Underneath the hidden path beneath the mountainous expressway, a cluster of pure white ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) blossoms. It is unclear whether these Tessens are wild or planted by someone. However, the name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given to these flowers, which seems rather insensitive. Originally, Tessen is considered one of the original species of Clematis and has a history of being brought to Japan from China during the Muromachi period. As a result, it has been popular as a beloved flower in Japan since ancient times. The name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given due to the way its tendrils become as rigid as iron. Tessen blooms from spring to early summer, with its best viewing season being around May to June. It delights viewers with its beautiful petals in shades of blue-purple, purple, white, and various other colors. On the other hand, Clematis blooms slightly later than Tessen, and there are varieties that continue to bloom until around October.