Chrysanthemum flower exhibitions are being held in various places. In Hirakata City, Osaka, the “Hirakata Dai-Kiku Doll” at Hirakata Park, which had been held every year, had been popular with many people as an autumn tradition, but it is regrettable that 2005 was the last regular event. Now, the citizen’s “Kiku-flowr exhibition” is now being held. A variety of chrysanthemums grown by enthusiasts are on display. The “three tailoring” that perfectly tailored “Ten (sky), Chi (ground) and Jin (people) is a masterpiece. The English name for Kiku is Chrysanthemum, which is a combination of the Greek words “chryso-” “golden” and “-anthemon” “flower”. Speaking of “The land of the chrysanthemum”, it means Japan, and in the West, it seems to be associated with chrysanthemum → golden color → Japan. By the way, “The throne of the chrysanthemum” means the emperor of Japan. The spelling “chrysanthemum” is really long, and “mum” usually stands for chrysanthemum. In the UK, “mum” has the meaning of “mother” and also means “shut up”, for example, “Keep mum about it.” means that you should keep it a secret, and there is also an idiom “Mum the word (Don’t tell others).”
菊花展が各地で開催されています。大阪・枚方市では、毎年開催されていた「ひらかたパーク」の「ひらかた大菊人形」は、秋の風物詩として多くの人々に親しまれてきましたが、惜しまれつつも2005年を最後に定期開催を終え、今は市民の菊花展が開催されています。愛好家が手塩にかけた育てた様々な菊が展示されています。天地人を見事に仕立てた「三本仕立て」は圧巻です。菊の英語名はChrysanthemumですが、これはギリシア語の “chryso-“「黄金の」と “‐anthemon”「花」が合成された言葉です。”The land of the chrysanthemum”と言えば日本のことで、西洋では、菊→黄金色→日本と連想されているようです。ちなみに”The throne of the chrysanthemum”は日本の天皇を意味します。”chrysanthemum”という綴りはさすがに長く、普通には”mum”で菊を表します。”mum”はイギリスではお母さんと意味もあり、また、「黙っている」という意味もあって、Keep mum about it. (そのことは、黙って)と言ったり、Mum the word. (他言無用だよ。)という慣用句もあります。