二年ぶり 丸太のお化け 待つハロウィン

A Halloween ghost made from cut logs is waiting for the turn in the nearby park.  It was canceled last year, but this year it will be held for the first time in two years.  Halloween festivals are unfamiliar to our generation, but they seem to be popular with children.  Halloween is an ancient Celtic festival that is held on October 31st every year and is originally a heathen for Christianity.  The pagan festival, Halloween, has become established as a private event with little religious significance in modern times, especially in the United States.  In Japan, with the spread of SNS in the 2010s, confectionery makers entered the Halloween sales season one after another, and Halloween decorations can be seen in stores and in the streets. And Halloween, which is arranged in Japanese style, is now held as a costume and cosplay event.


食べりゃんせ カラスが一声 吊るし柿

I tried to make dried persimmons with the astringent persimmons I received.  The crow arrived immediately, but he showed no interest in it at all because it’s still an astringent persimmon.  If you want to eat, you may eat it.
When walking in the satoyama, dried persimmons are already hanging also at the eaves of the farmhouse.  It is a sight that you usually see in November.  It is said that the best time to make dried persimmons is around November, when the weather is relatively stable, when the temperature drops below 15 ° C.  This year, “Kogarashi No. 1” also visited at a record-breaking speed.  The summer was extremely hot and the persimmons grew fast, and the cold came early, so it may have been the best year to make dried persimmons.  Dried persimmons are made from astringent persimmons, but since the astringency disappears in two weeks, it should be dried for at least two weeks to one and a half months.  If you like juicy dried persimmons like Anpo-gaki, dry them short, and if you like dried and hard dried persimmons, dry them long.  If you soak it in shochu (Japanese liquors distilled from sweet potatoes, wheat, etc.) when you dry it, and then spray it with a spray bottle from time to time while it is drying, you can prevent mold and prevent black stacking.

里山を歩いていると農家の軒先にももう干し柿が吊るしてあります。例年なら11月に入って見かける光景です。干し柿を作る最適な時期は、比較的天気が安定している11月ごろで、気温が15℃以下になる頃だと言われています。今年は「木枯らし1号」も記録破りの速さで訪れました。夏は猛暑続きで柿の成長も早かったし、寒さの訪れも早かったので、干し柿を作るには最適な年になったのかもしれません。干し柿は渋柿から作りますが、2週間で渋が抜けるので最低2週間~1ヶ月半くらい干します。あんぽ柿のようなジューシーな干し柿が好きな方は短く、乾燥して固めの干し柿がお好みの方は長く干します。 干す際に一旦焼酎に漬け、干している最中に時々霧吹きで焼酎を吹き付けるとカビも防げ、クロ積みもふせげます。

湖北にも 夕日が落ちて 虎落笛

“虎落笛” is read as “Mogaribue”.  A fence made by combining bamboo in a streaky manner, or a reed screen with bamboo branches is called “Mogari” .  The sound of “hyu-hyu-hyu” that sounds when the wind of winter blows on the Mogari is called Mogaribue.  “Mogari” is originally the place where noblemen were temporarily buried.  It also came to represent the bamboo fence that surrounds it, and it is said that the character “Mogari”, which means a fence to prevent tigers in China, was applied.  Yesterday, “Kogarashi No. 1” blew, and it is finally the beginning of full-scale winter.  Withered pampas grass emerges in the afterglow, and the Mogaribue echoes. Kohoku(the northern part of Biwa-lake) is a truly lonely landscape.  However, when I hear this Mogaribue, I get the courage to say “OK!”. That’s a wonder.


寂しさも ちょっぴり秋の 万華鏡

Today, October 23, is the frost-fall day of 24 solar terms.  In the sense that it literally frosts, autumn is getting deeper, and the Japanese archipelago is gradually dyed red from the north, and the autumn leaves are in full bloom in various places.  In Osaka, the cold north wind that blows from this day to the winter solstice (December 22nd) is called “Kogarashi”.  In particular, the first “Kogarashi” that meets the three conditions of:1.Winter-type pressure distribution, 2.North or west-northwest wind, 3.Maximum wind speed of 8 meters or more is announced as “Kogarashi No. 1”. Just now of this writing, the Osaka District Meteorological Observatory announced that Kogarashi No. 1 had blown.  Kogarashi No. 1 blew on the same day as last year, and it seems that it was the earliest record since 1955, when there is a record.  It’s already winter, not autumn.

今日10月23日は、二十四節気の霜降(そうこう)です。文字通り霜が降りるという意味で、秋も一段と深まり、日本列島が北から徐々に赤色に染まり、各地で紅葉が見ごろとなっていく頃です。また、大阪では、この日から冬至(12月22日)での間に吹く寒い北風を「木枯らし」と呼びます。特に、・冬型の気圧配置 ・北または西北西の風 ・最大風速は8メートル以上 の3つの条件が揃った最初の「木枯らし」を「木枯らし1号」として発表しています。この記事を書いている今しがた、大阪管区気象台は木枯らし1号が吹いたと発表しました。木枯らし1号が吹いたのは去年と同じ日で、記録がある1955年以降では最も早い記録に並んだそうです。秋どころかもう冬の入りです。

野に山に 今日は海にと 美(うま)し秋

Fruitful autumn is not limited to fields and mountains.  Surrounded by the four-sided sea, Japan has a fish food culture that has been passed down from ancient times in the Jomon period.  And now, overseas, Japanese food is highly evaluated for its health, beautiful appearance, safety and security, and high quality and high quality.  The number of Japanese restaurants overseas is increasing rapidly, and it is said that there are about 9,000 Japanese restaurants in the United States, and the number has increased 2.5 times in 10 years.  About 60% of the restaurants offer sushi as a menu.  Even in the United States, where they once had no habit of eating raw fish, sushi has become firmly established as “Sushi.”  Not just in the United States.  There are many restaurants in every country in Europe that put up the “Sushi” sign.  “Umami” extracted from bonito and kelp is also a universal language.

実りの秋は野や山だけではありません。四面海に囲まれた日本には縄文の昔から受け継がれた魚の食文化があります。そして今や海外において日本食は、健康的で見た目にも美しく、かつ安全・安心、高級・高品質として高い評価を得ています。海外の日本食レストランの数は急増しており、米国には日本食レストランが約9千あるといわれ、その数は10年で2.5倍に増加しています。この うちすしをメニューとして提供するレストランは約 6 割も存在します。かつては生の魚を食べる習慣が なかった米国でも、すしは「Sushi」としてすっかり定着しています。米国だけではありません。ヨーロッパのどの国にも「Sushi」の看板を掲げるレストランが沢山あります。鰹や昆布から抽出した「Umami」も世界共通語になっています。

秋暁に 心鎮まる 富士の嶺

Mt. Fuji is always beautiful in spring, summer, autumn and winter.  Mt. Fuji is dignified no matter when you look at it in the morning, day or night.  From Hokkaido to Okinawa, the whole of Japan is at the foot of Mt. Fuji.  Mt. Fuji is the most symbolic representation of Japan and the Japanese people.  In the 21st century, the quarter century is very similar to the quarter century in the 20th century.  A pandemic caused by the coronavirus, the international situation becoming grave, a global crisis caused by climate change, and the very beginning of the century of chaos.  Only Japan can put together such a world.  Japanese culture, which has been nurtured by the oldest tradition in the world, has the power to unite the world.


里山に 期待に違わず 烏瓜

Every year around this time, I’m curious about Karasuuri(crow squirrels).  The mysterious flowers were in bloom this summer as well, so when I tried to enter the bushes where must have been fruiting, I found that the fruits bore as well as I expected.  Just then, the crimson color was even more vivid due to the setting sun. The fruit of Karasuuri is an egg shape with a length of about 5 to 7 cm, and before it is colored, it has a thin vertical stripe pattern on the green and looks just like a melon.  As it ripens, the striped pattern disappears, gradually turning orange, and finally turning red like a mixture of vermilion.  Although it is named crow, it has nothing to do with crows’ favorite food.  The fruit is so big that if it could be eaten,  it would be a crow.


そぞろ寒 明けて戸惑う 仏桑華

The sudden arrival of chills made Bussoge’s  expression look astonishing.  Originally born in a tropical country, Bussoge is a comfortable place to live in Japan, which is becoming subtropical.  The flowering season is long and continues to bloom from June to October.  But it’ll be amazed at the sudden changes in this season.  Bussoge is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Confederate rose in the Malvaceae family, and is the original species of hibiscus, which is widely cultivated worldwide. Hibiscus is a very modern name, but Bussoge has the image of smell like incense, so it is not well known to people.  However, there are records that Buddha Kuwaka has captivated people all over the world since ancient times.


夕照に コスモス光る 鷲ヶ峰

There is a large panoramic park of cosmos in Arida City, Wakayama Prefecture, which is the best in Kansai.  One million cosmos flowers are in full bloom on the summit of Washigamine at an altitude of 586m, and the winding Arita River and the sea surface of the Kii Suido beyond it bounce off the setting sun.  The temperature is quite low, and even wearing a long-sleeved shirt is cold.  There were a lot of people in the daytime, but now the number of people is getting smaller, and the big panorama that is approaching the evening sun is about to end.  The lower world seems to be pretty cool from today.  I have to hurry home.


カンナ咲き 今日が最後の 夏日かな

The temperature on the 16th in Osaka is 28 degrees Celsius, which is a “summer day”.  The expected maximum temperature on the following day, 27th, is 19 degrees Celsius, so yesterday was summer, today is autumn, or rather is late autumn.  News from the first snow from Hokkaido.  When I listen to the radio, I hear from listeners all over the country that they are preparing for the kotatsu.  For the last few years, I feel that everyone has been at the mercy of the turbulence of the weather.  The 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, UK, from November 1st to 12th this year.  At COP26, Parties will come together to discuss to accelerate action towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which were signed in 2015.  I can’t help feeling that I lost it late, but we also want to be actively involved.
