ハロウィンを 静かに森で 待つお化け

The day before yesterday, there was a crush accident that killed more than 150 people in the downtown area of ​​Seoul, South Korea, which was crowded with Halloween. Halloween can be traced back to the harvest festivals of the Celts who lived in ancient Ireland. The Harvest Festival is a festival that celebrates the autumn harvest on October 31st and has the meaning of driving out demons. The Celtic year runs from November 1st to October 31st, with Halloween on October 31st being New Year’s Eve. This harvest festival was eventually incorporated into Christianity, and October 31st is the day before Christian Saints’ Day (official name: All-Hallow), so the name “halloween” is said to be the origin of Halloween. When this custom eventually spread to America along with Christianity, it turned into a non-religious festival. The famous Jack-O-Lantern was originally made by hollowing out a kind of turnip rutabaga to hold a candle, but in the United States where there is no rutabaga, a yellow pumpkin is used, and it is a representative, so to speak, symbol of Halloween, and the image of “pumpkin lanterns” took hold.



燃え上がる 血潮を見たり 赤もみじ

If you think that there is a ginkgo that shines golden, there is a maple that turns red, and the reason why Japanese autumn leaves are said to be the most beautiful in the world lies in the secret of their colors.  One of the secrets is the large number of deciduous trees.  There are about 13 types of deciduous broadleaf trees in Europe and the United States, but there are 26 types in Japan.  Ginkgo and Buna (beech trees) turn yellow, and Kaede (maple trees) turn yellow, orange, and red.  Another factor is geopolitical conditions.  A country with such distinct four seasons is truly rare in the world.  It is located in a temperate zone of latitude, surrounded by the sea on all sides and has a humid climate. Furthermore, 70% of Japan’s land is forested, and Japan has a complex topography with mountains and valleys.  It is said that autumn leaves will be even more beautiful in years like this year, when record-breaking heat hits and then autumn rapidly comes.


キラキラと 黄金鳴るなり 銀杏かな

In Iwade City, Wakayama Prefecture, there is Negoro-ji Temple, which is historically known for the Negoro-shu.  The main gate, which serves as the entrance to the temple, stands far away from the various buildings on the precincts.  It is a double gate, and it is a very valuable structure with only two buildings, the Daimon of Kongobu-ji Temple (Koyasan) and the Daimon of this Negoro-ji Temple.  Today, it is surrounded by a square, and although there is a promenade that leads to the precincts of Negoro-ji Temple, it is not a spot where tourists especially gather.  However, its solemnity is wonderful, and it reminds us of the size and power of Negoro-ji Temple in the past.  The large ginkgo tree that stands beside the main gate is colored and glittering as if countless koban (oval gold coin formerly used in Japan) were scattered.  It seems that you can hear the sound of koban rubbing against each other.


来ぬ人を 宵待草よ 何故に咲く

It was Muni Takehisa of Taisho Roman who changed Matsuyoigusa to Yoimatsugusa.  Yoimachigusa sounds better than Matsuyoigusa.  Evening primrose and evening primrose, which bloom in the late autumn evening, are one-day flowers that wither in the morning.  Both flowers are naturalized plants that came to Japan in the Edo period.  As a flower that blooms only at night during the long autumn nights, it has been popular among the population from early on.  Tsukimisou and Matsuyoigusa were indistinguishable at first, and both were called Tsukimisou.  However, Tsukimisou has white flowers that turn slightly pink at dawn, while Matsuyoigusa blooms with yellow flowers. Matsuyoigusa, which has strong fertility, gradually drove out Tsukimisou, and now we rarely see Tsukimisou.  Matsuyoigusa also includes Ou-matsuyoigusa, Ko-matsuyoigusa, and Me-matsuyoigusa. And Me-matsuyoigusa is the most fertile among them, and most of the twilight flowers you see are Me-matsuyoigusa.


枯葉巻く 朝顔一輪 笑い泣き

There is a phrase like the following in Basho’s haiku;
 I’m sure you’ll laugh His, I’m sure you’ll cry
What on earth is this phrase singing about? There are various interpretations, but I think Basho is probably saying that when people look at the withering morning glory, they will look at it with various emotions, depending on how they feel at the time. Of course, Basho himself also says that he feels various things when the morning glory fades. The leaves are withered and wilted, and the morning glory that is clinging to the fence with many brownish seeds is blooming.  People will have different thoughts when they see this scene.  It will depend on their age, and more than anything else, their mental state at the time will have a big impact.  Today’s haiku was created with Basho’s haiku above in mind.


香り良し 気分はさらに マルメロ湯

I received a letter from a friend in Hokkaido.  It seems that Marumero-yu (the quince hot water) has started from the 25th.  A long time ago, I remembered soaking in Marumero-yu at a hot spring on the way back from mountain climbing in Nagano Prefecture.  The tiredness of the mountain was blown away at once by the hot water with a sweet scent.  Marumero is not well known to the general public, but it is mainly cultivated in cold regions such as Nagano, Aomori, Akita, and Hokkaido.  Sometimes called Seiyo-karin, it is characterized by its yellow, pear-shaped, rugged shape.  It originated in Iran and Turkistan in Central Asia, and was brought to Japan from Portugal during the Edo period.  The fruit is fragrant but has a strong sour taste. It is made up of hard fibers and cells, so it cannot be eaten raw. Marumero is loved all over the world, and it is used to make classic quince jam, fruit wine and honey, and to make bread, sweets, and sweets.


瓢箪は ひょこりんたんの 歌懐かし

♭♯♭ https://bit.ly/3D3nywC ♭♯♭

As I was walking along the road, I found Hyoutan (gourds) drying on the fence in the field. It’s still bluish, so it’s probably because it’s been dried for a short time.  If you hollow out the bottom and dry it for about a month, you will have a fine Hyoutan.  A long time ago, there was a program on NHK radio with a theme song called “Hyoutan wa Hyokorintan”, although I forgot the title.  When Hideyoshi Toyotomi was still called Hiyoshimaru, I think it was a story about him wandering around the countries in search of his dreams.  It was a program that left a strange impression on me, and I still remember the theme song.  I’m not confident about the lyrics and the melody, but I tried singing.


ザクロの実 誤解を生んだ 鬼子母神

No fruit is more misunderstood than Zakuro  (pomegranate).  When I was little, I heard that Zakuroseeds taste like human flesh.  The Zakuro, which is said to have originated in Southwest Asia and the Middle East, is a fruit with a very ancient origin, and has appeared in various tales and myths from all over the world.  Even now, it is widely cultivated in the United States, Turkey, Spain, Iran, Chile, China, etc. In Japan, Zakuro is said to have brought from China and the Korean Peninsula for medicinal purposes since the Heian period. But in Japan things were different.  A tale passed down from ancient times in Japan has a plausible story of Shaka giving Zakuro instead of a child to the demon god “Kariteimo,” who eats children.  This myth is said to be the reason why Zakuro are said to taste like human flesh and blood.  Kariteimo later attains her enlightenment and becomes Kishibojin, but Kishibojin holds Zakuro in her right hand (in fact, it is not a Zakuro fruit, but rather an auspicious fruit), so this  myth seems to be gaining momentum more and more.  Zakuro is therefore still not popular in Japan.

ザクロ(柘榴)ほど誤解されている果実はありません。小さい時、ザクロの実は人肉の味がすると聞いたことがあります。西南アジアや中東の原産といわれるザクロは非常に起源が古い果物で、古今東西の様々な説話や神話に登場しています。現在でもアメリカをはじめ、トルコ、スペイン、イラン、チリ、中国などで広く栽培されています。日本にも平安時代から ザクロは薬用に中国や朝鮮半島を入ってきたとされています。しかし、日本では事情が異なりました。日本に古くから伝わる説話に、釈迦が子どもを食べる鬼神「訶梨帝母(かりていも)」に、子どもの代わりにザクロを与えていたといった話がまことしやかに伝わったのです。この俗説が、「ザクロは人肉や血の味がする」と言われる所以になったようです。訶梨帝母はのちに悟りを開いて鬼子母神になりますが、鬼子母神は右手にザクロ(実はザクロの実ではなく吉祥果)を持っているので、この俗説に益々拍車が掛かった様です。ザクロはそれ故にいまだに日本では人気がありません。

霜降は 鍋が一番 海の幸

Today 10/23 is “Soukou” day.  Or rather, the first day of the Soukou.  In the lunar calendar, the year was divided into 24 divisions, each of which was named 24 solar terms.  “Soukou” is the 18th solar term counting from “Risshun” and refers to the 14 days until “Rittou ” (November 6).  The cold north wind that blows during this period is called “Kogarashi”, and according to the calendar, it is the forerunner of winter.  It’s time to miss nabemono (a dish cooked in an earthen pot at the table usually by the diners themselves). Seafood is synonymous with nabemono.  Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Japan has been blessed with seafood.  “Washoku”, which is represented by sushi and seafood dishes, is now experiencing a boom not only in Japan, but all over the world.  Since the latter half of the 1970s, healthy eating habits and natural foods have been booming mainly in the United States, and Japanese food culture has become very popular as it is healthy and natural.  Recently, it has become popular in Europe and other Southeast Asian countries, which have increased their economic power.


一輪に 思いが籠る 秋のバラ

The roses, which have been few in number, in the rose garden have their charm.  The spring rose garden, which is in full bloom, attracts a lot of people, and it is tempting to stop and take a look.  That’s another good thing, men and women of all ages are mixed, and there’s a bright atmosphere.  However, the rose garden in autumn is sparsely populated, and many of the visitors seem to be elderly.  There are people who stop in front of the roses one by one and enjoy the lingering scent, talk, and take pictures, but the atmosphere is calm.  I don’t know for sure, but blooming roses are also pure and pure also in color.  It looks like the sunset just then can be seen through.  Smell the scent and I feel a sense of relief.  As I sat on the bench and watched the setting sun, the roses formed a black silhouette before I knew it.
