アンデスの ケーナが響く 百合水仙

♭♭♭ ケーナの響き ♭♭♭

Yuri-zuisen(Lily daffodil) is the Japanese name and is a flower commonly known as aristromelia.  About 50 varieties grow naturally in various places such as wetlands, forests and deserts, from lowlands to highlands in Brazil, Peru and Argentina.  Known as the founder of botany, Linne named this flower found in the Andes after his best friend, Aristromelia.  Aristromelia, which grew up in the harsh environment of its own habitat, was bred in the Netherlands and quickly spread to the world.  It came to Japan in 1926 and was named Yuri-zuisen  because it resembles both Yuri and Suisen.  Also it is known as Yume-yuri-so(Dreaming Lily).  Alstroemeria blooms once a year, mostly from spring to summer, but some of them continue to bloom for a long time depending on the location and environment, and are now widely used for bouquets and flower arrangements.  It is a colorful and exotic flower with abundant flower colors, from colorful to pastel and chic.  Even in English, it is called Peruvian lily or Lily the lncas.

百合水仙は和名で、一般的にはアリストロメリアとして知られている花です。ブラジル、ペルー、アルゼンチンの低地から高地まで、湿地帯、森林、砂漠など様々な場所に50種類ほどの品種が自生しています。植物学の始祖として知られるリンネが、アンデスで見つけたこの花に親友の名前に因んで付けたのがアリストロメリアです。自生地の厳しい環境に育ったアリストロメリアは、オランダで品種改良が加えられ、瞬く内に世界に広がりました。日本には1926年に渡来し、百合にも水仙にも似ていることから百合水仙と名付けられました。夢百合草とも呼ばれます。アルストロメリアは、ほとんどは年に1回、春から夏に咲く一季咲きですが、中には場所や環境によって長期間咲き続けるものもあり、今では、花束やフラワーアレンジに多く利用されています。花色が豊富で、色鮮やかなものからパステル調やシックな感じのものまで、多彩でエキゾチックな花です。英語名でも、ペルーの百合(Peruvian lily)とかインカの百合(Lily the lncas)と呼ばれています。

梅雨に濡れ 人待ち顔や 月見草

♭♭♭ I waited and waited, just like an evening primrose   For the one I secretly loved          And so  miserable was my day ♭♭♭

“Yoimachigusa,” written by Yumeji Takehisa, a painter and poet representing Taisho Romanticism, has been rage of times and is still sung.  27-year-old Yumeji traveled to Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture on a summer trip with her divorced family.  At that time, Kata Hasegawa (19 years old at the time), who lived next to his inn, visited there, and Yumeji fell in love with her at first sight.  A year later, Yumeji, who couldn’t forget her Kata, visited Choshi in hopes of reuniting with Kata, but Kata was already married and he couldn’t meet her again, and Yumeji’s love ended without fruit.  And Yumeji’s ephemeral summer love became a poem.  “Yoimachigusa” is a coined word of Yumeji, and it seems to be a word that made a parody of Matsuyoigusa.  The left of the photo is Me-matsuyoigusa, and the right is Hiru-matsuyoigusa, and they are members of Tsukimiso, such as Matsuyoigusa and Oh-matsuyoigusa.

♭♭♭ 待てど暮らせど来ぬ人を 宵待草のやるせなさ 今宵は月も出ぬそうな ♭♭♭

大正ロマンを代表する画家で詩人の竹久 夢二が作詞した『宵待草』は一世を風靡し、今だに歌い継がれています。27歳の夢ニが離婚した家族を連れて避暑旅行に千葉県銚子市を訪れます。その時、ちょうどそこへ旅館の隣りに住む長谷川カタ(当時19歳)が訪れ、夢ニはたちまち彼女に一目ぼれしてしまいます。その一年後、カタを忘れられない夢ニはカタとの再会を願って銚子を訪れますが、カタはすでに結婚していて再会を果たせず、結局夢二の恋は実ることなく終わりました。そして夢二の儚いひと夏の恋が詩になりました。「宵待草」は夢ニの造語で、待宵草をもじった言葉だと思われます。写真の左がメマツヨイグサで、右はヒルマツヨイグサで、マツヨイグサやオオマツヨイグサなど、すべて月見草の仲間です。

初夏の花 睡蓮鉢に とどめ置き

The seasons go around without having time to look at the seasonal flowers slowly.  The roses in the nearby rose garden have passed the best time to see, and many roses have been pruning back.  It’s already rainy season, and it’s far from going to the rose garden.  Hydrangea is the flower of the rainy season, but the hydrangea near the rose garden is already sparsely blooming, although they are usually seen in early June.  Summer days and midsummer days are not uncommon these days, even though it is past mid-May, the clouds that float in a spell of nice weather in the rainy season are already summer clouds.


梅雨入りや 田植えも終えて 杜若

The Osaka District Meteorological Observatory announced on May 16th that the Kinki region is believed to have entered a rainy season.  The rainy season started 21 days earlier than normal and 25 days earlier than last year, and since the start of statistics in 1951, it was the earliest rainy season except for the years when the rainy season could not be identified.  It is said that the rainy season in May is the first time in eight years since May 27, 2013.  There are many places where rice planting has been completed, but there are still places where has not been done in the southern part of Osaka.  There is “Saijiki” in the haiku reference book, but originally it describes the events and the facts of the year.  It is said that Kaibara Ekken’s 1688 “Japanese Saijiki” began, but after the Meiji era, the lunar calendar changed to the solar calendar, and the contents of the Saijiki changed significantly due to changes in social and cultural life.  Today, more than 100 years later, the content of “Saijiki” is about to change further due to climate change.


牛蛙 ヴォーンと鳴いて 杜若

Kakitsubata is blooming looking up at the cloudy sky near the rainy season on the side of the pond that has calmed down in the evening calm.  The bullfrog suddenly screamed as if to break the silence.  It seems that the iris shook slightly in the mirror-like pond.  This place constitutes a world by itself.  For the past year and a half, when a storm of coronavirus infection has blown and forced us to stay home, this is the only place I can rely on.  It seems that the rainy season that may begin today and tomorrow is more than half a month earlier than usual, and it seems that I will not be able to go to the rose garden that I have been waiting for.  As the seasons change too early, confusion and anxiety about the future grow.


このバラを コロナと戦う 人たちに

For the past year and a half, the battle with the new coronavirus is exactly like the weird world war.  And in today’s Japan, despite taking various measures, its spread and seriousness only increase.  Under these circumstances, is it okay to hold the Tokyo Olympics, which has been postponed for a year?  Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso described the Tokyo Games as a “cursed tournament”, saying that problems had occurred every 40 years at the Olympics, and it was controversial.  But certainly the Olympics have been canceled five times in the past, and two times of them were the Olympic Games scheduled to be held in Japan.

 ■ Canceled Olympics
1916 Berlin (6th tournament) Canceled due to World War I
1940 Tokyo (12th tournament) Returned two years before the event due to
the Sino-Japanese War
1944 London (13th Games) Canceled due to World War II
1940 Sapporo Same as the Tokyo Summer Olympics
1944 Cortina Dampezzo (Italy) Same as the London Summer Olympics

If the Tokyo Olympics are canceled this time, in the history of the Olympics, three of the six canceled times will be the Olympics held in Japan, which is exactly a “Cursed Olympics”.  ..Of course, I do not want to cancel the Tokyo Olympics, but on the contrary, I would like to hold it to overcome the coronavirus. But I think that this pandemic is in the same or better situation as the cancellation due to the past war.


1916年 ベルリン(第6回大会) 第1次世界大戦により中止
1940年 東京(第12回大会) 日中戦争のため開催2年前に返上
1944年 ロンドン(第13回大会) 第2次世界大戦により中止
1940年 札幌 東京夏季オリンピックと同じ
1944年 コルチナ・ダンペッツオ(イタリア)


そよ風に 優しく揺れる カンパニュラ

Campanula is a plant of the Bellflower family native to Southern Europe.  It means “small bell” in Latin and entered Japan in the Meiji era.  The Japanese name is “Huurinsou”, but it is also called “Tsuriganesou” in horticulture. Many flowers bloom from late spring to summer, and most of the flowers are blue, purple or white, and some are pink. Most of them bloom sideways, but some of them bloom upwards or downwards. The one that always has connected me with Campanula is the List’s “La Campanella.” Campanella means bell in Italian.  However, “La Campanella” is a piano practice music arranged by Liszt from Paganini’s Violin Concerto. It is the most difficult practice music in the piano music , but it’s known to many as a song that goes beyond practice songs because of its beauty reminiscent of the bell at the beginning of the music.

♭♭♭ ラ・カンパネラ ♭♭♭


門前に あるじ偲ぶや 生けた初夏

I visit here every season to see the flower arrangement in front of this gate.  Early summer flowers are laid out as expected.  This village, which is reminiscent of the old days when mandarin orange cultivation was popular, is now a marginal village, and I hear that most of the inhabitants are elderly.  The wind that blows through the winding road that runs as sewing the houses on both sides is too cool for the cheerful early summer.  The ikebana arranged by the road that is unlikely to be visited by anyone makes me intersect with the warm personality of the owner of this house and  somehow melancholic thoughts in my mind.


風光る 霊峰富士に 芝桜

Moss phlox is in full bloom on the foot of Mt. Fuji where the remaining snow is dazzling.  It is one of the most beautiful Japanese landscapes that change from spring to summer.  Every year, many people from all over the country come to the “Shibasakura Festival” held in Motosu, Fujikawaguchiko Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, a spring event where 800,000 stocks and seven types of turf cherry blossoms bloom on the vast site at the foot of Mt. Fuji.  It has been held since 2008, and it has expanded from a planting area of ​​about 2.4ha at the beginning to an area of ​​about 20ha (for 4.3 Tokyo Domes), which is more than eight times as large in 2020, and its grandeur attracts the world.  It was introduced in “Japan’s 34 most beautiful places” selected by the major American news broadcasting station “CNN”, and many tourists from overseas also visit.  However, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the number of Japanese tourists decreased due to the limited event last year, and the number of Japanese tourists increased this year, but few foreign tourists are found.

残雪が眩しい富士山に芝桜、春から夏に移り変わる折節の最も美しい日本の風景のひとつです。80万株、7種類の芝桜が富士山麓の広大な敷地に咲きほこる春のイベント、山梨県富士河口湖町本栖で開催される「芝桜まつり」には毎年全国各地から多くの人が押し寄せます。2008年から開催されており、当初は2.4haほどの植付面積から、2020年には8倍を超える約20ha(東京ドーム4.3個分)の面積にまで広がり、その雄大さは世界中を魅了するまでになっています。アメリカの大手ニュース放送局「CNN」が選んだ「日本でもっとも美しい場所36選(Japan’s 34 most beautiful places)」にも紹介され、海外からも多くの観光客が訪れます。しかし、新型コロナウイルスの影響で、昨年は限定開催で日本人観光客も減少、今年は日本人観光客は増えましたが、外国人観光客はほとんど見当たりません。

さくらんぼ 友と競った 種飛ばし

The early blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms also are bearing small cherry fruits.  From now on, cherries will be lined up in stores from mid-June.  When I was little, I remembered that after eating cherries in the park with my friends in the neighborhood, I competed with him to fly seeds.  When I looked it up online, I was surprised to find that there are large-scale events in the Tohoku region, where they compete to fly seeds.  It has been held for 20 years in Sagae City and Higashine City, which are known for producing cherries in Yamagata Prefecture.  It is said that the seeds after eating cherries are blown by mouth with the signal of “Cherry GO!” and compete for the distance.  The humorous appearance comes to my mind.  I don’t know if I imitated this, but in Minabe Town, Wakayama Prefecture, which is known for producing ume, there is a ume seed flying competition, and the prize money is 300,000 yen.
