When it comes to the iconic symbol of the world-renowned brand Chanel, it is the ‘CC mark’ or ‘Coco Mark,’ representing the initials of Coco Chanel. Another motif equally popular as the CC mark in Chanel’s designs is the camellia. The scientific name for camellia is ‘Camellia japonica,’ referring to the Japanese-origin flower known as ‘tsubaki.’ During the Edo period, camellias gained popularity among missionaries, and the botanist Georg Kamel, who was also in the Philippines at the time, brought them to Europe for the first time.
The camellia became known as ‘camellia’ in Europe, named after Kamel. It quickly gained popularity across Europe, even inspiring an opera called ‘La Dame aux Camélias’ (The Lady of the Camellias). The founder of Chanel, Coco Chanel, was deeply moved when she saw this opera at the age of 13. Influenced by the opera, she developed a love for camellias. Arthur Capel, Coco Chanel’s lover and a key figure in the early days of Chanel, is said to have gifted her a pure white camellia. Coco later expressed, ‘The Lady of the Camellias was my life,’ indicating the profound impact it had on her. The apartment where Coco Chanel lived still bears numerous camellia decorations, reflecting her enduring affection for this flower.
世界のブランド、シャネルのアイコンといえば、ココ・シャネルのイニシャルである「CCマーク(ココマーク)」です。そのCCマークと同じぐらい人気のあるシャネルのモチーフになっているのがカメリアです。カメリアの学名は「Camellia japonica(カメリア・ジャポニカ)」といい、日本原産の花である「椿」のことです。この椿が江戸時代に宣教師たちの間で人気になり、当時フィリピンにいた植物学者でもあるゲオルク・ヨーゼフ・カメルが初めてヨーロッパに持ち帰りました。