From now on, various events and sales battles will be held toward the Hinamatsuri. Some of the houses that decorate the Hinamatsuri may have already finished decorating, and some will decorate from now. In general, many houses begin decorating Hinamatsuri from Risshun(the beginning of spring, 2/3 this year) to mid-February. In particular, it is said that it is auspicious to decorate it with Usui(rainwater day, 2/18 this year), which is one of the 24 solar terms (agricultural calendar), so it seems that some houses decorate it from this day. The photo shows the “hanging chicks” displayed in the “Hina no Yakata” in Izu Inatori Cultural Park, and is counted as one of the “three major hanging decorations in Japan” along with “Sagemon” in Yanagawa, Kyushu and “Kasafuku” in Sakata, Yamagata. All of them are made as used clothing crafts of Japanese clothes, and you can feel the simplicity and love for children that gorgeous court Hina do not have.
これからは雛祭りに向かって様々なイベントや商戦が繰り広げられます。雛祭りを飾るお家でももう飾り終えたお家もあるでしょうし、まだこれからだと言うお家もあるかと思います。一般的には雛飾りは、立春(今年は2/3)から二月中旬くらいに掛けて飾り付けるお家が多いようです。特に二十四節気(農業暦)の一つである雨水(今年は2/18)に飾ると縁起がいいと言うことで、この日に飾り付けるお家もあるようです。写真は伊豆稲取文化公園にある「雛の館」に飾られた「吊るし雛」で、九州柳川の「さげもん」、山形酒田の「傘福(かさふく)」と共に「日本三大つるし飾り」に数えられています。どれも 和裁細工のさげ物で作られ、豪華な宮廷雛にはない素朴さと子供達に対する愛情が感じられます。