The Nichinichiso shown in the photo is a new variety called “Nichinichiso cup bloom” and is very popular. The Nichinichiso is a flower that blooms with a lot of energy even under the hot summer sun with smiling. Strong against exhaust gas, durable and long-lasting, it continues to bloom from early summer to autumn. However, the life of each flower is short, a few days. Madagascar island in the Indian Ocean, as the English name is Madagascar periwinkle, is native to the island. And it was introduced to Japan in the Edo period as early and has been loved by the common people to this day.
写真の日日草は「日日草のカップ咲き」と呼ばれる新品種で、とても人気があります。日日草は、夏の炎天下にも元気いっぱい、微笑むように咲く花です。排ガスにも強く、丈夫で長持ち、初夏から秋口まで咲き続けます。と言っても、一つ一つの花の寿命は短く、2、3日です。英名がMadagascar periwinkleと言うようにインド洋に浮かぶマダガスカル島が原産ですが、日本には早く江戸時代には伝わり、庶民にも親しまれてきました。