娘(こ)は嫁ぎ 孫待つ令和の 雛飾り

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

The Doll’s Festival on March 3 is a festival that prays for the healthy growth and happiness of girls. In families with girls, dolls called “Hina-ningyou” are displayed. In the past, it was believed that dolls would drive out evil spirits, and so paper dolls were run down into rivers and the sea. But in the Edo period, dolls began to decorate. The dolls represent the state of the palace, and wear beautiful traditional palace costumes.

A set of dolls includes the Emperor(odairi-sama), the Empress(ohina-sama), three court ladies(sannin-kanjo), five court musicians(gonin-bayashi), the minister of the left(sadaijin), the minister of the right(udaijin) and three servants(sannin-jougo).


「うれしい雛祭り」はいまでは定番の歌になっていますが、ここに「すこししろざけ めされたか あかいおかおの うだいじん」という一節がありますが、侍従で赤い顔をしているのは白髪ひげを生やした左大臣で、左大臣は今でいう内閣総理大臣の事。作詞者サトウハチロウさんは向かって右のお人形(左大臣)を右大臣と呼んだのでしょう。ちなみに右大臣は今でいう防衛大臣のこと。文武のトップが左大臣であり、右大臣であったわけですね。




夜桜で 白酒飲んで 赤ら顔

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

March 3 is Hinamatsuri. Already the preparations are ready, and you can hear the song of “Glad Hinamatsuri”. The song of this “Happy Hina Matsuri” was created in the Showa era, so it is not as old as you think. It’s a really good song, and we, the Japanese, feel good. Because this song is in minor. Japanese love songs in minor. However, Japanese people are never pessimists but elegant optimists.


稲取の 娘可愛いや 吊るし雛

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

At Inatori Onsen in Izu, there is a custom to decorate “hanging chicks” that has been passed down since the ancient times for the Hina festival. The old days, poor farmers and fishermen’s mothers and grandmothers celebrated the Doll’s Festival by hanging homemade dolls for their cute daughters. “Hanging chicks” have inherited that tradition.

《吊るし飾り発祥の地 稲取温泉》




雛祭り 心和らぐ わらべ歌

♭♭♭ うれしいひなまつり♭♭♭

At these days , we can hear the children’s song “Happy Hina Matsuri” at department stores and shopping streets. It is comfortable not only for children but also for adults. Rather, adults may be more comfortable. Because listening to this song will remind you of your childhood and make you miss it.


雛祭り 温室苺で 飾り付け

Strawberries are now available all year round. They are always on a Christmas cake and on shaved ice in summer, and are also an offering for the Hinamatsuri. Strawberries have a long history of interaction with humans and are known to have been consumed in the 4th century BC. Strawberries are a favorite with everyone because they are rich in vitamin C as well as nutrients and look beautiful.


緑地に 八重紅梅の 美しき

This is a rare park where narcissus and plum are mixed. The narcissus flowers are over and now the green leaves are beautiful, and the plum blossoms are in full glory there. The lush green and pink contrast is really beautiful. Above all, the majestic and graceful double plum blossoms are noticeable. It’s still February but it’s the atmosphere in the height of the spring.


カタバミが 花咲く今日は 日向ぼっこ

Oxalis are wildflowers distributed throughout Japan. Each region has its own name, and it is said that there are 180. They have a strong fertility and can even be hated. Conversely, it was favored by the old samurai and became the crest. When the sun hits, the flower opens but closes when shaded. The flower language is “shining joy” or “maternal tenderness.”


メジロ来て 今日もチチチと 梅の花

In Japanese, there is an idiom “Ume ni Uguisu (Warbler on Plum)”. It is an idiom that symbolizes the arrival of spring. But, because of often seeing photographs where Mejiro, a white-eye, is on the plum, we mistake this Mejiro for Warbler. Warbler is timid and rarely comes to plums. On the other hand, Mejiro is friendly and often comes to plums in search of the nectar.


春を知る 大地の苦味 蕗の薹

Huki, butterbur, is a wild vegetable that has been loved by Japanese since ancient times, and Huki-no-tou is that bud. Spring wild vegetables have a unique bitter taste. The bitterness is very good for the body and makes our body regenerate. There even is a saying that “bitterness is indispensable for spring cooking”.


山焼きの 煙が泌みる 涙かな

Noyaki or Yamayaki has been traditionally conducted by Japanese people for the purpose of continued use of hills and fields as grassland. It is held all over the country, including Mt. Wakakusa in Nara, Sengokuhara in Hakone, Akiyoshidai in Yamaguchi, Omuroyama in Izu and etc. It is also an event that hopes for the rebirth of life.
