That being said, this took place inside the greenhouse of the “Sakuyakonohana-kan” that was built on the site of the Osaka Expo. “Ippe” is the name used in Okinawa, while in its native Brazil and Colombia it is called “Ipe.” Its Japanese name is “Koganenousen.” It grows to a height of over 5 meters and can become a large tree that exceeds 10 meters in height. Its bright yellow flowers bloom from spring to early summer on these large trees, and it is loved in Brazil as the national flower, much like cherry blossoms in Japan. The Jacaranda tree from Australia, the Spathodea (flame tree) from West Africa, and the Spathodea (Chinese phoenix tree) from Madagascar are called the three great flowering trees of the world, but the Ipe is sometimes included to make it the four great flowering trees of the world. It can be found throughout Okinawa in Japan, but only in warm regions such as Kyushu and Izu. By the way, it is called “Golden Tree” or “Sunshine Tree” in English.
と言っても、大阪花博の跡にできた「咲くやこの花館」の温室内でのこと。イッペーと言うのは沖縄県での呼び名で、原産地のブラジルやコロンビアでは「イペー」と呼んでいます。和名は「コガネノウゼン」です。樹高は5m以上になり、高くなれば10mを超える大木にもなります。その大木に春から初夏にかけて明るい黄色の花が満開になり、ブラジルでは国花として日本における桜のように親しまれています。オーストラリアのジャカランダ(紫雲木)、西アフリカのスパトデア(火焔木) 、マダガスカルのホウオウボク(鳳凰木)を世界三大花木と呼びますが、このイペーを加えて世界四大花木と呼ばれることがあります。日本では、沖縄では至る所にみられますが、九州や伊豆などの暖かい地域にしか見られません。ちなみに英名では「ゴールデンツリー」とか「サンシャインツリー」と呼ばれています。