陽は高く あすなき春の 紫蘭かな

In the afternoon, when walking along the promenade along the river, a group of purple orchids are shining brightly. The appearance in repelling the shining light makes me feel not only the beautiful but also the strength that can not be thought of as an orchid. I’ve been chasing the plums, chasing the cherry blossoms, and the spring flowers that bloom one after another, but April is about to be over. I am grateful to the flowers for having given me the joy of regeneration and for giving me the courage against the scorching hot of summer ahead.


熊野古道 信達の宿は 藤盛り

Shindachi in Sennan city in the southern part of Osaka was once a post town on the Kumano-highway. The old house Kajimoto House is located on the highway that still retains the old streetscape. Inside the mansion, there is the famous Noda Wisteria, which is is over 40 years old and has 40,000 flower clusters on only one tree. In April when the wisteria is in full bloom, it will be open to the public and the “Wisteria Festival” will be held. During the festival, an observatory stand is set up next to the wisteria trellis, and the wisteria flowers that spread under the eyes are like a purple sea of clouds. Unfortunately the “WisteriaFestival” was canceled this year, but Noda Wisteria is even better than usual.


あざみ咲き スマホで聞くや ニニロッソ

♪♪♪ あざみの歌 ♪♪♪

“Azami no Uta” was first broadcast in 1949 as NHK’s “Radio Kayo (the Song for Raido).” In 1951, Hisao Ito made a record and became a huge hit, and became “Kokumin Kayo (the Song for Public).” The lyrics were written by Hiroshi Yokoi, who was 18 years old when he returned to Japan in 1945, at the Yashima Plateau in Shimosuwa, where he was living. The music was composed by Hideaki Yasu, also known as “Sakuragai-no-uta”. A monument to this song is built on the Yashima Plateau in Kirigamine. Nini Rosso being famous as trumpet player liked this song very much and played it immediately.


異国から 春眠破る ケーナの音

I received a message from a foreign friend on Facebook while sleeping in the morning. It is a music video with a message of “Good morning” when I open it. I woke up at once. A Facebook friend from Brazil sent me a video message of Kena music. “Good morning” when you open it with a drowsy eye. It was a beautiful music and my drowsiness was blown away at once. Now it has changed into such an era. Everything is globalized, and voices, photos, and videos arrive instantly. Half of my Facebook friends are also foreigners. On the other hand, the infectious disease of coronavirus spreads to the world in an instant too. Such as this, there are many aspects in which human consciousness does not keep up with the changes of the times.

ブラジルのFacebook の友達からケーナの動画メッセージが送られてきました。寝ぼけ眼でそれを開くと「Good morning」。美しい曲で、眠気がいっぺんに吹き飛んでしまいました。今はこう言う時代なんですね。何もかもがグローバル化して、しかも瞬時にして声も写真も動画も届く。Facebook のお友達も半分は外国人です。反面、コロナウィルスの感染症も瞬く内に世界に広まる。どうも人間の意識が時代の変化に対応し切れていない面も多々ありますね。

侘しくも 春陽は沈む 高野道

Koyasan, a sacred place opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai, has been gathering the faith of many people for about 1200 years. The highway for visiting Koyasan has been gradually improved since the Heian era, and several highways in Osaka Prefecture merged near Kawachinagano, and eventually became known as the “Koya Highway.” During the Edo period, the Koyasan pilgrimage became a big boom, and a post town was formed along the way, and it became the standard practice to give the various kinds of rice balls, steamed buns and rice cakes to the pilgrims.


雲南の 霞が晴れて 金椿

Tsubaki is a flower that has been popular among Japanese people as it is sung in Manyoshu. The single flower vase of the Toko-no-ma and of the tea room are symbols of Japanese culture. Red flowers are common, but there are also white camellias, white camellia with red spots, pink, and even black camellias. However, in 1965, a yellow camellia was found deep in the mountains of Yunnan, China, which was a big news. It was named “Kinkacha (Golden Camellia) . And it was designated as a Chinese natural monument and was temporarily prohibited from taking it out of the country. The yellow camellia first came to Japan in 1980, and it quickly spread among connoisseurs. Originally it is a single bloom that makes bright yellow flowers bloom, but now the variety improvement has progressed, there are various yellow camellias such as “Yellow”.


風光る ウィルスもなんのと 鯉のぼり

In the nearby park, carp streamers began to swim early in the sunshine of spring. The momentum of infectious diseases caused by coronavirus does not stop. The call to refrain from unnecessary trips extends to the park. Perhaps because of that, there seems to be less crowded than usual, but at least if I do not come out only here, I will be choked. When you walk in the grove avoiding contact with people as much as possible, the young sprouts stand out. I feel like I’m finally alive.


陽は落ちて 勿忘草に 小糠雨

One spring day, Knight Rudolf and the beautiful Maiden Berta were taking a walk along the Danube. By chance, when Berta suddenly looked at the waterside, bright blue florets were blooming. Rudolph reached out to pick the riverside flowers for his beloved Berta. At that moment Rudolf slips and falls into the rapids. He desperately struggled with the strong current, but he couldn’t beat the Danube rapids. Rudolf realized that he could no longer save his life and shouted, “Don’t forget me! (Vergiss-mein-nicht!)”, Threw the flower he had in hand to Bertha on the shore and sank to the bottom of the Danube.The small blue flowers on the banks of the Danube were forget-me-nots.


蜜蜂の 羽音も嬉し 姫リンゴ

Apple flowers are pink when they are buds, but become white as the flowers open, and become pure white when they bloom. The flowering period is short and the apple farmers who have to pick flowers during this period are very busy. However, there are also red flower apples like the photo among ones. This is a pollinating tree called Maypole apple, not an apple tree for fruit purposes. The flowers are red and beautiful, so now they are mainly used for viewing.


ネモフィラに そよ風走る 波の跡

When the gentle breeze of spring runs over the blooming nemophila, waves gently occur. Nemophila has a cute name, such as the Japanese name “Ruri-karakusa ” and the English name “Baby blue eyes”. Native to the United States, it was introduced to Japan more than 100 years ago in 1877, but it was unknown to us Japanese until recently. Even in gardening, it was only a secondary to other popular flowers. However, in 2001, at the “National Hitachi Seaside Park” in Ibaraki Prefecture, we realized a production in which a quiet nemophila was the protagonist. Every one flower is small and sober, but it was shocking to plant it on a vast hill. Nemophila spread all over the country in an instant.

一面に咲いたネモフィラに春のそよ風が走ると、穏やかにウェーブが起こります。ネモフィラの和名は「瑠璃唐草」、そして英名は「Baby blue eyes」と言うようにどちらも可愛い名前が付いています。アメリカ原産で、日本には100年以上前の1877年に持ち込まれましたが、近年まで私たち日本人にとってあまり知られていませんでした。ガーデニング等でも他のポピュラーな花々の引き立て役にしか過ぎませんでした。しかし、2001年に茨城県の「国営ひたち海浜公園」で、おとなしめなネモフィラを敢えて主役とする演出を実現させたのです。一花一花では小さくて地味ですが、広大な丘一面に植えたことで衝撃が走りました。瞬くうちに全国に広まったのです。