富士を見よ 生きるすべてが 分かろうぞ

Today is Children’s Day, a day to “respect children’s personalities, promote their happiness, and express gratitude to mothers.” Originally, May 5th was the day of the Tango no Sekku (Boys’ Festival), a day to celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of boys. In 1948, shortly after the end of World War II, the Tango no Sekku was renamed Children’s Day to celebrate all children. Furthermore, it was also intended to express gratitude to mothers, and to promote gender equality and the advancement of women’s status.
Now, 75 years later, the problem of declining birthrates in Japan has become more serious, and the issue of women’s status remains unresolved. In 2022, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced that the number of births had fallen below 800,000 for the first time since 1899, with a decrease of 5.1% compared to the previous year. Annual births in Japan peaked at around 2.7 million in 1949 during the first baby boom, but have since followed a gradual downward trend with some fluctuations.
The causes of declining birthrates are often attributed to “increased rates of unmarried individuals,” “delayed marriage,” and “lower birthrates among married couples.” In short, the key to solving these problems is to create a society where all women can feel secure in giving birth, regardless of their circumstances.

今日は「こどもの日」。「こどもの人格を重んじ、こどもの幸福をはかるとともに、母に感謝する」日です。元々5月5日は「端午の節句」で、男の子の健やかな成長や幸せを祈ってお祝いをする日でした。その「端午の節句」が、戦後間もなくの1948年に「こどもの日」になり、子どもたちみんなをお祝いする日になりました。さらに子どものお祝いだけではなく、「お母さんに感謝する」という意味も込められました。男女平等と女性の地位向上が謳われた訳です。それから75年経った今、子供の少子化問題は深刻化し、女性の地位向上問題は未だにさけばれています。2022年には、生まれた赤ちゃんの数(出生数)が前年比5.1%減の79万9728人で、1899年の統計開始以来初めて80万人を下回ったことが厚生労働省の人口動態統計(速報値)で分かりました。我が国の年間の出生数は、第1次ベビー ブーム期の1949年がピークで約270万人でしたが、それ以来、多少の増加と減少を繰り返し ながら、緩やかな減少傾向を辿ってきました。少子化の原因として、「未婚化の進展」、「晩婚化の進展」及び「夫婦の出生力の低下」などがよく挙げられますが、一言で言えば、どんな境遇の女性でも安心して子供を産める社会を実現することです。

咲き切って どの芍薬も 大歓迎

I went to a nearby Shakuyaku garden. It is open from April 28th to May 19th this year. It was a bit chilly in the beginning, but fortunately, now is the best time to see the flowers. Shakuyaku is mostly single-flowered, with especially large and developed stamens that adorn the center of the flower, giving it an overall neat appearance. Shakuyaku, which blooms later than Botan known as “Kaou (King of flowers)”, are called the “Kashou (Prime minister of flowers)” because of their beauty. Both flowers look very similar and are difficult to tell apart, but Botan blooms in late spring, while Shakuyaku blooms in early summer. Botan leaves have incisions, while Shakuyaku leaves do not. Shakuyaku grows naturally in northern China, southeastern Siberia, and the Korean Peninsula, and have been cultivated in China since ancient times. They are also known as medicinal plants and have been used from flower to root, and have been enjoyed as a tea flower since the Edo period. There is a famous phrase that describes beautiful women as “standing like a Shakuyaku, sitting like a Botan, and walking like a lily.” Originally, this was a prescription for Chinese medicine that showed how to use women’s herbs, indicating that women prone to irritability should use Shakuyaku roots, women who tend to sit should use Botan root bark, and women who walk unsteadily should use lily roots. This usage is still used in Chinese medicine today.


田植え終え 早速カエルの 大合唱

After the passing of the “88th Night” (Hachijuhachiya) in Japan, it is time to start preparing for rice planting. However, since Japan is long from north to south, the timing of rice planting varies. The timing depends not only on the temperature difference, but also on the variety of rice, the growth period of the rice, and the weather of the year. Generally, the earliest planting takes place in Kyushu, where planting is finished by early April. The most common timing is from mid-May to early June, after the “88th Night”. In the Tokyo area, planting is often done in early June. The photo is of the scenery in Shiga Region, Otsu City, in the north of Shiga Prefecture, where rice planting is completed by the “88th Night”. Immediately after planting, there are no singing frogs, but when the leaves start to grow, a chorus of frogs begins. It is because many creatures, both in and out of the paddy fields, and they become food for the frogs, and the rice leaves are a good hiding place for them.


八十八夜 新茶に染まる 白茶碗

On the 88th day after the beginning of spring, today is known as “Hachijuhachiya” in Japan. This period marks the transition from spring to summer, and the weather becomes increasingly warm and mild. It is the time to prepare the rice paddies for planting and to begin the tea-picking season. According to legend, drinking the new tea harvested on this day can prevent illness. Compared to second flush tea, new tea has superior nutritional value and an exceptional taste. It has been accumulating nutrients since the previous autumn and is picked when these nutrients are fully stored, from the end of March to the beginning of May. This makes the new tea an exquisite and condensed flavor of tea. There are roughly three types of tea: green tea, oolong tea, and black tea, all made from the same tea plant. Green tea is made by immediately processing the picked tea leaves to prevent oxidation, black tea is made by completely fermenting the tea leaves, and oolong tea is made by partially fermenting the tea leaves. In the world, black tea accounts for 80% of tea consumption, while green tea is less than 10%. However, with the popularity of Japanese culture, green tea has been spreading globally as a healthy beverage.


茶の香り 嗅いで清しや 富士の峯

Finally, May has arrived. Both work and school are supposed to start a new fiscal year from April, but until Golden Week, I couldn’t quite settle down and couldn’t really focus on work or studying. After Golden Week, I finally got the feeling of “Come on!”.  I wonder how everyone is spending their time in the middle of Golden Week. Before I surrendered my driver’s license, I used to go somewhere in Japan for a week. It’s the best season, not too cold or too hot, and everything feels fresh and sprouting. Nowadays, everywhere is overflowing with people and cars, so it’s nice to spend time at home as I please. Saying that, though I really wants it, I find me pretending I don’t.


熊手持つ 作務衣(さむえ)に触れて 牡丹揺れ

Today is Botan Day on the flower calendar. Botan has long been revered as a noble flower and referred to as the “king of flowers” or the “flower of royalty.” Botan was originally brought to Japan from China during the Nara period as a medicinal plant, but there is also a theory that they were brought back by the Buddhist monk Kukai. After that, they were improved through breeding in Japan and became popular among the nobility during the late Heian period, and were eventually cultivated in temples throughout the country. During the Edo period, they spread among the general population, and most of the botan varieties we see today were improved during this time. There are many famous botan spots throughout Japan, but in Kansai, the botan at Hasedera Temple, which has a history of a thousand years, is particularly famous. Botan  is synonymous with Hasedera Temple, and the 150 varieties and 7,000 botan plants blooming throughout the temple grounds delight visitors.


ピースピースと 世界に響け フラワーベル

Finally, this year’s Golden Week has begun. After three years, the once-in-a-century pandemic is finally approaching an end. The flow of people around the world has changed significantly, and it seems that many foreign visitors are also coming to Japan. According to JTB’s estimates, the number of foreign visitors to Japan is expected to be 21.1 million (66.2% compared to 2019) or 550.6% more than the previous year. While a rapid recovery in the number of visitors from countries such as Korea, Thailand, and Singapore can be expected, the recovery in demand from China is assumed to fully begin after July 2023, with a subsequent rapid recovery. Japan had set a target of 60 million foreign visitors before the pandemic, so the current number is only a third of that goal, but it is expected to increase exponentially by the time of the Osaka Expo in 2025. The world should become more peaceful in proportion to the number of foreign visitors to Japan. We also hope that the “Hiroshima Peace Pilgrimage City” declaration or something bolder will be announced at the “G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023” starting on May 19th.

いよいよ今年のゴールデンウィークが始まりました。100年に一度のパンデミックも3年を経てやっと収束に近づいています。世界の人の流れも大きく変わり、日本にも多くの外国人客が訪れている様です。JTBの推計では、訪日外国人数は、前年比550.6%の2110万人(2019年比66.2%)になるそうです。韓国、タイ、シンガポールなどからの訪日客の急回復が期待できる一方、中国からの訪日需要は23年7月以降に回復が本格化し、その後、急回復すると想定しています。パンデミック前には、訪日外国人数を6000万人に目標設定にしていた訳ですから、まだその三分の一ですが、2025年の大阪万博までには加速度的に増加するでしょう。日本を訪れる外国人数に比例して世界は平和になるはずです。5月19日から始まる「G7 広島サミット2023」にも、もっと大胆に、「広島平和巡礼都市」宣言くらいをぶちあげて欲しいものです。

咲き切って 皐月迎える ツツジかな

There is an old water purification plant along the Yamato River in Asakayama, Sakai City, Osaka. About 2,500 azaleas, including those over 80 years old and newly planted ones, are planted over a total length of about 600 meters, making it one of the most famous tsutsuji spots in Osaka. Normally, they continue to bloom until after Golden Week, but recently they have not lasted that long. They reach their peak in mid-April and start to decline noticeably in the latter half of the month. After the tsutsuji, the satsuki (Rhododendron indicum) bloom vigorously. Satsuki blooms in May, as its name suggests, but Satsuki is also an old name in the lunar calendar, and corresponds to June in the Gregorian calendar. In other words, Satsuki probably bloomed around June in the past. Therefore, global warming has been gradually starting over a hundred years ago and has been accelerating in the past 10 to 20 years, turning from quantity to quality in terms of physics. It seems that the world still lacks a sense of urgency about its severity.


つくづくと 色合い深し バラの花

From fossils, we know that wild roses were already distributed throughout various regions in the northern hemisphere 30 million years ago. It is said that their origins can probably be traced back to 70 million years ago. Human interest in roses can be traced back to more than 2000 years ago, as evidenced by the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” which describes roses as “the flower of eternal life.” Since then, roses have been one of the most widely admired flowers. While each flower has its  flower language, roses are exceptional. There are countless flower languages  to describe roses, including their color, hue, number, condition, and combination with other flowers. You can see the depth of interest in roses. Nowadays, there are said to be 30,000 to 100,000 varieties of roses, and possibly even more. However, there are no true blue roses, as there is no genetic expression for the color blue in roses. Recently, Suntory created a genetically modified rose that is quite blue, which generated a lot of attention, but it still doesn’t have the natural blue color of a flower like the gentian.


春雨が 甘露となりて 藤の花

In the midst of continuous rain, fuji (wisteria) is blooming its last flowers. This year, all the flowers are blooming one to two weeks earlier than usual, and closing earlier as a result. The fuji is the same. Although the cool weather has caused the flowers to last a little longer, they are now waiting to be pruned. Knowing this, bees are gathering in swarms to seek the last bit of nectar. Under the rain, groups of umbrella-toting flower viewers are visiting the nearby shakuyaku garden in small numbers. When the rain clears, it will be time for the shakuyaku. I’m not the teacher Makino from the morning drama, but my fun of chasing flowers continues. However, the news of Ukraine and Sudan can’t escape from the back of my mind.
