Cherry blossoms at the famous temple Negoro-ji Temple in Iwade City, Kishu Wakayama Pre.have begun to dance. Cherry blossoms scattered in the pond at the precincts covered the surface of the water out, and the Shouten-do (Gyoja-do) standing beside the pond is been reflecting on the surface of the water with the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossom viewers are sparse due to the influence of the coronavirus, but the scenery transitions remain unchanged this year too.
紀州和歌山県岩出市にある名刹根来寺の桜が舞い始めました。 境内の聖天池にも散った桜がいちめんに広がり、池の傍に立つ聖天堂(行者堂)が桜と共に水面に映っています。コロナウイルスの影響でお花見客は少ないですが、折節の変わる景色は今年も変わりません。