Today, the temperature has exceeded 25 ° for the first time this year. It’s “summer day”. Perhaps because of the temperature, or because it was just lunch time, there were only a few people who passed each other, and Nocturne No. 21 hearing from the smartphone sounded particularly lonely. Only the young leaves of the trees and the green undergrowth stand out. It is shown on TV that even though it is a golden week, there are few passengers on the Shinkansen and airplanes and are few cars on the expressway. Perhaps we are spending days recorded in history.
今日は今年初めて気温25°を越しました。夏日です。いつもの散歩道は、そのせいか、それとも丁度お昼時だったからか、すれ違った人もほんの数人で、スマホから流れてくる ノクターンの21番も格別寂しく聞こえました。木々の若葉や緑色に輝く下草だけが目立ちます。テレビでは、ゴールデンウィークだというのに、新幹線や飛行機の客はほとんどなく、閑散とした高速道路が映し出されています。多分、私達は歴史に残る様な日々を送っているのです。