Tachi Aoi is also called Rainy season Aoi because it starts blooming just before the rainy season, and flowers gradually grow from the bottom, and flowering progresses to the top of the flower stem at the end of the rainy season. Flowers such as pink, yellow, and dark purple are similar to hibiscus, but because they are native to Asia, they have a somewhat Japanese atmosphere. Since it was been sung in Manyoshu far old times, it has been familiar with people and has signaled the arrival of summer. These traditional flowers are suitable for ornamental use, but many have also been used for medicinal purposes.
立葵は、ちょうど梅雨入りの頃に咲き始め、下から段々と花を付けて、梅雨明けの頃には花茎の頭頂部まで開花が進むので、梅雨葵とも呼ばれます。ピンク、黄色、濃い紫色などの花はハイビスカスに似ていますが、アジア原産なのでどことなく和の雰囲気が漂う花です。 古くは万葉集にも歌い込まれていますから、人との馴染みは深く、夏の訪れを知らせてきました。こうした伝統的な花は、鑑賞用にも向いていますが、多くは薬用にも供されてきました。