There are two types of sentences: prose and verse. Verse, also known as poetry, is a form of writing that has a specific rhythm and follows certain rules. In terms of content, it can be divided into epic poetry, scenic poetry, and lyrical poetry. Epic poetry generally represents the heroic figures, myths, and history of a particular ethnic group in poetic form. While there are many famous epic poems with a long historical background worldwide, it is said that Japan does not have one. Scenic poetry depicts natural landscapes and other subjects as they are, while lyrical poetry contains the author’s emotions, thoughts, and messages. Today’s haiku is a form of scenic poetry, and if it evokes an image in the reader’s mind through the poetic text alone, it can be considered successful. However, recently a new genre called “Shahai” has emerged, which combines haiku with photographs. Since the photograph directly appeals to the reader as a visual image, the power to convey through words alone and the ability to imagine through words alone inevitably become weaker. It’s like the difference between Buson’s haiku accompanied by a nanga painting and Basho’s haiku.