初々し 紅いほっぺの 姫りんご

Hime-Ringo (princess apple) is spherical and 2-2.5 cm in diameter. When ripe, it turns from yellow to crimson and bears cute little fruits. In Japan, even ripe ones have a strong acidity, so their edible value is low, and because of the cuteness of flowers and fruits, they are popular for ornamental purposes such as bonsai and garden trees. However, the “Ringo-ame (candy apple)” that you can see at festival stalls is a variety called “Otome of the Alps”, and the skin is astringent, the flesh is a little hard, and you can feel the sweetness and sourness firmly, and it has a small but rich taste. It is characteristic.


初冠雪 いよいよ秋の 大号令

The first snowfall was observed on Mt. Fuji on the morning of September 28th. The first snowfall on Mt. Fuji was observed two days earlier than normal and 24 days earlier than last year. Autumn is finally here. The arrival of autumn in the Japanese archipelago, which is long from Okinawa to Hokkaido from north to south, varies. The cherry blossom front moves north in spring and the autumn leaves front moves north in autumn. And when the front comes to Mt. Fuji, which is located in the center of the Japanese archipelago, its season is at its peak. Since ancient times, informations on Mt. Fuji has spread all over Japan in a blink of an eye. There is no mountain in the world that is loved and adored by all the people.


夕照に キバナコスモスと フラメンコ

When I finished shopping in the evening and walked down the road, Kibana cosmos was in full bloom in the evening sun. When the cool evening breeze blows through, it sways to the right and to the left. Unlike ordinary delicate cosmos, Kibana cosmos is tall and wild, as if a dancer is dancing flamenco. When I approached and tried to take a picture, my shadow overlapped and I was dancing flamenco together.


解禁の 初伊勢海老で 旬な秋

The long beard and the bent waist of Ise shrimp are considered to be a symbol of longevity and are known as auspicious food. The ban on Ise shrimp fishing has been lifted in various parts of Japan from September to next April, and the best season for one is from October to January. You can enjoy the poppable Ise shrimp dishes. Especially, it is an indispensable ingredient for New Year’s osechi dishes. The body length is usually about 20-30 cm, but in April 2017, the largest individual in Japan with a body length of 38.5 cm and a weight of 2.33 kg was landed in Shima City, Mie Prefecture. It will take about 20 years to grow to this point. Ise shrimp is also famous for surprising cry in surprise.

伊勢えびの長いヒゲと曲がった腰を持つ姿は長寿のシンボルとされ、縁起の良い食べ物として知られています。9月~4月に日本各地で漁が解禁され、旬は10月~1月ごろ。ぷりぷりの伊勢えび料理を味わえます。特にお正月のお節料理には欠かせない食材です。体長は通常20 – 30cmほどで、日本では2017年4月に体長38.5cm、体重2.33kgという国内最大クラスの個体が三重県志摩市で水揚げされました。ここまで成長するには20年ほど掛かるそうです。また伊勢えびは驚くとギーギーと鳴くことでも有名です。

咲残り グラジオラス に 偲ぶ夏

Gladiolus, which blooms many flowers on its slender spikes, is one of the popular flowers that decorate the flowerbed in summer. Characterized by hard leaves shaped like a sword, the scientific name Gladiolus means “small sword” in Latin and is named after the shape of the leaves and buds. Just past the equinoctial week in autumn, I noticed a gladiolus in full bloom. It has gentle flowers that do not resemble the characteristic names. It is a rare variety. This Gladiolus is blending into the autumn atmosphere without greedily competing for beauty.

すらりと伸びた花穂に沢山の花を咲かすグラジオラス は、夏の花壇を彩るポピュラーな花のひとつです。剣のような形の硬い葉が特徴で、学名のグラジオラス(Gladiorus)はラテン語で「小さな剣」という意味があり、葉や蕾の形からつけられています。秋の彼岸を過ぎたばかりの今、ポツンとひとつ咲いているグラジオラス が目に留まりました。特徴を表す名に似ず優しい花を咲かせています。珍しい品種です。妍(けん)を競うでなく、秋にふさわしいグラジオラス です。

日溜りに リンドウ咲いて 滝の音

In the olden days, Rindoh was often found on the ridges of rice fields on the outskirts of town. Recently, I don’t see much in country mountains. Even so, on the equinoctial week Rindoh is almost always attached to the flowers offered to the graves or to the flowers in front of the Buddhist altar. For some reason, it remains a bud. The Rindoh that blooms in the plateaus and mountains is dark purple and has bell-shaped flowers that bloom toward the sky. Along with Kikyo, it is a flower that represents autumn, and its chic colors heal our heart. Although it is written in kanji as “dragon’s liver”, it is also used as a stomach medicine in Chinese medicine and is very bitter, so it got this name. The flower language is “I love you best when you are sad”.

リンドウは昔は町外れの田んぼの畦道にもよく見かけたものです。最近は里山でもあまり見かけなくなりました。それでもお彼岸のお墓参りや仏前にお供えするお花には必ずと言っていいほどリンドウが添えられています。それも何故か決まって蕾のままです。高原や山野に咲くリンドウは濃紫色で釣り鐘状の花を空に向かって咲かせます。キキョウとともに秋を代表する花で、シックな色合いが心を癒します。漢字で「竜胆」と書きますが、漢方の胃薬としても使われ、とても苦いのでこの名がつきました。花言葉は「I love you best when you are sad(悲しんでいるあなたを愛する)」です。

四万十の 更け行く秋の 花便り

Typhoon No. 12 did not land in the end, and it seems that it will move north over the eastern sea of Japan and become a tropical cyclone. It was good. This year’s typhoons have continued abnormally, and so far no typhoons have landed on the mainland (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Hokkaido). It is said that landing 0 until September is the first time in 11 years. The first typhoon occurred on May 12th, which is unusually late, and the second typhoon in June and 0 in July mean that there are two typhoons that have occurred by July, so this is also abnormal. The number of typhoons increased in quick succession in August, and typhoon No. 10 that occurred on September 1 was a super-large one that was rarely seen in the history of observation and even issued a “special warning”, but it did not land in the end and we got it finished without large troubles. Typhoon No. 19, which landed in Chiba last year and caused enormous damage, was in early October, so it’s best to be alert. Anyway, it’s sure that the whole earth seems to be crazy.


見るほどに 恐や赤しや 曼珠沙華

This flower has various names such as “Manjushage”, “Manjushaka”, and “Higanbana”. “Manjushaka” is a name that comes from Sanskrit “manjusaka” and means “a flower that blooms in heaven”, which means a congratulatory flower. On the other hand, there are also some scary names such as “Dead person’s Flower”, “Ghost Flower”, and “Hell Flower”. At first glance, it is gorgeous, but it is a mysterious flower hiding devilish character. While the flowers are in bloom, there are no leaves at all, and when they are finished blooming, the leaves come out, and the bulb looks like lily bulb, but they contain deadly poison.


彼岸花 見つつお萩の 此岸かな

The golden rice is spreading all around, and the bright red cluster amaryllis are scattered and blooming. It is a blissful time and the paradise of this world to sit on the engawa where the cool autumn breeze blows, eat the hagi, and look at the scenery of the equinoctial week in front of me. Autumn equinoctial week is a time when only the lives that have survived the harsh heat, bloomed, and lived can be met and enjoyed.


彼岸花 咲いて華やぐ 辻地蔵

When I go down the village road, it becomes a fork, and a small shrine stands at the corner. Jizo is enshrined inside and is watching over the people who pass by. It’s usually a murky and inconspicuous shrine, but the cluster amaryllis is in full bloom around it, and it’s a lively landscape even if there are no people. When I ring the bell with the red string and put the money in the money box of the candy can, the sound of some money will bounce back. It makes me heartwarming to think of Tsuji Jizo, who has been protecting the villagers and the passers-by on rainy days, windy days, snowy days, and hot sun days.
