The heat is intensifying day by day. It seems that there were several areas today that experienced scorching heat exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. Standing on a small elevated area surrounded by trees, Oni-yuri (devil lilies) are blooming, resembling a canopy placed upon them. Oni-yuri is also known as “Tengai-yuri (canopy lily),” precisely because they serve as a canopy that conceals the sun. A canopy refers to a parasol-shaped decorative object that is hung over Buddhist statues, teachers, coffins, and the like. The Oni-yuri’s resemblance to this canopy gave rise to the name “Tengai-yuri.” The Oniyuri is said to have been named based on its ability to bloom large flowers and its orange petals that evoke the image of a red demon. However, it’s a little cruel to call such a lovely flower a “Oni-yuri (devil lily).” Its English name is said to be “Tiger Lily,” but if it were up to me, I would call it “Betty Lily.” There used to be an animated character named Betty with freckles, and whenever I see the Oni-yuri, it always reminds me of that Betty-chan.
日に日に暑さが募ります。今日も35度を超える猛暑日を迎えた地域が何箇所かあった様です。木々に囲まれた小高い所に立つ鬼百合が被さる様に花を咲かせています。鬼百合は別名「天蓋百合」とも言いますが、まさしく陽を隠してくれる天蓋です。天蓋とは仏像・導師・棺などにさしかけてつるす、笠状の装飾品のことです。鬼百合の花がこの天蓋に似ていることが「天蓋百合」の由来です。鬼百合は、大きな花を咲かせることや、オレンジ色の花びらが赤鬼をイメージさせることから名付けられたらしいですが、こんな可愛い花に「鬼百合」とはちょっと可哀想です。英名でも「Tiger I don’t Lily」と呼ぶそうですが、僕なら「Betty Lily」と呼びます。昔、そばかすのあるベティと言うアニメキャラクターがあって、鬼百合を見るといつもそのベティちゃんを思い出すからです。