Hatsuse-dera Temple is another name, and Hase-dera Temple is the official name. Hase-dera Temple is located on the hillside of Mt. Hatsuse overlooking the Hase Highway that connects Yamato and Ise. And it is supposed to have built in the Nara period in the first half of the 8th century, but The detailed timing and circumstances of the construction are unknown. Hase-dera Temple was named by Emperor Shomu, who has a strong faith in Buddhism. Before that, it was closely related to Ise-Jingu Shrine, and it seems that it was a sacred place for mountain worship based on Shintoism worship. In particular, Hase-dera has a deep relationship with women, and the eleven-faced Kanzeon Bosatsu, the principal image of the Buddhism, has been the object of worship of women since the Heian period. Visiting Hase-dera was a wish of a woman for a lifetime too. It also appears in many female classical literature such as “The Pillow Book,” “The Tale of Genji,” and “Sarashina Nikki.” It is still a very popular temple for women as a “flower temple”.