枯れ芝に 我がシルエット 冬日差し

The dead grass was frosted and shimmered in the morning sun, but now it has completely disappeared and my silhouette is casting a shadow.  The number of people infected with corona has decreased completely, and I was surprised at the large number of people on the holidays the other day, but I am glad that the liveliness is gradually returning.  A Christmas tree is already displayed in a nearby department store, and Christmas songs are playing.  This busyness is the same as usual, but this year I feel special.   I haven’t seen my grandchildren overseas for two years, but I would like to see them as soon as possible.


もみじ葉に 鳳凰羽ばたく 金閣寺

The beauty of Kinkakuji Temple surrounded by the five colors of autumn leaves is exceptional.  It is said that the view seen from the south side of Kyoko Pond in front of Kinkakuji Temple is the most beautiful.  That’s right, Kyoko Pond was originally designed so that the Golden Pavilion is reflected on the surface of the lake from any angle.  However, when you look at Kinkakuji Temple from the back side, you can clearly see the golden phoenix placed on the top of the roof between the autumn leaves, and it looks like you are flying in the sky.  This phoenix is ​​said to be a symbol of the builder, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, who planned to seize the throne.  It seems that the fact that there was actually such a movement remains in historical fact.


赤カブラ 黄カブラ大地に 踏ん張って

Kabura(Turnip) is also called Kabu.  Originally it was called Kabura, and what the court wives of the Heian period used to call it a “O-kabu” came to be called Kabu after the “o” was removed.  Nowadays, it seems that more people call it Kabu than Kabura.  Kabura has  long been cultivated because white Kabura was the main and red Kabura was used for celebrations.  Yellow Kabura is mainly cultivated in Europe, and it wasn’t until the Meiji era that they came to Japan, and even now they are still unfamiliar in Japan, and can only be found at farm products direct sales offices.  Yellow Kabura has been cultivated mainly as feed for livestock in both Europe and Japan, but it has come to be added to recipes in the sense that it adds color.

カブラ(蕪)はカブとも言います。元々はカブラで、平安時代の宮廷女房達が「おカブ」と呼んでいたのが「お」が取れてカブとも言われる様になりました。今ではカブラと言うよりはカブと呼ぶ方が多いようです。カブラは昔から白カブラが主で赤カブラは祝い事に使うので栽培されてきました。黄カブラは主にヨーロッパで栽培されていて、日本に入ってきたのは明治時代になってからで、今でも日本ではまだ馴染みが薄く、農産物直売所などで見かける程度である。 黄カブラはヨーロッパでも日本でも主に家畜の飼料として栽培されてきましたが、色取りを添えると言う意味でレシピにも加えられる様になりました。

木枯らしに ススキが呻く 上高地

Kamikochi is a place where the bustle of summer seems like a lie.  The peaks of the Hotaka mountains are clearly visible against the clear blue sky.  The white spots in Dakesawa are also remnants of the remaining snow.  The peaks are lightly covered with the first snow.  The dry wind blows mercilessly on Japanese pampas grass.  The scenery of Kamikochi is really lonely, and there are a few people.


散ってなお 大地彩る 紅葉かな

In the fall, the trees are colored and fascinate people as much as or even more than the beauty of flowers.  This is the same regardless in all parts of the world.  However, it is said that Japan has the best beauty of autumn leaves.  It has a lot to do with Japan’s natural environment, especially the climate and terrain.  The environment such as temperature, moisture, and light is closely related to the vivid appearance of autumn leaves.  It is necessary that there is a large difference in temperature between day and night, that there is moderate humidity, and that ultraviolet rays are strong.  That is why even in Japan, the autumn colors are especially beautiful near mountain streams such as Nikko, Oirase, and Hakone.  The mechanism by which the trees turn red is the same in Japan and abroad.  However, we would like to pay attention to the importance of its beauty and strive to protect the natural environment in a sustainable manner.


落ち鮎を 白鷺待つや 秋の瀬に

Autumn is finally near at hand. A large egret stands in the clear stream flowing into Lake Biwa without making a slight movement.  I even feel the air of dignity with the standing figure.  Immediately take a picture with my smartphone, search with Google Lens, and it’s a Daisagi(Great Egret).  Some herons have feathers from gray to white and black, and some herons change color depending on the season.  Great egrets, intermediate egrets, little egrets, and cattle egrets with white feathers are collectively called egrets.  This Daisagi is aiming for the sweetfish that going down the river after they grew up in Lake Biwa, went up  the river and finished spawning.

秋もいよいよ押し詰まりました。琵琶湖に流れ込む清流に大きな白鷺が微動だにせずにすっくと立っています。その立ち姿には風格さえ感じます。早速スマホで写真に撮り、Google Lens で検索したら、ダイサギです。サギには羽根の色が灰色から白、黒のものがあり、また季節により色が変わるものもあます。そのうち羽根が白いダイサギやチュウサギ、コサギ、アマサギはまとめて白鷺ともよびます。琵琶湖で育った鮎が川を遡上し、産卵を終えて川を下る落ち鮎をこのダイサキはじっと狙っているのです。

クリスマス ツリーで忙(せわ)しく 人の波

Good news came in from the morning.  It is news that Shohei Ohtani of the American Major League has been elected as the Most Valuable Player of the Season (MVP) of the League with a full vote.  It is said that the Japanese player has won the award for the second time since Ichiro Suzuki of the Mariners in 2001, and the election with a full vote is the 19th person since Harper of the Nationals at that time in 2015.  His greatness is not only the excellence of his skill as a professional baseball player, but also his dignity as a human being.  The truth of his dignity can be seen in a little gesture that anyone can do, not in a spectacular gesture.  It is a pleasure to get the world’s attention to Japan and to the Japanese people through him,  and we would like to make a noteworthy response.


いにしえも 心癒すや 長谷の秋

Hase Temple is located on the hillside of Mt. Hase overlooking the Hase Highway that connects Yamato and Ise.  From the end of April to the beginning of May, more than 150 kinds of peony, which is said to be 7,000 stocks, are in full bloom, and this temple has been called “Flower Temple” for a long time.  It also appears in many classical literature such as “Makura-Soshi(Pillow Soshi”, “Genji Monogatari,” and “Sarashina Diary.”  Above all, the “Sarashina Diary” describes in detail the state of Hase-Temple worship of women in the aristocratic society at that time.  It is estimated to have been built in the first half of the 8th century during the Nara period, but the exact time and circumstances of its construction are unknown.  Perhaps this had been also a sacred place from long ago before Buddhism was introduced, and Buddhist culture was overlaid on it.


古民家で 篠笛聞くや 秋愁い(あきおもい)

Uda City, located in the northeastern part of Nara Prefecture, is mostly a forest area.  There was a Shinobue concert at an old folk house there.  Even in late autumn, the temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius at night.  The heater that doubles as a light is stylish.  Customers in winter costumes are listening to the high-pitched performance of the Shinobue.  In the autumn that reminds me, I will blend in with the songs that flow various thoughts.  Some customers are dabbing their eyes. While the high-pitched but melancholy tone was tearing tore the night’s silence, it’s getting late at night.


心浮く 銀杏落ち葉の 夜明け道

Fallen leaves of ginkgo are piled up on the road that has not yet dawned, illuminating the road much brighter than the light of the streetlight.  My heart dances so much that I forget about the cold morning.  After mid-November, a big Christmas tree is already displayed in the plaza inside the large supermarket, and I feel busy at the end of the year.  The infection of Corona Will, which had been raging for two years, has subsided like a lie, and I hope that the New Year will continue as it is.
