明日香野の 案山子とズームで オンライン

The annual “Scarecrow Contest” is held in September every year at the Tanada (the terraced paddy fields) in the “Inabuchi District” of Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture, which is famous for the Takamatsuzuka Tomb. The terraced paddy fields, which are one of the most famous spots for Higanbana (cluster amaryllis) in the prefecture, are lined with Scarecrows who applied from all over the country, and many tourists come to see the “original scenery of rural areas”. However, this year, as in the case of the whole country, both the “Scarecrow Contest” and the “Higanbana Festival” have been canceled to prevent the infection of the new coronavirus. Last night, I had a dream of having an online date with Scarecrow by means of ZOOM which became a hot topic this year.


やっと秋 ラジオ体操 一ニ三

“Neither heat nor cold lasts beyond the equinox”. It is the equinoctial week of autumn from today. The temperature this morning was 21 ° C and yesterday morning was 27 ° C, which is exactly what the saying goes. I admire this maxim because everything is record-breaking and extreme weather continues these days. The movements of the people at the radio calisthenics held in the nearby park are also freely. I could hear crickets crying from the grass, and I finally realized that it was autumn.


憎まれて 葛根湯にも 葛湯にも

Once Kudzu has taken root, it entangles with utility poles, covers trees, spreads into the wilderness, and it can no longer be controlled. In North America, it was brought from Japan as a forage crop and for wilderness greening and soil erosion prevention, but due to its fertility, it is now designated as a harmful invasive alien species. However, starch that can be obtained from kudzu is used as a high-class foodstuff such as kuzdu-yu, and kudzu is a medical material for a popular cold medicine such as kakkonto, and is also useful as a material for textiles and handicrafts. Now, hiding in the leaves of Kuzunoha, sphenoid flowers that emit a sweet fragrance of dark blue purple are blooming beautifully in tufts.


太陽の 緋炎を宿すや 原始ガーベラ

Gerbera now has a variety of flower colors and flower shape variations such as single, double, spider bloom and semi-double, and it has a cheerful and bright atmosphere, and it is bustling with flower shops. The gerbera in the photo is called Gerbera jamesonii, which is an original species native to Africa. The crimson petals are thin and the number is small, but the looks is clear and it has the style of an African queen. By crossing with several other original species, a large number of horticultural varieties have been cultivated, and now there are 2000 varieties, and new varieties are born almost every year.


たおやかに 良き人待つか 萩の花

Hagi is one of the seven autumn herbs and is a representative plant of autumn. Nowadays, various flowers are on the market, and Hagi flowers are not noticeable. However, Hagi has been familiar to Japanese people since ancient times than the cherry blossoms that represent spring, and is the most read in the Manyoshu. Hagi is also a flower that symbolizes women, just as there is a truly passionate song in the tanka of Princess Shikishi, “Haji blooming on the coast of Mano is rubbing the flowers like waves coming together and is blooming like writhing with love”. It is a tanka by Princess Shokushi, who loves Sadaie Fujiwara but does not get what he wants, comparing her painful heart to Hagi flowers.


秋はこれ 大枚叩いて 新秋刀魚

On July 15, only 197 saury were first landed in Hiroo, Hokkaido, and weighed 20.9 kg. This was less than half of last year, which was said to be a record poor catch. In the first auction, the bid was sold at a record high of 41,040 yen per kilo, and it was surprising to say that the price was a shocking price of 5,980 yen per fish at the store. It is said that there are various causes of poor fishing, but the most important cause is probably the rise in seawater temperature due to global warming. This is because the sea area where Pacific saury roam is no longer near Japan. Recently, at a nearby supermarket, the price of a new item was 498 yen (excluding tax), the price of two items was 980 yen, and the price of frozen items was 200 yen.


青鷺が ポツンと一羽 何思う

A Blue heron stops on the railing of a wooden promenade over a swamp and is shaking its head. It seems to be a young bird. If it is an adult bird, it must have a partner. Young birds that hatch from eggs take two years to become adults. The Blue heron is monogamous and acts as a family until the chicks grow up, and does not flock. A blue heron has bluish-gray feathers and is called Blue heron in Japanese, but is called Gray heron in English. It is the largest of the herons, and the herons in Hokkaido migrate, but the herons south of Honshu are resident birds.

沼地に架かる木製の遊歩道の手摺りに青鷺が一羽ポツンと止まって首を振っています。若鳥らしい。成鳥なら必ず相方がいるはずです。卵からから孵った若鳥は2年掛かって成鳥になります。青鷺は一夫一婦制で雛が成長するまで一家で行動し、群れることはありません。羽根は青味がかった灰色で日本では青鷺と呼びますが、英語ではGrey heron と呼びます。鷺の仲間では一番大きく、北海道の青鷺は渡りをしますが、本州以南の青鷺は留鳥です。

紅白の 雪洞(ぼんぼり) よろしく 千日紅

Hyakujitsuko (crape myrtle) means a flower that keeps blooming for 100 days in Japanese, and similarly, Sennichiko (globe amaranth) means a flower that keeps blooming for 1000 days. Both do not represent a specific period, but mean a flower that blooms for a long time. It is the same expression as “3000m long White hair” in Chinese poetry or “Naniwa’s 808 bridges” which means that there are many bridges in Osaka. There is a word called “Tohkako (Flowers that bloom for ten days), but this is not a specific flower name, but means “No flower keeps blooming for ten days.” and is used to express which is likened to the fragility of human life.


猛暑越し 色とりどりの 秋野菜

“Lettuce was 461 yen, cabbage was 298 yen, and Chinese cabbage was 1580 yen, which was taken at a supermarket on the weekend, but it’s a shocking price,” says caster Yuko Wakabayashi. It’s the same price everywhere in Okinawa, Fukuoka and Osaka. Vegetables are soaring nationwide. (August 24th Livedoor ’News article)

It is said that the cause is the long rain and lack of sunshine that the end of the rainy season is put off to August, and the intense heat and light rain as soon as the rainy season begins. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website states that it will return to normal levels later this month, but it is still expensive.

「レタス461円、キャベツ298円、ハクサイ1580円と、週末のスーパーで撮影されたものですが、衝撃的な価格ですね」とキャスターの若林有子アナが伝える。沖縄、福岡、大阪、どこでも同様な値段だ。野菜が全国的に高騰している。(8月24日 Livedoor’ News)


鮎が跳ね 空に刷毛雲 太公望

Ayu, which had been running upstream, began to descend downstream and approached the edge of the river when there was a sign of autumn. They’re looking for a spawning place. It starts spawning when the water temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius, and finishes spawning around 16 degrees Celsius. The hatched Ayu spend about one-third of their lives in the sea near the mouth of the river, and in the spring of the following year, they return to the river where they were born and begin to run up. The best time to eat Ayu with its unique aroma is early summer, and grilled sweetfish is the best. No, some people say that the Ayu with eggs going downstream is the best. Ayu’s dance eating and sashimi are delicious, but raw food is not recommended due to the presence of parasites.
