After the passing of the “88th Night” (Hachijuhachiya) in Japan, it is time to start preparing for rice planting. However, since Japan is long from north to south, the timing of rice planting varies. The timing depends not only on the temperature difference, but also on the variety of rice, the growth period of the rice, and the weather of the year. Generally, the earliest planting takes place in Kyushu, where planting is finished by early April. The most common timing is from mid-May to early June, after the “88th Night”. In the Tokyo area, planting is often done in early June. The photo is of the scenery in Shiga Region, Otsu City, in the north of Shiga Prefecture, where rice planting is completed by the “88th Night”. Immediately after planting, there are no singing frogs, but when the leaves start to grow, a chorus of frogs begins. It is because many creatures, both in and out of the paddy fields, and they become food for the frogs, and the rice leaves are a good hiding place for them.