Wheat, soybeans and rice are said to be the world’s three largest grains. Among them, wheat is the staple food of the west and rice is the staple food of the east. It’s said that rice came to Japan in the late Jomon period from the Korean Peninsula or around the Yangtze River in China to Kitakyushu. Approximately 2,000 years ago, in the middle of the Yayoi period, rice seems to have been made even in the northernmost part of Honshu (now in Aomori prefecture). Hokkaido was the latest, and it was finally made in the Meiji era. Currently, each Japanese person eats about 62 kg of rice per year, but till about the 1940s, about 100 kg per person was eaten. The three major grains are mainly composed of carbohydrates as an energy source, but rice contains the most abundant nutrients, and among them, the protein content is outstanding. On the contrary, it has the lowest fat content. This may be because the infection rate of the new coronavirus is lower in the East than in the West.