白妙の 山茶花秘する 花芯かな

Zeami, a well-known Noh performer in Japan, writes in his book, “Fushikaden” (or “Kadensho”), the power to emotionally move his audience is expressed as ‘Hana(Flower)’. People are attracted because a performer keeps this ‘Hana’ secret, otherwise they will not be attracted. He teaches that knowing this separation is a master of Noh.


蹲踞(つくばい)に そっと寄り添う 藪椿

Tsukubai, a tiny purifying basin, is located at the entrance of the tea house and ritually purify themselves by pouring some water over their hands here. Tsukubai in Kyoto Ryoanji Temple is famous, Four Chinese characters, 吾唯足知(“ware tada taru wo shiru” (I simply know what is enough)) “are carved there. The feature of the stone is the square water hole in the centre of the stone, where the water is stored, forms a part of each letter.


春漁の 網も整い 潮目待つ

It seems that spring is coming early this year because of the warm winter. The fish nets have been finished maintaining, and the only thing left is to go fishing. What is different from every year is that the seawater temperature is high and the tide is not clear. We do not foresee whether this will be good or bad.


湯上がりに 心寛ぐ 寒の菊

Today is the coldest day of this winter. After a long time, I was soaked in Arima Onsen and my body and mind warmed up. Previously, I would often arrive at Arima Hot Springs from Ashiya, Hyogo Pre., over Rokko Mountain (930m above sea level). It is a nostalgic memory.


立春に 梅も桜も 菜の花も

February 4th is the day of “Risshun”. That is, it’s the day when the calendar shows the mid-winter and at the same time the sign of spring. However, this year, winter flowers like daffodils and spring flowers like cherry blossoms and rape blossoms are blooming with mixed.


百貨店 売り切らねばと 恵方巻

The world produces 4 billion tons of food each year, which is enough to feed the entire population. Nevertheless, 820 million people are suffering from hunger.There are various causes of hunger, one of which is food loss. There are various causes of hunger, one of which is food waste. Global food waste is 1.3 billion tonnes. By the way, Japan’s food waste is 28.42 million tons annually, of which food loss is 6.46 million tons.


コンビニで 今年も注文 恵方巻

In Japan, February 3 is the day of Setsubun and a ceremony is held to scatter beans and drive away demons. Recently, the habit of eating a sushi roll called “Ehomaki” which is believed to bring good fortune if eaten while facing that year’s “Eho” (good luck direction) has been established.


赤沢の 出で湯に浮かぶ 桜かな

Akazawa Onsen is located in Izu, Izu.  Although it was a remote hot spring away from Ito Onsen, it is now a large resort with various facilities.  There is also a one-day hot spring, and during this season you can soak in the hot spring with cherry blossom petals while watching the open ocean.


玉杯に 最期の姿 梅一輪

A single plum blossom is floating in the red cup. Its last appearance is beautiful and at the same time makes us feel the fragility of life.Traditionally, Japanese has found the beauty in its transience and often realized the fragility of human life.  
