Signs of a full-fledged recovery in inbound demand can be seen in response to the significant relaxation of border measures against the new coronavirus last fall. The number of foreign visitors to Japan, which had been near zero for a long time, increased to 930,000 in November 2022, about 40% of the pre-corona level. Based on global air travel demand forecasts, the number of foreign visitors to Japan is expected to recover to a level of over 20 million on an annualized basis by the end of 2023. One of the most popular spots for foreigners visiting Japan is Mt. Fuji. When a research organization surveyed the degree of awareness of Mt. Fuji’s registration as a World Heritage Site, 94.5% of Japanese answered that they “know”, and combining the 3.0% who answered “somehow know”, the recognition rate reached 97.5%. In addition, China also shows a high recognition rate of 86.0%, including those who “know” and “somewhat know”. On the other hand, the recognition rate in South Korea is 66.0% and in Taiwan 59.5%, indicating that the recognition of Mt.Fuji. Regarding the image of Mt. Fuji, the most common answer was “beautiful”, with 17.8% of Japan, 28.3% of South Korea, 22.2% of Taiwan and 19.4% of China. It is the top in three countries except Taiwan, and it seems that Mt. Fuji has a “beautiful” image not only in Japan but also overseas. The second most common answer on average for the four countries was “solemnity”, which was ranked first in China along with “beautiful”, second in Japan and South Korea, and third in Taiwan. It can be seen that the image of “solemnity” is also common in each country.