In December 2022, ChatGTP was released, followed by Bard in May 2023, marking the onset of the AI era in which the information society has further evolved. There are diverse opinions on how we, as human beings, should utilize AI, ranging from hope to concern. I asked both AIs, “What is Mother’s Day?” Although their answers were similar in essence, let me introduce new Bard’s response. ‘Mother’s Day is a day to express gratitude for the daily hardships of mothers and to show love for them. In the United States, it dates back to Anne Jarvis, who mourned her deceased mother in church, and is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in May. Following suit, Japan celebrates Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May every year. Mother’s Day is a day to convey gratitude to one’s mother. Let’s express our gratitude by giving flowers, writing letters, going out to eat, or giving presents to our mothers. Mother’s Day is also a day to deepen family ties. Spend time with your mother, siblings, and family members to strengthen your family bonds.'”