From Kurama Station, the end point of the Eizan Electric Railway, go through Kurama Temple, walk along the foot of Mt. Kurama, and walk down to the Kibune River. Kibune Shrine is across the river. Izumi Shikibu, a poet from the Heian period, visited Kifune Shrine to heal the change of heart of her husband, Michisada Tachibana. And she dedicated a waka poem to the god of Kibune, hoping for a reconciliation with her husband. Then there was a reply from God saying that the wish would surely be fulfilled, and as God tells her, she was able to regain her husband’s love. To share good luck, it is said that lifelong happiness can be obtained by writing a wish in the “matchmaking sentence” of the shrine and praying to the god of worship. On the way down the Kibune River, there are many restaurants and inns with riverbed tatami mats, which are visited by many tourists in the summer. Now that the leaves have fallen, the hidden inn is completely visible from the bare trees.
叡山電車の終点、鞍馬駅から鞍馬寺を経て、鞍馬山の山裾を沢伝いに歩いて降りて行くと貴船川にでます。その川向かいに貴船神社があります。平安時代の歌人、和泉式部が夫、 橘道貞の心変わりを癒そうと貴船神社に参詣し、「もの思へば 沢の蛍もわが身より あくがれ出づる 魂かとぞ見る」と復縁を願ったところ、貴船の神から「奥山にたぎりて落つる滝つ瀬の玉散るばかりものな思ひそ」と返歌があり、夫の愛を取り戻すことができたという言い伝えがあります。その故事にあやかって、神社の「結び文」に願い事を書き、祭神に祈願すると生涯の幸福が得られるそうです。貴船川を下る道筋には川床座敷を用意した料理屋や料理旅館が何軒もあり、夏には多くの観光客が訪れます。今は落葉も終わり、丸裸の木々からは隠れ宿も丸見えです。