Perhaps it was already ten years ago, but I have a memory of encountering this flower. As I was walking along a country road, I saw this flower blooming near a small, rusty gate. It had a dignified appearance and I thought it was such a beautiful flower. I took a picture of it with my smartphone and did some research, but I just couldn’t figure out the name of the flower. In the past, I would usually be able to find out with some research, but if I couldn’t, I would give up. However, this flower was different. I decided to go to a botanical garden in Nagai Park in Osaka city, which was about an hour’s drive away. There were botanical specialists there, and when they looked it up, they found out that the scientific name was Watsonia and the Japanese name was Hiougi-suisen. Since then, I eagerly anticipate the time when this flower blooms every year, and I visit the fields frequently. This memory always comes back to me.