Yesterday, March 26th (Sunday), it rained cold throughout the country, making it Hanabie (cherry blossom chill). Even in Osaka, the temperature hardly rose from morning and stayed at around 13 degrees Celsius throughout the day, making it a cold day. Despite this, reports have come in from various parts of the country that the cherry blossoms have bloomed earlier than ever recorded. It is said that even in Washington D.C., USA, the cherry blossoms that were sent from Japan are blooming one week to ten days earlier than usual, causing quite a stir. Today, the rain has stopped in the morning, and although it is still chilly, the sunlight shining through the window is the warmth of spring. There are many beautiful words associated with cherry blossoms, such as “Hanabie”, “Hanahubuki” (cherry blossom storm), and “Hanaikada” (cherry blossom raft). I am looking forward to finding more ways to express the beauty of cherry blossoms as they continue to bloom.
昨日26日(日)は、全国的に冷たい雨となり、花冷えの一日となりました。 大阪でも朝から気温はほとんど上がらず、日中でも13度止まりで、肌寒い一日になりました。そんな中、全国各地からは、統計開始以来最も早く桜が開花したという開花情報が届きます。アメリカのワシントンでも、日本から送られた桜が、例年に比べて1週間から10日早く咲いて話題ななっているそうです。今日は朝方の雨も止み、まだ花冷えではありますが、窓から差し込む日差しは春の陽光です。花冷えもそうですが、花吹雪とか花筏とか、桜にまつわる美しい言葉が沢山ありますね。これからまだまだ桜が咲き続き、どんな言葉で桜の美しさを表わせるか楽しみです。