I was invited to a warm and cheerful day and went for a walk in the daytime. There is a slight haze and it is not clear, but a cloudless blue sky is spreading. The cherry blossom buds planted along the canal are still small and tightly closed. It was lunch time, and I went to a cafe along the road for lunch. It is a rare cafe where you can change your shoes to slippers. If you go to the inner parlor, you will see a magnificent Hina doll. I was a little worried because the left and right sides of the male hina and female hina were reversed. I chose “omelet stew” from the lunch menu that was served. It is a rare lunch of omelet rice prepared with stew. When I checked with my smartphone whether it was a menu only for this cafe, it was there. I did not know that. It was more delicious than I expected. The coffee after the meal was delicious and it was a very satisfying lunch. When I went outside, there was a thin cloud like a brush on the clear blue sky.
♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭