I always see two large Yama-nomo trees planted in the garden of the sports gym I go to. One of the trees is full of ripe Yama-nomo fruits. There are plenty of fallen fruits around its roots, but most of them have been stepped on and crushed. What’s a wast!. However, since it faces the street, you hesitate to pick the fruits from the tree. In the park too, there is also a place where Yama-nomo trees are planted. Several people gather there, pluck the fruits from the trees, put them in bags, or enjoy eating them. The only drawback is that the seeds are large, but the fruits are pleasantly tart and quite delicious. They used to sell them in stores in the past, but these days they are hard to find. Yama-nomo trees have both male and female trees, but even the female trees can bear fruits on their own. This is because the pollen from the male flowers floats in the air and can travel far away. It is even said that they bear fruits through pollen that flew all the way from China.