瓢箪は ひょこりんたんの 歌懐かし

♭♯♭ https://bit.ly/3D3nywC ♭♯♭

As I was walking along the road, I found Hyoutan (gourds) drying on the fence in the field. It’s still bluish, so it’s probably because it’s been dried for a short time.  If you hollow out the bottom and dry it for about a month, you will have a fine Hyoutan.  A long time ago, there was a program on NHK radio with a theme song called “Hyoutan wa Hyokorintan”, although I forgot the title.  When Hideyoshi Toyotomi was still called Hiyoshimaru, I think it was a story about him wandering around the countries in search of his dreams.  It was a program that left a strange impression on me, and I still remember the theme song.  I’m not confident about the lyrics and the melody, but I tried singing.


ザクロの実 誤解を生んだ 鬼子母神

No fruit is more misunderstood than Zakuro  (pomegranate).  When I was little, I heard that Zakuroseeds taste like human flesh.  The Zakuro, which is said to have originated in Southwest Asia and the Middle East, is a fruit with a very ancient origin, and has appeared in various tales and myths from all over the world.  Even now, it is widely cultivated in the United States, Turkey, Spain, Iran, Chile, China, etc. In Japan, Zakuro is said to have brought from China and the Korean Peninsula for medicinal purposes since the Heian period. But in Japan things were different.  A tale passed down from ancient times in Japan has a plausible story of Shaka giving Zakuro instead of a child to the demon god “Kariteimo,” who eats children.  This myth is said to be the reason why Zakuro are said to taste like human flesh and blood.  Kariteimo later attains her enlightenment and becomes Kishibojin, but Kishibojin holds Zakuro in her right hand (in fact, it is not a Zakuro fruit, but rather an auspicious fruit), so this  myth seems to be gaining momentum more and more.  Zakuro is therefore still not popular in Japan.

ザクロ(柘榴)ほど誤解されている果実はありません。小さい時、ザクロの実は人肉の味がすると聞いたことがあります。西南アジアや中東の原産といわれるザクロは非常に起源が古い果物で、古今東西の様々な説話や神話に登場しています。現在でもアメリカをはじめ、トルコ、スペイン、イラン、チリ、中国などで広く栽培されています。日本にも平安時代から ザクロは薬用に中国や朝鮮半島を入ってきたとされています。しかし、日本では事情が異なりました。日本に古くから伝わる説話に、釈迦が子どもを食べる鬼神「訶梨帝母(かりていも)」に、子どもの代わりにザクロを与えていたといった話がまことしやかに伝わったのです。この俗説が、「ザクロは人肉や血の味がする」と言われる所以になったようです。訶梨帝母はのちに悟りを開いて鬼子母神になりますが、鬼子母神は右手にザクロ(実はザクロの実ではなく吉祥果)を持っているので、この俗説に益々拍車が掛かった様です。ザクロはそれ故にいまだに日本では人気がありません。

霜降は 鍋が一番 海の幸

Today 10/23 is “Soukou” day.  Or rather, the first day of the Soukou.  In the lunar calendar, the year was divided into 24 divisions, each of which was named 24 solar terms.  “Soukou” is the 18th solar term counting from “Risshun” and refers to the 14 days until “Rittou ” (November 6).  The cold north wind that blows during this period is called “Kogarashi”, and according to the calendar, it is the forerunner of winter.  It’s time to miss nabemono (a dish cooked in an earthen pot at the table usually by the diners themselves). Seafood is synonymous with nabemono.  Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Japan has been blessed with seafood.  “Washoku”, which is represented by sushi and seafood dishes, is now experiencing a boom not only in Japan, but all over the world.  Since the latter half of the 1970s, healthy eating habits and natural foods have been booming mainly in the United States, and Japanese food culture has become very popular as it is healthy and natural.  Recently, it has become popular in Europe and other Southeast Asian countries, which have increased their economic power.


一輪に 思いが籠る 秋のバラ

The roses, which have been few in number, in the rose garden have their charm.  The spring rose garden, which is in full bloom, attracts a lot of people, and it is tempting to stop and take a look.  That’s another good thing, men and women of all ages are mixed, and there’s a bright atmosphere.  However, the rose garden in autumn is sparsely populated, and many of the visitors seem to be elderly.  There are people who stop in front of the roses one by one and enjoy the lingering scent, talk, and take pictures, but the atmosphere is calm.  I don’t know for sure, but blooming roses are also pure and pure also in color.  It looks like the sunset just then can be seen through.  Smell the scent and I feel a sense of relief.  As I sat on the bench and watched the setting sun, the roses formed a black silhouette before I knew it.


焼き芋を 二つに割って ほくそ笑み

I checked the autumn taste ranking with three questionnaires.  The first place for all three was “sweet potato”.  It is true that sweet potatoes are delicious as baked sweet potatoes, steamed, sweet potato porridge, grilled, or boiled.  It boosts the autumn appetite.  The sweet potato was brought to Japan from China in the early 17th century via the Ryukyus and eventually to Satsuma.  Satsuma no imo, or sweet potato, was cultivated in southern Kyushu.  During the Edo period, there was a series of famines, but the areas that cultivated sweet potatoes were spared from starvation.  For this reason, the Edo shogunate promoted sweet potatoes as a relief crop, and they spread rapidly throughout the country.  In the latter half of the Edo period, steamed sweet potatoes had been the mainstream until then, but baked sweet potatoes took over, and it is said that shops with banners of “○-yaki” spread all over Edo.  Utagawa Hiroshige’s “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” also depicts a shop with a banner of “○-yaki”.


あの白い レースの花から 烏瓜

As I expected, a bright red ripe  Karasu-uri (Crow gourd) was hanging.  Shortly before the rainy season began, I remembered the Karasu-uri flowers that emerged in the darkness after the setting sun had set.  The pale white, beautiful and bewitching figure has a mysterious atmosphere that makes it hard to believe that it is a flower.  It is a climbing perennial plant of the family Cucurbitaceae that grows wild in the fields and mountains of Japan.  Kenji Miyazawa also seemed to be very concerned about it, and he often says it in “Night on the Galactic Railroad” and “Mathasaburo Kazano.”  I’m not sure if he refers to the white flower or the red fruit when he refers to the “light of the gourd”.  However, depending on the region, it seems that cute lanterns were made by hollowing out the inside of the Karasu-uri and lighting a candle inside, so Kenji’s ‘Akari of Karasu-uri’ may also be referring to this lantern.  Come to think of it, it’s almost Halloween (10/31).  “Jack-o-lanterns” made from hollowed out pumpkins are good, but I also have a dream to make Karasu-uri lanterns.


秋想う 心しみじみ 京お菓子

Kyo-gashi (Kyoto confectionery) was originally sweet used for ceremonial ceremonies based on Yusoku-Kojitsu (traditional events, ceremonies, systems, government posts, and customs conducted by the imperial court, court nobles, and samurai families, or academic studies that study them) and tea ceremonies.  As the Edo period entered a stable period and popular culture spread, Kyo-gashi, which were only eaten by the upper class, became popular among the common people. Kyo-gashi culture, which expresses a sense of the seasons and the beauty of nature, has continued to spread since the Meiji period, and nowadays, the number of fans is increasing all over the world through foreigners visiting Japan.


青闇に 白雲映える 秋の富士

The morning breeze is refreshing.  In Osaka, the maximum temperature forecast for the next 10 days will not exceed 25°C.  Even in Hokkaido, there is a forecast that there may be areas where the temperature will be below freezing today.  This time it will be a full-fledged start of autumn.  The restrictions on domestic and foreign travelers due to the corona crisis have become quite relaxed, and yesterday’s news reported that many foreigners were visiting various parts of Japan.  Thanks to the depreciation of the yen, shopping is also prosperous.  It seems that Japan’s export industries, including automobiles, are gaining momentum.  However, domestically, partly because of the Ukrainian War, the yen’s depreciation for the first time in more than 30 years has spurred a rise in prices, and electricity and gas prices have risen across the board.  There is a lot of anxiety about how the domestic and international situation will change in the future and how our lives will be.


咲き切って 門扉固める マンデビラ

The flowering period of Mandevilla is long, from May to October, and it continues to bloom even in the midsummer heat.  However, since it is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America to Argentina, it is susceptible to cold weather.  The temperature will drop rapidly from around today, so now is the peak of Mandevilla.  The name Mandevilla comes from Henry Mandeville, the British minister stationed in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, who discovered this flower.  Mandevilla’s flower language is “firm friendship”, “passion” and “dangerous love”.  “Firm Friendship” comes from the way Mandevilla entwines its vines tightly around others and makes many flowers bloom.  Also, “Passion” is probably the image of flowers in colors that make you feel passion, such as red and dark pink, blooming all over the branches and leaves.  On the other hand, “Dangerous Love” may express “beauty enough to deceive people’s hearts” because of its too passionate and gorgeous flowers.


割り箸に ワタガシソウを そっと巻き

Flowers like red cotton candy are blooming at the entrance of the park. It looks like cotton candy from a cotton candy machine, and you’ll want to wrap it around a disposable chopstick and eat it. The plant is called Muhlenbergia.  It is a member of the grass family with more than 150 species distributed mainly in North America, South America, and Asia.  Grass is a general term for plants that appreciate grass-like forms, such as the gramineous family and the cyperaceous family.  Most plants in the genus Mühlenbergia are weeds, but some species are grown as ornamentals.  The flowering period of Muhlenbergia is from September to October, and when it blooms, the flower stalk is elongated from between the leaves and many small flowers are attached to the cone-shaped inflorescence.  At present, Mühlenbergia is in full bloom on the “Hana no Oka” of Expo’70 Commemorative Park in Osaka.


