The sky is clear. The temperature is 32 degrees. There are no people on the beach where the hot sun shines. Colorful kayaks are lined up as if they were basking in the sun. All I can hear is the sound of the rushing waves and the barking of seabirds. It’s still like in the middle of summer. This year was a lonely summer. The coronavirus, which may end at any time, is rampant and will be heavily veiled in the coming autumn. Suddenly there are children’s voices in the distance. It seems that they’re playing on the beach on his way home from school. Suddenly I returned to myself and recovered a little my spirits.
On the way to shopping, when I come to a certain Tsuji, I can smell a very nice scent. When I follow the road like the back alley, the splendid Nioibanmatsuri(Brunfelsia latifolia) is blooming in a vacant lot that is not sunny. The flowering season of Nioibanmatsuri is from May to July, so it will soon be out of season in late August. The cold air in the back alley probably lengthened the flowering season. The flowers of Nioibanmatsuri have a deep purple color at the beginning of blooming, but gradually turn purple over time, and after two days, they turn white, and it seems that two colors are blooming in one tree. The scent is very strong. It is a completely different variety from jasmine. Nioibanmatsuri is also neurotoxic. Neurotoxicity has been identified in all roots, stems, leaves and flowers, and accidental eating of fruits and seeds can lead to death in the worst case. By the way, the English name is Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow.
Early in the morning, Michinaga handed Murasaki Shikibu an Ominaeshi which was just wet with the morning dew. Murasaki that she received it immediately brought the inkstone by her side, and she composed the song, wondering how ugly she was with an older sleepy face, even though Ominaehi was so beautiful. Then Michinaga immediately replied, and no, Ominaeshi was trying hard to be beautiful, and encouraged Murasaki that beauty depends on your heart. It is a passage that appears in Murasaki Shikibu’s diary “Ominaeshi”. At that time, Murasaki was a widow with a child who had passed 30. She was then an elderly woman. On the other hand, Michinaga was a some elderly person who had just passed 40. It is a passage that reminds us of the relationship between the two.
In haiku, it is often sung as Matsurika rather than Rurimatsuri. It is a vine native to South Africa. The flower word “always bright” is derived from the fact that the colorful blue flowers, which grow in new branches and grow in clusters with flower buds one after another, brighten the surroundings. Another flower word, “secret passion,” comes from the fact that when it finishes blooming, it produces mucus from the calyx and sticks to clothes and hair. It was introduced to Europe in 1818, and in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, it can be wintered in a greenhouse, transplanted to flower beds around May, and the flowers can be enjoyed from summer to late autumn. Recently in Japan, it is often seen in flower beds in parks and in home gardens.
Normally, at this time of year, I can hear the Bon Odori ondo heard from the precincts of a nearby temple. However, now, only the sound of the bell that signals 6 pm can be heard. I think the situation is the same all over Japan. How long will the situation where everything is blocked continue? It was the same last year, and so is this year. If the same situation continues next year, it’s like the times have been iced. Even if we beat Corona Will, it’s very hard to thaw this ice pack. Will the times come back? I even feel such an incoherent melancholy. We encountered a terrible time.
Late summer is lonely. It was so hot that I was hoping that autumn would come soon, but when I feel the signs of autumn, I miss the heat. The swamps on the plateau are really cool. It’s a sign of autumn at once. A cotton cloud floats in the sky, and I can still hear the voice of a cicada, but there is no momentum. Memories of one summer float like a revolving lantern and disappear. Like last summer, this summer was even more monotonous. I often stayed at home and could hardly meet the people I wanted to meet. A pheasant jumped over the head with a high-pitched voice. It’s partner may be waiting somewhere.
I am forced to have a homestay. The fun is just watching YouTube. Now I’m watching videos of the mountains of the Japanese Alps that I visited a long time ago. Yesterday I watched a video of traversing from Mt. Yari to Mt. Okuhotaka. This is the most difficult course in Japan. Among them, “Daikiretto” is one of the most difficult challenges in Japan. The first challenge was around 20 years old. It was my first time to traverse the Japanese Alps, so how reckless I was when I think about it now. Even if I watch the video, I’m trembling with fear. A knife ridge like a knife blade is only wide enough for one person to pass through. Both sides are deeply depressed several hundred meters. Clouds occasionally rise from the bottoms of the valleys on both sides. All you can count on is a chain and a few scaffolds. I hear that some people are stiffened by fear and helped by rescue teams. Now it’s an old memory.
On a summer day, I visited Nosegawa Village, the last unexplored region located in the southern part of Nara Prefecture. Nosegawa Village is the least populated municipality in Japan except for remote islands. In the north of the village is Koyasan, a mountain of worship that has been open for a long time, and in the south is the Koya Ryujin National Monument, which is lined with steep mountains. A nice Sscent is drifting when I follow a narrow mountain path. When I was attracted to the scent, small white flowers were blooming here and there. If I take a picture with my smartphone and look it up with Google Lens, it says Jasmine. This flower is my first encounter. Further, when I traced to the pass, the mountains of the Kii Mountains suddenly spread in front of me.
When I was seeing that a fireball rushed up in the dark night, a plosive sound of a dawn echoed, and a large flower bloomed in the jet-black night sky. It brings us the real feeling of summer. A person who just gets intoxicated with beauty. A person who looks back on the memories of one summer. A person who realizes that everything is evanescent in this world. The person who think of fireworks is various. Many of the fireworks festivals have been canceled this year, and the already depressed world is just closing the unfocused heart. We are now in the midst of a fierce battle for supremacy on Earth between humans at the highest level of the ecosystem on Earth and viruses at the lowest level. The Spanish flu pandemic 100 years ago is said to have infected 500 million people worldwide, and about 27% of the world’s population (1.8-1.9 billion). It is estimated that the death toll was over 50-100 million, perhaps over 100 million. This pandemic hasn’t gotten that far, but the situation is still unpredictable.
The second son’s family living in Shanghai came to Japan in February of last year, during the Chinese New Year, which corresponds to the Japanese New Year. It was about time that the coronavirus infection begins to spread. Many Chinese were still visiting Japan for sightseeing. For a year and a half since then, the power of the Communist Party government has been successful with coronavirus measures, and the spread has been almost stopped. In Shanghai, the number of infected people is less than 10 per day. On the other hand, in Japan, the number has been increasing, and it is now in a state of infection explosion. However, there are again concerns about the spread of new coronavirus infections also in China, and the city of Shanghai is stepping up its epidemic prevention measures. On July 29, city officials said that visitors from high-risk areas in the country would be given a uniform 14-day intensive isolation and two PCR tests, and those from medium-risk areas would be given a flat 14-day period, and announced that it will conduct community health observations and two PCR tests. On August 3, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission is calling on citizens not to leave Shanghai unnecessarily or to go abroad or to high-risk areas in the country. With this amount, I can’t hope for a reunion with my second son’s family. Even if this year is not possible, I would like to meet again next year.