There are countless examples throughout history of the loss of human life due to the intellectual mistakes of rulers. The 20th century, including the world wars, was also a century of slaughter, with the Holocaust by Hitler, Stalin’s Great Purge, and Mao’s Cultural Revolution, among others. And today, in the 21st century, there is a large-scale massacre happening in Ukraine due to Russian President Putin’s unilateral view of history. Putin is the worst mass murderer of this century. No one can catch him or bring him to justice. Can today’s society, which has gone through many revolutions, truly be called a civilized society?Human history is filled with tragic examples of the loss of life due to political power, and even today, there are situations where political leaders make intellectual mistakes and cause suffering for many people.In particular, the conflict in Ukraine by the Putin regime has caused a serious humanitarian crisis. Many people have become victims of this conflict, and the international community cannot ignore the seriousness of the human rights violations. However, there are civilized societies around the world that support the rule of law and respect for human rights, and the international community supports these principles. International frameworks such as the United Nations, International Criminal Court, and International Human Rights Law exist to address such issues. Whether today’s society is a civilized one depends on our individual actions. We can respect human rights, support the rule of law, and promote peace and justice through international cooperation. It is also important for us to hold our political leaders accountable and urge them to respect human rights and the rule of law.