食べ頃の 桃を見上げて 盆を待つ

It’s likely to be the Extremely hot day today. Recently Midsummer days and Extremely hot days are alternating every day. It was late after the rainy season, and It is just a week ago that entered a full-scale summer. In the average year, the peak temperature of the summer is on the Risshu-day, August 7th, and then the temperature starts to drop gradually, and by the time of the Bon Festival, the Tsukutsuku cicadas , who announces the arrival of autumn, begins to sing. However, it is predicted that the heat will not diminish after the Bon Festival this year. The changes of the natural environment may have caused the new coronavirus or the abnormal weather.


浦上の 鐘に合わせて 蝉時雨

ゆっくり聞いてください。Please take your time and listen.

Kazuo Ishiguro said in a message that his mother, who was exposed to the atomic bomb in his teens, had a peaceful life afterwards and August 9 is “not only fear and sadness, but also a day to conquer hardships and evoke hope”. He appealed that modern civilized society is fragile and that international cooperation and understanding are important, “We continue to be at great risk, and human life is of supreme value. Let’s keep that in mind.”

長崎原爆から75年となる9日、長崎市出身のノーベル賞作家カズオ・イシグロさんがメッセージをホームページで公開しました。 カズオ・イシグロさんはメッセージで、10代で被爆した母親がその後、平穏な人生を送れたことに触れ、8月9日は「恐怖と悲しみだけでなく、苦難からの克服と希望を想起させる日」と書きました。現代の文明社会が脆弱であり、国際協力と国際理解が重要だと訴えたうえで、「私たちは大きな危険にさらされ続けていること、そして人間の命こそが至上の価値を持つものであることを心に留めましょう」と呼びかけました。

スマホから 暑中見舞いで 頑張ろう

In Japan, it is customary to send sympathies in the summer and send New Year cards in the New Year. The purpose of the summer greeting is to make sure they are staying healthy in the hot-summer. Until now, it was common to send them by postcard, but recently, more and more people are sending via smartphone. Moreover, it is also a feature that it is now sent to an unspecified number of people on Facebook and Twitter, not to individuals. In Europe and America, it seems that there is no custom to send a greeting card in the summer, but there is a custom to send Greeting Cards to all occasions such as Christmas cards, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, birthday, marriage, childbirth, and entrance and graduation celebrations.

日本では、暑中お見舞いや年賀状を送る習慣があります。暑中見舞いは厳しい暑さに相手の安否を伺うために送ります。今まではもっぱら郵便局の葉書で出すのが習慣でしたが、最近はスマホで送る人も多くなりました。しかも個人宛てにではなく、FacebookやTwitterで不特定多数の人達に送る様になったのも特徴です。欧米では、暑中見舞いを送る習慣は無さそうですが、クリスマスカードをはじめ、バレンタイン、サンクスギビング、誕生日、結婚、出産、入学や卒業祝いなど、あらゆる機会にGreeting Cardsを送り合う習慣があります。

戦後七十五 百合と語らう ステイホーム

I felt pity for lilies blooming in a burning garden, so I cut it and put it in a vase. Was it really good for Yuri? Anyway, listening to the quietly flowing Mozart requiem, I talked to the lilies about the 75 years after the war. Even if we say to talk to each other, it is only I to be able speak. They are just listening. Still, they listen carefully and nod gently. 75 years seem to be long or short to me. There were many things sad or happy during the time. Times also have dramatically changed. School children going home from school are passing by in front of the house, but no one has a figure only with a pair of pants and a running shirt.


8・6 リメンバーひろしま 希求平和

Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. It’s the most stupid and cruel act of history. In the 75 years since then, nuclear weapons have continued to be created without any reflection, with 70,000 nuclear weapons being produced at the peak, and nine countries now have 15,850 nuclear weapons. North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons has been becoming a hot topic, but additionally there is also concern about the possibility that countries will newly acquire nuclear weapons, and the possibility that non-state actors such as terrorist organizations will acquire and use nuclear weapons. It’s the current situation.

1945年8月6日広島に原子爆弾が投下されました。歴史上最も愚かで残虐な行為です。それから75年、何の反省もなく核は作り続けられ、ピーク時には七万発もの核が作られ、今では9カ国が15,850基の核を保有しています。北朝鮮の核保有が話題になっていますが、さらに核兵器を新たに取得する国が現れる可能性、国だけでなくテロ組織な ど非国家主体が核兵器を取得・使用する可能性も懸念されているのが現状です。

見るからに 魔性を秘めた トリカブト

There were some Aconite clusters on the way from Shiomi-dake to Aino-dake in the Southern Alps. I got hooked and took a picture. Some time after that, I was surprised to hear that the “Aconite insurance murder case” was reported. Only then did I find that aconite was a terrifying flower. It is said to be one of Japan’s three major poisonous plants along with Doku-utsugi and Doku-zeri. Especially, Ezo-aconite is highly toxic, and was used by applying it to the tip of the spear when the Ainu captures the bear. It seems that the poison was painted on the tip of the arrow even during the Warring States period. It contains poison in whole aconite from roots to the tip of flowers and leaves, so never touch it even if you see it in the fields or mountains.


老画家が じっと見つめる 夏穂高

An old painter in a bright red T-shirt rests his brush and is staring at the Hotaka Mountains from near the Kappabashi bridge, which is over the Azusa River in Kamikochi. Most of the canvas paintings are completed, but I wonder if there is something he hasn’t drawn yet. It’s been over fifty years since I first visited here. I can’t forget the deliciousness of juice made by dissolving powdered juice in water of the Azusa River. Memories of my young days when I wandered the Hotaka Mountains come back to me in quick succession. This old painter must be staring at the peaks of Hotaka with the same thought.


奥飛騨の ヒグラシ迎える 今日の宿

In the old days, from Kansai region, I used to go to Kamikochi via Matsumoto city in Nagano prefecture, and to Norikura mountain via Takayama city in Gifu prefecture. Since the Abou Tunnel opened in 1997 at the border between Nagano and Gifu prefectures, to get to Kamikochi, the route via Hida Takayama is now closer. Hirayu Onsen, which used to be the rustic hot spring in Okuhida in the past, has come to the forefront, and nowadays many inns and hotels line up, and in the summer, it is very busy with mountaineers and tourists. It’s a great feeling to relax in the hot spring in preparation for tomorrow’s mountaineering.


短夜の 線香花火は 物語り

On summer nights, adults feel a strong temptation for children to play with sparklers while sitting on a chaise lounge in a small garden. This will bring back the dreams of their childhood. Memories of familiar people who are not in the world now are recalled. …In fact, the way in which this sparkler burns has “introduction, development and final “, “introduction, development, turn and conclusion”, poetry, and music.

This is extracts of Torahiko Terada’s “Sparkler.” People identify their lives with sparklers that change instantly like peony, pine needles, willow, chrysanthemum.



風鈴に 簾(すだれ)が揺れて 心太(ところてん)

On July 31, yesterday, the rainy season finally opened in the Kinki region, 10 days later than normal. It is finally the start of summer in full swing from today. This year we have been fighting the coronavirus since the beginning of the year and we are still in the middle of it now. If it is flu, it will subside in the summer, but the new coronavirus is regaining momentum far from weakening. Global warming seems to be the cause of the late rainy season and the new coronavirus in the summer. The earth is becoming harder for humans to live in and cheaper for viruses.
