the appearance is like a gradation, it is cool and very beautiful.  The English name is also interesting and has the name “Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow”.


来る夏 夢が広がる 梅雨晴れ間

The early summer sunlight is dazzling during a pause in the rainy season.  Except for the Kanto area, it was a record-breaking start of the rainy season, but so far there are quite a few sunny days.  Hydrangea is already blooming and hibis is blooming when I go out to the park etc. after such a sunny day.  When seeing such a scene, my dreams will naturally spread toward the coming summer.  However,···.  Because the change of seasons is half a month earlier than usual, I expect that the end of the rainy season will be the same, but it seems that this is not always the case.  Statistically, in the early years of the rainy season, the rainy season will be prolonged.  The end of the rainy season last year was late enough to break the record, and torrential rains occurred in various parts of Japan such as Kyushu and the Chubu region, centering on Kumamoto prefecture. It is memorable that guerrilla rainstorms often occurred in urban areas as well, causing great confusion.  Everything continues to break records this year.  Due to the torrential rain during the rainy season, more caution is being called for.


たおやかに 晴れ間楽しや 白蝶草

The peony garden, which was visited during the rainy season, also closed its gate.  The white Hakuchoh-so that blooms near the peony garden, which I was curious about every time I visited, is increasing the number of flowers.  As the name of the white Hakuchoh-so, it seems that white butterflies are flying in a breeze.  It is a plant native to North America, and it grows naturally in Texas and Louisiana in the United States and is called Gaura.  Gaura is a Greek word meaning splendid, and it is said that it is named after the flower that blooms without losing to other flowers.  It is a tough flower despite its appearance, and each flower is scattered in 3 days, but it keeps blooming until the end of summer because it blooms one after another.  Originally it is a white flower, but recently there are even pinkish flowers and bright pink flowers as a whole.


朽ち果てた 舳に纏わる 浜のバラ

The abandoned ship left on the white sand beach is completely decayed.  The vine roses that are covering around it bloom a lot of red flowers, transforming the bleak scenery into a warm one.  Roses can be broadly divided into grove and vine.  It is said that this area is the origin of the genus Rose, because the vine roses are the original species, and there are many original roses from the southwestern part of China (Sichuan and Yunnan), and from the Himalayas to West Asia.  The original rose grows only in the northern hemisphere, and the number is said to be 150 to 200, and there are many varieties with unique beauty such as flowers, leaves, fruits, and thorns.  Roses appear in human history in the ancient Babylonian epic “Gilgamesh”, where there are about four species of wild roses in the ancient Near East around 1500 BC, from which crossing is repeated, and after the Greek era, ancient Rome  And then to Europe. In Japan, it appears in the literature “Manyoshu” and “Hitachi Fudoki” in the 700’s AD, so it seems that it came in before that.

白砂の浜辺に放り置かれた廃船はすっかり朽ち果てています。それに纏わるつるバラが赤い花をいっぱい咲かせ、殺風景な景色を温かみのこもったものに一変させています。バラには大きく分けて、木立性とつる性があります。つる性のバラが原種で、中国の西南部(四川省、雲南省)、さらにヒマラヤから西アジアにかけて原種バラが特に多いことから、このあたりがバラ属の起源となる地だろうといわれています。原種のばらは北半球にのみ自生し、その数は 150 ~ 200 といわれていて、花や葉、実、トゲなどに個性的な美しさを持つ品種が数多く存在します。バラが人類の歴史に登場するのは古代バビロニアの叙事詩『ギルガメッシュ』で、紀元前1500年頃の古代オリエントの地では約4種の野生バラがあり、ここから交雑が繰り返され、ギリシャ時代を経て古代ローマへ、さらにヨーロッパへと伝播されました。日本には、西暦700年代の文献「万葉集」や「常陸風土記」に登場しますので、それ以前には入って来たと思われます。