咲き初めて 人も疎らな コスモス園

There is “Michi-no-Eki Aito Margaret Station” in Higashiomi City, which is located in the eastern part of Lake Biwa and where the countryside spreads. The “Cosmos Garden” was opened on October 5th. The cosmos is still one-third in bloom, and the blue leaves stand out. The cosmos flowers in full bloom are also spectacular, but I also like the cosmos flowers of these days. It is good that each flower is big and fresh. The customers are still sparse, and I can enjoy the cosmos slowly to my heart’s content. From now on, it seems that the days of visiting Cosmos will continue.


永遠(とわ)の美を 花に託して プリザーブド

“The life of a flower is short, and there are many things that are painful.” They says that Fumiko Hayashi, the author of “Hourou-Ki (Wandering Record)”, often wrote this word on shikishi (fancy paper). And now it seems that as if only the word was walking alone. The rhythmic wording of the 7-5-7-5 sound style and the “acceptance impermanence” that flows to the bottom of the Japanese mind are well overlapped, which probably left a lot of people’s hearts. Some flowers, such as “Gekka-Bijin (Moonlight Beauty),” bloom only for one night, while others, such as “Udonge,” bloom only once every three thousand years, and there are various ways of life. It is also human nature that we seek “eternity” even if we know that it will not come true.

「花の命は短くて 苦しきことのみ多かりき」。言葉だけが独り歩きしているようなこの言葉は、「放浪記」の作者、林芙美子が色紙によく好んで書いた言葉だそうです。七五七五調のリズミカルな言い回しと、日本人の心の底に流れる無常観とが上手く重なり合ったからこそ、多くの人達の心に残ったのでしょう。「月花美人」のようにひと夜しか咲かない花もあれば、「優曇華(うどんげ)」のように、三千年に一回しか咲かない花もあり、花の命も様々です。叶わないないことはわかっていても「永遠(とわ)」を求めるのが人間の性(さが)でもあります。

朝日受け 金糸銀糸の 女郎蜘蛛

Jorougumo (Prostitute spider) is spreading a splendid net getting the rising sunshine in the grove. In the middle of the net, a female with a body length of about 3 cm stretches her long legs to the full and waits for food. At the edge of the net, there is a male, sometimes a few, with about half sizes of the female. When the female catches a game and begins to eat it, the male approaches the female with a chance to mate, exhausts all sperm, and returns to its original point before itself is eaten by the female. Sometimes it is found and eaten by females, and sometimes males compete with each other and the losing male is eaten by females. After successfully mating, the male returns to its original location and keeps watch there until the female lays eggs, this time keeping other males away from the female. I feel like knowing the abyss of life. By the way, the name of the male is also Jorougumo.


早秋の 夏の名残りか 百合ひとつ

This year, the scorching heat has closed and I feel that autumn has suddenly arrived. Probably because of that, the remnants of summer and the scenery of autumn are mixed everywhere. Even today, when I stroll along the coutry road, a splendid lily is in full bloom. Speaking of lilies, it is one of the representative flowers of summer, so this lily is probably the last lily of this year. The variety is probably Takasagoyuri. The origin is Taiwan, and it is a wild species that is widely distributed in Japan. Many varieties of them are crossed with Easter lilies native to Japan and are indistinguishable.


この季節 晩夏と初秋が がっぷり四つ

It’s “Summer day” in the afternoon and I cannot sleep without a comforter at night. “Summer day” don’t mean that it’s hot and unbearable, and if I have a thin comforter at night, I can sleep soundly, and it may be the best time of the year. At one point, there was an eye-popping price of vegetables, and the early Samma fish that I had been waiting for was too expensive, and I was disappointed. But now, there are sales battles that make me wonder which new rice is really delicious. I’m looking forward to going to the supermarket with persimmons, tangerines, pears and grapes.



秋晴れが 返って寂しい 空きベンチ

It’s a perfect autumn day except that the remnants of summer clouds stay low in the mountains far ahead. I can only hear the sound of leaves rubbing against the breeze. The spacious park is covered with all green. Only one set of bench tables in the sun is conspicuous. It is a mysterious landscape, whether it is the off-season of people’s visit or it is a coincidence. A long time ago, when I was in elementary school, when it was quiet for a moment in a noisy classroom, someone shouted, “God ran!” I still remember that it was a good expression. This scene now is perfect for that expression.


彼岸花 散って真白な ニラの花

Until just the other day, bright red Higanbana was in bloom, but this time, pure white Nira flowers are blooming in the traces. Nira, which appears in both Kojiki and Manyoshu, seems to have been associated with people from quite old time. Nira, which is said to be synonymous with stamina vegetables even in modern times, has a high β-carotene content and is rich in other nutritional components, and is said to be effective in relieving fatigue and improving health. It is used for various stamina dishes.


サクラタデ 咲いて荒れ地も 花見園

Today, some families are coming to the fallow fields in Satoyama, which I visit occasionally, and they are spreading their lunch. It’s a countryside that usually has no characteristics, but there are many small pale pink flowers in bloom. Look closely, it is Sakura Tade. The flowers are larger than ordinary Tade, supple like a willow, and as the name suggests, flowers that resemble cherry blossoms are in bloom. In Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel, there is a story called “Tate-eating insect”, but the woman n”Ohisa” that appears there suddenly came to my mind.


ハッとして 子育て地蔵に 若さ女性(ひと)

When I go around the precincts of a small temple early in the morning, I hear people’s voices even though there are no people. It’s a female voice. Looking over there, a young woman knelt in front of the child-rearing Jizo standing in a corner of the precincts, chanting the Heart Sutra as if she murmurs. It was a wake-up appearance. I don’t know if she has a strong faith or if she has something to complicate, and I left the place quickly. I thought about various things along the way. Consideration for women is still insufficient, including in Japan. It is only when, whatever the circumstances, how difficult it is for a woman to give birth to a child is shared by everyone, and everyone blesses the born child that a better society and a brighter society come true.


コロナ禍に 名月過る 機影二つ

This year began in Corona and will close in Corona. It became completely autumn, and the harvest moon began to rise in the cloudless night sky. I held my smartphone and took a picture. Look closely, the lamps of two airplanes near the moon can be seen. I’m happy. Recently, the number of flights has decreased, and I have never seen two planes at the same time. Just about now the flight is rush hour. Planes will go across the night sky of the moon one after another. The company under my eyes has also closed, and the salespeople who are preparing to go home are going back and forth. They look fine too. Good luck, Japan!
