太陽が 地上に咲いた キンシバイ

I mentioned ‘Kinshibai,’ but this is a different flower. The formal name for this flower is actually ‘Seiyō Kinshibai.’ It was given the flower language of ‘sparkle’ or ‘radiance of the sun’ because of its stamen that looks like golden threads and its vibrant yellow petals, which evoke the beautiful shining of the sun. There is a similar flower called ‘Biyōyanagi’ that looks almost identical, but  the stamen tip is red in the Seiyō Kinshibai, distinguishing it. While Kinshibai and Biyōyanagi are native to China, Seiyō Kinshibai is native to southern Europe and the Near East. It seems that ‘Seiyō’ was added to Kinshibai due to its origin. In any case, there are other yellow flowers that bloom in parks and elsewhere that closely resemble it, but unless you have a keen interest, it’s difficult to tell them apart.


エイアイに 問うて知るや 母の日を

In December 2022, ChatGTP was released, followed by Bard in May 2023, marking the onset of the AI era in which the information society has further evolved. There are diverse opinions on how we, as human beings, should utilize AI, ranging from hope to concern. I asked both AIs, “What is Mother’s Day?” Although their answers were similar in essence, let me introduce new Bard’s response. ‘Mother’s Day is a day to express gratitude for the daily hardships of mothers and to show love for them. In the United States, it dates back to Anne Jarvis, who mourned her deceased mother in church, and is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in May. Following suit, Japan celebrates Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May every year. Mother’s Day is a day to convey gratitude to one’s mother. Let’s express our gratitude by giving flowers, writing letters, going out to eat, or giving presents to our mothers. Mother’s Day is also a day to deepen family ties. Spend time with your mother, siblings, and family members to strengthen your family bonds.'”


楽園が 潜れば待つや 薔薇の門

Here it is again, the season of roses. Even standing in front of the fully decorated gate with rose flowers, at my age I can’t help but become sentimental. I wonder how many times I’ve passed through such gates before and if I will pass through them again in the future. That’s not good, is it? I visit this rose garden every year, and this rose gate is not only beautiful, but when I approach it, I feel an aura, and when I pass through it, it’s like a weight is lifted off my shoulders and I feel refreshed. The sentimentality from earlier is gone. Maybe that’s the role of the rose gate. Well, I wonder how this year’s roses will be. Will that rose that caught my attention last year be blooming again this year? My heart is swelling with anticipation.


道の辺に 日傘番傘 松葉菊

On a corner of the sidewalk along the road, the Matsubagiku (Osteospermum) are blooming all at once. They look like higasa (parasol) or bangasa (beach umbrella), and seem to hide and reveal people who use them to avoid the spring sunshine. The plump leaves are succulent and the shape of the flowers is similar to some types of cacti. They also resemble umbrellas in that they open up when exposed to the sun and close when shaded. The Matsubagiku was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period and is a perennial evergreen herb native to South Africa, not a cactus or a chrysanthemum. They are often seen planted in flower beds or stone walls on the streets, and some have become naturalized. They grow along the ground and can reach a width of about 100 cm for larger plants. Although the flower language for Matsubagiku is “lazy” because the flowers do not bloom on cloudy or rainy days or at night, it seems rather cruel. It probably means that people want the flowers to continue blooming as long as possible.


風に舞う その名もゆかし 白蝶草

As soon as you leave the Shakuyaku garden, there are pure white flowers swarming like a group of white butterflies right in front of you. They are swaying gracefully in the occasional May breeze. When I took a picture with my smartphone and researched it, I found out that the flower is called Gaura, a plant that is native to Texas and Louisiana in the United States, grows to a height of 90-150cm and blooms from May to October. It is said to have been introduced to Japan in the mid-Meiji era, and was named “Hakuchousou” (white butterfly flower) because its appearance resembles that of a flying butterfly. Although each flower only lasts about three days after blooming, it can be enjoyed for a long time from early summer to autumn because it blooms one after another. Despite its delicate appearance, it is a very strong plant that can withstand both heat and cold, and its optimal temperature for growth is 15-25°C. It is said to be able to tolerate even -10°C in its native North America, where it is also called Bee blossom.

芍薬園を出てすぐ、目の前に白いチョウが群がっているかの様な真っ白な花が咲いています。時おり吹く五月の風にしなやかに揺れています。スマホで撮って調べてみるとガウラという花です。アメリカ合衆国のテキサス州やルイジアナ州に自生する植物で、草丈は90~150cm、開花期は5~10月とあります。日本へは明治時代中ごろに入ったといわれ、花の姿が蝶の飛んでいる姿に見えることから「ハクチョウソウ(白蝶草)」と名付けられました。ひとつひとつの花は咲いてから3日ほどで散ってしまいますが、初夏から秋の長い期間、次から次に花を咲かせていくため、長い間観賞することができるそうです。可憐な姿には似合わず、とても強い植物で、暑さにも寒さにも強く、生育適温は15〜25℃ですが、原産地の北アメリカではマイナス10℃でも耐えるとされています。現地でもBee blossomと呼ばれているそうです。

待ってました 檜扇水仙 愛しの花

Perhaps it was already ten years ago, but I have a memory of encountering this flower. As I was walking along a country road, I saw this flower blooming near a small, rusty gate. It had a dignified appearance and I thought it was such a beautiful flower. I took a picture of it with my smartphone and did some research, but I just couldn’t figure out the name of the flower. In the past, I would usually be able to find out with some research, but if I couldn’t, I would give up. However, this flower was different. I decided to go to a botanical garden in Nagai Park in Osaka city, which was about an hour’s drive away. There were botanical specialists there, and when they looked it up, they found out that the scientific name was Watsonia and the Japanese name was Hiougi-suisen. Since then, I eagerly anticipate the time when this flower blooms every year, and I visit the fields frequently. This memory always comes back to me.


陽光を 浴びて語らう 紫蘭かな

The flower language of the Shiran (Spiranthes sinensis) includes three meanings: “I will not forget you”, “Unchanging Love”, and “Beautiful Appearance”. The image of a person in love with the Shiran may come to mind when seeing it blooming, slightly bowed, amidst its strong and large leaves. The Shiran is a member of the Orchidaceae family and grows in Kanto, Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, and China. It is said to have been introduced to Japan during the Nara period. Like other imported plants, it was initially introduced as a medicinal herb, but eventually it was grown as an ornamental plant and some of them became naturalized. Although it is now commonly seen in horticulture due to its ease of cultivation, wild Shiran is rare, and it is a valuable plant that is designated as a quasi-endangered species. The underground stem is called “Haku-kyu-kon” and is used as a traditional Chinese medicine for digestive health and hemostasis, and as an adhesive to attach the silver parts of Shippou-yaki pottery.


田植え終え カエル鳴き出し 杜若

Now that Golden Week has ended, it’s time to get down to work and studies in earnest. The weather has been alternating between sunny and cloudy as we transition into a new season, but it looks like we’ll have a stretch of clear May weather starting this week. In the rice paddies where the planting is finished, the frogs have begun their chorus, and the irises along the rice paddies are in full bloom, creating picturesque scenes for taking a break. On the other hand, in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture, there have been continuous earthquakes, leaving no time to enjoy the sunny weather. My heartfelt condolences go out to them. Since the beginning of the year, we have gradually seen an easing of the pandemic, and it has passed without any major incidents, but we don’t know what will happen in the future. This is a country where earthquakes, floods, and typhoons occur. It is important to prepare for any disaster that may occur, anticipating what might happen and being prepared for that day.


イッペーくん よく咲いたよね 大阪で 

That being said, this took place inside the greenhouse of the “Sakuyakonohana-kan” that was built on the site of the Osaka Expo. “Ippe” is the name used in Okinawa, while in its native Brazil and Colombia it is called “Ipe.” Its Japanese name is “Koganenousen.” It grows to a height of over 5 meters and can become a large tree that exceeds 10 meters in height. Its bright yellow flowers bloom from spring to early summer on these large trees, and it is loved in Brazil as the national flower, much like cherry blossoms in Japan. The Jacaranda tree from Australia, the Spathodea (flame tree) from West Africa, and the Spathodea (Chinese phoenix tree) from Madagascar are called the three great flowering trees of the world, but the Ipe is sometimes included to make it the four great flowering trees of the world. It can be found throughout Okinawa in Japan, but only in warm regions such as Kyushu and Izu. By the way, it is called “Golden Tree” or “Sunshine Tree” in English.

と言っても、大阪花博の跡にできた「咲くやこの花館」の温室内でのこと。イッペーと言うのは沖縄県での呼び名で、原産地のブラジルやコロンビアでは「イペー」と呼んでいます。和名は「コガネノウゼン」です。樹高は5m以上になり、高くなれば10mを超える大木にもなります。その大木に春から初夏にかけて明るい黄色の花が満開になり、ブラジルでは国花として日本における桜のように親しまれています。オーストラリアのジャカランダ(紫雲木)、西アフリカのスパトデア(火焔木) 、マダガスカルのホウオウボク(鳳凰木)を世界三大花木と呼びますが、このイペーを加えて世界四大花木と呼ばれることがあります。日本では、沖縄では至る所にみられますが、九州や伊豆などの暖かい地域にしか見られません。ちなみに英名では「ゴールデンツリー」とか「サンシャインツリー」と呼ばれています。

春風に マリオもご機嫌 阿波踊り 

I peeked over to a corner of the park where people were gathered, and saw a street performer manipulating a marionette to the rhythm of the Awa Dance. The small children were also dancing along to the beat, and everyone around them couldn’t help but smile. It was a peaceful moment towards the end of Golden Week. Marionettes are one of the puppets commonly used in puppet shows. They are also known as string puppets in Japan. One famous story featuring marionettes is Pinocchio, which remains popular to this day. Italian-made Pinocchio marionettes, which can cost tens of thousands of yen, are sold on the internet. In Japan, the Yuki-za theater company has been carrying on the tradition of traditional string puppetry for about 370 years since the Edo period and has been designated as a “Selected National Intangible Folk Cultural Property” and an “Intangible Cultural Property of Tokyo.

公園の一角に人が群がっているので覗くと、大道芸人が阿波踊りのリズムに合わせてマリオネットを操っています。小さな子どもがまたそれに合わせて踊っています。周りの皆んなからも思わず微笑みがこぼれます。ゴールデンウィークも終盤の長閑なひと時でした。マリオネットは人形劇でよく使われる操り人形の一つです。日本では糸繰り人形とも言います。マリオネットを扱った有名な話として『ピノキオ』が上げられますが、今でも根強い人気があり、ネットでは何万円もする様な、本場イタリア製のピノキオのマリオネットが売られています。日本でも、江戸時代から約370年も続く、伝統的な糸操り人形を継承する結城座があり、『国記録選択無形民俗文化財』、 『東京都の無形文化財』に指定されています。