異国から 春眠破る ケーナの音

I received a message from a foreign friend on Facebook while sleeping in the morning. It is a music video with a message of “Good morning” when I open it. I woke up at once. A Facebook friend from Brazil sent me a video message of Kena music. “Good morning” when you open it with a drowsy eye. It was a beautiful music and my drowsiness was blown away at once. Now it has changed into such an era. Everything is globalized, and voices, photos, and videos arrive instantly. Half of my Facebook friends are also foreigners. On the other hand, the infectious disease of coronavirus spreads to the world in an instant too. Such as this, there are many aspects in which human consciousness does not keep up with the changes of the times.

ブラジルのFacebook の友達からケーナの動画メッセージが送られてきました。寝ぼけ眼でそれを開くと「Good morning」。美しい曲で、眠気がいっぺんに吹き飛んでしまいました。今はこう言う時代なんですね。何もかもがグローバル化して、しかも瞬時にして声も写真も動画も届く。Facebook のお友達も半分は外国人です。反面、コロナウィルスの感染症も瞬く内に世界に広まる。どうも人間の意識が時代の変化に対応し切れていない面も多々ありますね。