花日和 桜も揺れて 弾む俥夫

The Kawazu cherry blossoms, which are known for their early blooming, have also become famous, and are broadcast on TV every day.  It seems that many people are visiting the local Kawazu town to see the cherry blossoms even on weekdays after being released from the corona wreck.  Even in Tokyo, Kawazu cherry blossoms have been featured as a popular spot, and Yoyogi Park’s Kawazu cherry blossoms were shown in NHK’s weather forecast this morning.  It’s plum season nationwide, but it doesn’t seem to rival the popularity of cherry blossoms.  Japan Meteorological Co., Ltd., which has announced cherry blossom bloom and full bloom forecasts, has already issued its fourth forecast.  Plum, peach, cherry blossoms, and the order of flowers heralding the arrival of spring are all messed up.  I don’t know if climate change is the cause, or information confusion due to the information society, but in any case, we are changing to an era where we cannot make decisions based on conventional rules and concepts.


大根葉 春を占う この勢い

When I go to the supermarket, I see daikon radish and turnips.  The leaves of the radish are cut off, but the leaves of the turnip are still attached.  I went home and looked it up.  The first reason is the problem of transportation costs.  Radishes have long roots and long stems, making them bulky and expensive to pack and take up space.  On the other hand, turnips have round roots and soft stems, so it is easier to carry them with the leaves on and display them in stores.  Both radish and turnip are nutritionally superior to leaves.  Turnip leaves, in particular, contain twice as much vitamin C as spinach and are rich in calcium.  The leaves of daikon radish have strong growth power, so it is easy to absorb nutrients from the roots.  So the leaves of the daikon radish are cut off and put in the shop.


大地から 吹き出す命 枝垂れ梅

Yesterday (2/19), it seems that “Haruichiban” blew in northern Kyushu (including Yamaguchi Prefecture) and Shikoku.  Haruichiban is the first strong southerly wind that blows between Risshun and Shunbun(the vernal equinox).  Haruichiban has not yet blown in Kansai, but plum blossoms are just one step away from full bloom in the plum garden nearby.  Above all, the weeping plum tree, whose only green young branches were conspicuous when seen before, is spouting out flowers like a fountain from the earth.  The temperature is gradually rising, so it seems that spring will open at once before the Peach Festival, which is approaching in less than two weeks.


コーヒーの 香りが満ちて 雛飾り

It’s Usui for 15 days from today until Jingzhe.  It is the second season of the 24 solar terms starting from Risshun(the first day of spring).  It is the period when the snow falling from the sky turns into rain and the snow begins to melt.  In some areas, the first wind blows in spring and the chirping of warblers begins to be heard.  It is considered an auspicious day for decorating Hina decorations for the Hinamatsuri on March 3rd.  The cafe I happened to enter was also decorated with a splendid hinadan.  Since it was noon, there were some customers having lunch, and it was crowded. Coupled with the quietly playing Hinamatsuri songs, there was a bright atmosphere.

今日から啓蟄までの15日間は雨水。立春から始まる24節気の第2番目の時期です。空から降る雪が雨に変わり、雪が溶け始めるころの期間です。春一番が吹き、鶯の鳴き声が聞こえ始める地域もあります。3月3日の雛祭りに飾る雛飾りを飾るのに縁起のいい日とされます。たまたま入ったカフェにも立派な雛壇が飾られていました。お昼時ということもあって、昼食をとる客もあり、賑わっていましたが、You are静かに流れる雛祭りの歌と相まって、明るい雰囲気が漂っていました。

朝一番 歩くも惜しい 花絨毯

This year’s Kawazu cherry blossoms were delayed by about 5 days due to the cold weather.  It was announced that the “Kawazu Sakura Festival” scheduled to be held until February 28th (Tuesday) will be extended until March 5th (Sunday).  Kawazu-zakura blooms earlier than Somei-Yoshino, and from around the end of January, it blooms with pale pink and large flowers (about 4-5 cm).  The flowering period is long and the leaves are attached early, so you can enjoy both pink flowers and fresh green.  Kawazu-zakura native to Japan, which was born from the natural crossing of Oshima-zakura and Kanhi-zakura, which are endemic to Japan, was discovered along the Kawazu River by Mr. Iida around 1955.  Kawazu cherry blossoms have been planted for 70 years from a single original species, and now there are about 850 cherry blossoms along the Kawazu River alone, and about 8,000 cherry blossoms in total.


コロナ禍も 凌いで飾る 雛祭り

We are gradually freed from the corona wreck, and news of Hinamatsuri(the Doll’s Festival) arrives from all over the country. It is said that the best time to display hina dolls is from Risshun(around February 4th, the day after Setsubun) to Mid-February. Depending on the place, it is said that it is good to decorate one of the twenty-four solar terms, Usui day (February 19th this year). Usui day is the day when snow and ice melt in the warmth and pour down as rainwater and since ancient times, it has been regarded as a guideline for starting preparations for farming. Also, since water is the source of life, it has been worshiped as the god of fertility and safe childbirth. Therefore, this custom was born from the fact that decorating hina dolls on rainy days leads to a good match. Hinamatsuri in various places, which have been closed for three years due to the corona disaster, will be held on a grand scale this year.

コロナ禍からも徐々に解放され、全国からも雛祭りの便りが届きます。お雛様を飾る時期は、立春(節分の翌日、2月4日ごろ)から2月中旬にかけてがよいと言われています。 ところによっては、二十四節気のひとつ、雨水(今年は2月19日)に飾るとよいと言われるところもあります。 雨水は、温かさに雪や氷が溶けて雨水として降り注ぐ日で、 昔から、農耕の準備をはじめる目安の日とされてきました。また、水は命を象徴する源ということで、子宝や安産の神として信仰されてきた事もあり、雨水の日におひな様を飾る事は、良縁につながるということから、この様な習慣が生まれました。3年間コロナ禍で閉ざされてきた各地の雛祭りも、今年は盛大に行われる様です。

春便り 君に届くや 赤ポスト

On a street corner lined with old folk houses, there is an old-fashioned red post box. The redness stands out while the light snow is flickering. I’ve never seen this post before, so I’m really curious. picture with my phone and went home to check it out. The postal business was established in Japan in 1871, when Japan’s first post box was born. At the time of the company’s founding, post boxes were made of wood with a square box on a base with legs, but in 1901, a red, fire-resistant, cylindrical iron post was installed on a trial basis. This is the beginning of the red round post. Rectangular mailboxes are now the mainstream, but red round mailboxes are still installed at some tourist attractions. Various postal boxes are introduced, but I can’t find a post like the picture. Now is the age of SNS. I rarely use the postbox. In the light snow, a nostalgic thought ran through my head at the retro red mailbox.


雪時雨 壺湯に浸かれば 蛸気分

Hot springs come to mind when it’s cold like this.  I have many fond memories of hot springs.  My oldest memory is the hot springs in Atami.  My great-uncle, who was a teacher of joruri(a narrative chanted to the accompaniment of the samisen) , lived in Atami, so I used to go there a lot when I was a kid.  I don’t know about Atami now, but before the Great Fire of Atami (1950), there was a large public bath in the city where geisha with their hair done Japanese  style often visited.  The beautiful appearance left a strong impression on my child’s mind.  Decades later, when I traveled to Izu, I remember soaking in the pot bath pictured above.  I forgot the details, but I happened to be invited to a house and entered this pot bath.  Hot springs are drawn from the source, and plenty of hot water is filled in Shigaraki pots that only one person can put in.  The hot springs while gazing at the vast ocean of Izu below us were exceptional.


この歳で チョコをいただく バレンタイン


Valentine’s Day is a popular event celebrated worldwide as a day to celebrate love and passion. Many people can show love to their partners, family, and friends in special ways on this day. On the other hand, there is also a commercial aspect to this day, with emphasis placed on shopping and gift giving. I believe it is important to consider both the enjoyment of celebrating love with partners, family, and friends, as well as the commercial side of things on Valentine’s Day. There are many ways to show love, not just through けshopping and gift giving, but also spending time together and making handmade gifts can be wonderful ways. The most important thing is to express one’s own feelings. Reflecting on one’s own thoughts and ideas towards Valentine’s Day and spending a special day with those they love is important. Chocolate is often given as a gift on Valentine’s Day. The tradition of giving chocolate on Valentine’s Day has a long history, dating back to 15th century France, but is now used to celebrate love and passion worldwide. This is also due to the tradition of men giving chocolate to women. In France at that time, it was common for men to write love letters to women and chocolate was seen as a symbol of that love. Nowadays, giving chocolate to those you love, whether it be partners, family, friends, is a common practice on Valentine’s Day. Chocolate is popular as a symbol of love, friendship, and support, and there is also a tradition of sweet taste being particularly popular among women. Therefore, giving special chocolate on Valentine’s Day has become a common practice.


路地裏に 人が咲かせた 落椿

In the corner of a back alley with little traffic, pebbles are laid out in a circle, and fallen camellia flowers are displayed on the pebbles.  It’s like a camellia blooming on the ground, and it’s alive.  Who made the camellia circle stone? It’s a beautiful monument only for this winter.  It is also characteristic of camellias that the fallen camellia flowers are decorated in this way, and the whole camellia flower falls.  It is said that camellias are associated with death because they fall from the neck along with the flowers, and it is considered taboo to give them as a present to the sick.  However, when I look at this monument, I can feel the beauty and warmth of the creator, and I am strongly conscious of the word “rebirth” rather than “death.”

人通りの少ない路地裏の一角に丸く小石が並べられ、小石の上に落ちた椿の花が飾られています。 地上に咲く椿のように、生き生きとしています。 椿丸石は誰が作ったの? この冬だけの美しいモニュメントです。 落ちた椿の花がこのように飾られ、椿の花全体が落ちるのも椿の特徴です。 椿は花と共に首から落ちることから死を連想させるとされ、病人に与えることは禁忌とされています。 しかし、このモニュメントを見ると造り手の美しさや温もりを感じることができ、「死」よりも「再生」という言葉を強く意識します。