Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. It’s the most stupid and cruel act of history. In the 75 years since then, nuclear weapons have continued to be created without any reflection, with 70,000 nuclear weapons being produced at the peak, and nine countries now have 15,850 nuclear weapons. North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons has been becoming a hot topic, but additionally there is also concern about the possibility that countries will newly acquire nuclear weapons, and the possibility that non-state actors such as terrorist organizations will acquire and use nuclear weapons. It’s the current situation.
1945年8月6日広島に原子爆弾が投下されました。歴史上最も愚かで残虐な行為です。それから75年、何の反省もなく核は作り続けられ、ピーク時には七万発もの核が作られ、今では9カ国が15,850基の核を保有しています。北朝鮮の核保有が話題になっていますが、さらに核兵器を新たに取得する国が現れる可能性、国だけでなくテロ組織な ど非国家主体が核兵器を取得・使用する可能性も懸念されているのが現状です。